Spiritual charm from angels: Emerald cup (healing) Healing energy from archangel Raphael; any health issues will be resolved soon; be patent and take steps to improve. Reiki practicing.; Pay attention to your nutrition, and self-care.
8 of Cups *
Card of the New moon portal. Around the energy of New moon this month, you will know which direction to go. You need to remove yourself from a person or situation, that doesn’t serve your highest good. Need for some new discovery, road, or time being alone and self-reflection, which will bring you positive results. Need to think deeply on your life purpose or mission. 8 is card of Water element, psychic energy and strong intuition. Also it`s related to your past, maybe past relationship or past life.
Knight of Wands *
You are going on a spiritual quest, where self-discipline, motivation, determination, strength and confidence are essential. Maybe you are on the verge of a change, or desire for change in work. Ask yourself, What is your life mission? What are you passionate about? Are you satisfied with your work, relationship, environment? If answer is “hmm…no”, then go ahead and defend what belongs to you. This fire warrior indicates: new creative ideas about business, inspiration, travel for business purpose. Thinking about vision and goal. Change of the way is possible. Remember, you are a fighter, and nothing is given so easy for you indeed. You need to deserve the victory.
III. Empress *(High priestess of Nature)
Empress is the card of nature connection, going out to
help others, support your family, parents and children. It indicates state of
Open heart to the world, need to discover and feel one with natural world.
Possible short trip in the nature, hiking, or taking care of plants, garden or
animals. It signifies abundance, joy and pleasure in all aspects. Be sure to
give helping hand and appreciation to people who you love.
Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki healer
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