Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The meaning of 5 D reality (channeled message with archangel Haniel)


In this article I want to explain shortly with the help of arch. Haniel, about the difference between dimensions. What are dimensions and how we go higher or between different planes.

What are dimensions?

   We live in a reality, but the way we view this reality is 1. subjective, individual and 2. complex or simple. Dimension is kind of a reality board (like a game), which can become more complicated, have many levels and multiple paths of existence. That’s what we see or perceive as reality.

         What I can call “simple 3D reality” looks like a flat board. You can see things only from one perspective and that is yours. (even if you try to consider others perspectives, you dont see them). You see it so because you can use only simple physical tools (your physical senses) to perceive this reality. In this way you identify WITH this reality, and usually cant help but identify your physical body with this 3D reality. Your view is subjective and simple. Subjective means you see the reality according to your understanding, knowledge, social background and believe systems. So you believe this is reality. (For example for one Christian, or one Buddhist reality will exist according to their believes.)

To put it shortly, reality is the way you think, feel and identify with the physical world, or 3D plane. In this 3 D plane you can not change many things as they are fixed (like in a game).

What is 5D and Hyper reality?

         Now imagine this game becomes more complicated and complex. There are multiple stories and paths to choose. 4D and 5D are Higher realities which are available to us as souls. Everyone has many kind of experiences. We already experience 5D plane is dreams, even it`s Astral plane and it is different category. Imagine you can use bigger part of your brain, and feel the energies around in higher levels. That means you have enhanced psychic abilities, and your higher senses are activated. Your sense of hearing” is developed to “clear hearing” or clairaudience; You develop your clairvoyance, clairgustance (clear taste), clear knowing, clear feeling.

You also can feel better what others feel, or listen the thoughts of others.

That happens gradually. When you were baby or child, you don’t start seeing, hearing, and understanding colours at once. It takes time. The same is with developing higher senses. You will need longer periods of time in order to enhance each of your higher senses.

 The higher level you ascend, the better connection with your senses becomes, and the better you can connect with realms of angels. That’s a process, called Ascension”. We go through this process in many different ways, according to soul mission, and to our personal knowledge.

         5D is a hyper reality, connected with more complex state of mind and higher development of all energy. In this plane we can experience world in different way, because material objects will turn in tools and lose their value. After 5D we put focus on energy, healing, elements, and Spiritual experiences. 3D means we are considering our emotions and integrating lower chakras in process of perceiving the reality. 5D means we are no longer tied with chains to the physical reality, as we have multiple Spiritual choices.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Tarot intuitive 

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