Spiritual charm – White butterfly -1 friendship, sharing spiritual experience, like minded people, soul mate, community, pure heart and trust
XX. Judgement *
This card symbolizes awakening of the soul, Understanding patterns of
life, and bringing clarity to the bigger picture. It`s the 3 rd portal of
spiritual Ascension, that’s why you are now stronger and wiser than your past
self. Be ready to accept energy of purification, self-reflection and
forgiveness. First we look always to our selves before, in order to be awake to
higher consciousness. This is portal of Soul purification, let go of anything
that no longer serves you in the past. Let go of any negative emotions,
criticism, self-doubt or feeling not powerful enough to accomplish your goals.
You are awaken to your highest power now. You realize clearly who you are,
where is your path and what is your mission here.
This card indicates also receiving spiritual guidance from your angels through meditation or dreams. Be open to energy flow and believe.
Spiritual exercise: in order to overcome past emotional burden, write down the negative qualities that you want to release, or anything which you feel its not for your good. That’s part of the “shadow work”. Now write down six positive qualities that you want to have or to strengthen. Observe it daily for at least 1 week in order to see how you will obtain these qualities.
4 of Cups *
This is time for you to take time for self-reflection, meditation, rest
and recuperation. Don’t hurry to make important decisions. Time alone, or
organizing your home space is good. Don’t let sadness or bad mood affect your
life, be persistent and don’t think too much about everything in the future.
You are in the now moment, be present. In this time you can feel overly
sensitive and hurt by reactions of others.
King of Cups *
This King indicates need for safety, stability and emotional control in
your home and family environment. You are the person who takes most
responsibility in your home and provides for your family. You are in need of
peaceful, quiet and nice environment. It`s good to pay attention to Water
element in your home or work place. You can place some bowls with salt water,
plants or water related crystals in your sacred space – like aquamarine,
Celestine, turquoise, clear quartz, blue fluoride. Water calms your emotions,
so you will be in control of your negative feelings, which will affect others
too. You are in peaceful state of mind, in time of giving and receiving love,
harmony and peace in your relationships. It can indicate romantic or sexual
fantasies and dreams.
Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
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