Thursday, December 24, 2020

Spaces of Astral Projection -III

Part III

 Astral Spaces & Space after Death

         These are spaces of sub-realities (spiritual realities) which are related to our Soul, and created by Astral projection. We travel to these places in time of meditation, dreams, lucid dreaming, regression, or connection with other Souls. First in order to create such space you need to have pure and cleanse Heart chakra, and to have more meditation practices. 

(For information, if you are in advanced position, or develop any psychic ability, your meditation needs to be at least 40-60 min a day).

Creating the space will be quite easy and will come spontaneously through your sub-conscious. The astral space will be usually related to your strongest element in body.

Astral spaces are very often in open nature, they have some of the following elements: water source (river, lake, sea, waterfall); garden, flowers, trees, mountain, forest; they have also special light, smell, sound and you can sense the presence of your angels.

Astral spaces are like creating a scene of video game; you can move in it and expand your experiences in your Astral body. For example my astral space in meditation is a place with beautiful vast lake, there are many trees around, and lotus flowers in the lake; there are sometimes small spring or fountain. This space can be viewed with sun beams or in moon light mode. Also I can meditate to cleanse my aura, or usually talk with my spirit guides and swim in the lake. This lake is only my private space. So no other creatures except me and angels I have invited cant violate this space.

In this space my Astral body is free to make cleansing, healing, or flying and learn protection techniques.


I.               What is the Astral space after death of body

If you have created Astral space, you will most probably appear in it, after the tunnel of light. The spinning spiral of light that your soul travels, has the effect of purging and cleansing all negative and emotional particles from your Celestial body, so you can appear in clean state. It is like shower for the Soul. Also when you go through the tunnel your silver cords related to your physical body will be dissolved and cut. That’s why when you appear in your Astral space after death, you will have very different feelings and mind, which will vibrate in highest frequency.

Depending in your basic element in body, your astral space can be lake in winter, you can see shining pure white snow around; Even so Your Astral body don’t feel” the way as physical body, so it wont be cold, or hot.

     My angels say, the Soul cant feel any heavy emotions, like pain, anger, despair after they go through the tunnel. But they could feel: light confusion, lost, melancholy, sadness. Even so these feelings are much more “light” and they are like touch of feather, compared with feelings of physical body.

When your Celestial body appears in the sacred Astral space, it`s not in the “middle of the nothing”. Now you have beautiful nature surrounding your, and your angels are there. In very rare cases you can see some of your decised family members, but usually they wont appear.

      In this space you can see and talk with your spirit guides and angels, the way you talk with people here, but you will see them as very high frequency light beings. They are here to comfort you and give you some energy boost, as the travel is exhausting for the soul.

Then you meet angels from group of Azrael or Seraphiel, depending on your spiritual level.

     Your Astral space can look in any amazing way, as it is generated by your Soul imprint, and your angels. It can be lagoon, a beach, it can have amazing colours; also waterfall, lake, spring; One of the important thing in this place is it holds your energetic memory or part of it. That means the Astral space can resemble or look similar like space from your dream or meditation. In this space the soul will experience strong feeling of belonging; kind of deja-vu, and feeling of wholeness and joy and purity. That are first feelings of the soul, released from its shell –along with Lightness, freedom and light expansion. After your receive short information for your life mission, and other things, you are going to a temple of archangels of transition. There you meet arch. Metatron, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael; They will give you some energy tools and make short evaluation for you.

In the next stage of transition your soul is going to a place of Rest (or cleansing). Here you are given energy fruit or liquid, that will erase your negative ties and memories from Earth. After short rest, sleep, the soul is ready to go to the next evaluation, which will be with your own guardian angels, spirit guides and angels from group of your mission angel.

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Reiki master I

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