Sunday, November 15, 2020

Numerology -Magic Square and Gateways for year 2020


In this article I observe a method revealed to me by angelic guidance on numerology and energy gateways of year, and what the numbers can tell. 

Year 2020 is year of deep healing, reflection and releasing negative dark patterns. The element of it you need to work more is divine Earth (Cosmic tree) representing roots (grounding, ancestral protection), and growth, seeds, potential. The archangel guardian of this time-space year is Raphael, angel of healing in physical, emotional and mental body. That represents collective healing of humanity, which ascends to higher vibrations and levels in the future. That healing is basis of the Ascension and personal power and development.

      The physical body associated with 4 is backbone, bones, muscles, tendons, teeth, tongue. That means some people may experience hard times either with emotional roots and grounding, or with backbones pain.

       Another special vibration of 2020 is number 2 –arch. Gabriel and element Water, reflection, cleansing, purification of heart. This number resonates with Divine feminine or Mother, and has colour deep blue. It `s element is sea, or lake. 2 resonates with Sacral chakra and reproductive organs, kidneys, ovaries, womb.

 Magic square 2020











    We can observe 2020 is year of deep healing, cleansing and personal reflection, of something we need to let go. In order to achieve ascension and spiritual growth.

This is the mirror year, which means magical reflection of Self, transformation on inner level. That is always hard and long process.

      In the middle of the magic square for 2020 you can see number 5, which means Karmic lessons, personal growth through hardship; separation in order to achieve goal or mission. The middle represents Gateway of Fire and Ether for this year. This is the Gateway of Sun Light. There are 3 Gateways this year in diagonal of the square. The first Gateway represents by number of the year 4. is healing – Gateway of Emerald crystal of Raphael. That means green healing light will be spread through all year.

The second Gateway is in the middle and it`s called Gateway of Sun light. It represents months of major ascension and shifts, which is 5 (may) and arch. Sandalphon. The vibration of this point is Activation of angelic music spheres. (healing through sound and vibration).

When 5 is in position in the middle of Square it has much deeper meaning – of transition, death and rebirth. Guardians of 5 in the middle are angels of Transformation and Other realities: Azrael and Seraphiel. Even 5 represents opening 5 senses and obstacles, you will have the ability to overcome them in the end.

The third Gateway of year is in the direction South-East, and it`s called Moon Gateway (or Silver); It represents number of Divine feminine and Ascension; this year this Gateway guardian is arch. Chamuel with Radiant pink light of 6.  

The Gateway of Emerald crystal -4 starts from Winter Solstice (21-22 of December) (of 2019) and it spreads through the whole year 2020. The second Gateway of Sun starts from Summer solstice in June this year. The third Gateway number (or Moon Portal) Starts is activated in Spring and Autumn equinoxes in 2020 – which vibration is 6 –Universal love and harmony.

     That means each year will start from December 21 (which will be officially New year cycle, not 1 January). And activates the Crystal Gateway.

Challenges of 2020 : we can see clearly that this is year of challenges in many levels. They will be more inner, and in subconsious mind -fears, resistance to change, different blockages. Sum the numbers of the right diagonal of the square (numbers in red - 4+5+6 = 15) to receive the Tarot symbology of major challenge. 15 - XV is The Devil card, refering to shadow side, obsession, not willing to let go, negative emotions and addictions in all physical spheres. That can be obsession to power, food, alcohol, sex or anything else with negative effect for the body. Devil is indeed present in major planet Saturn, which affects the whole year (and sign of Capricorn). 

Aspects of support: The aspect of support we can see clearly as we sum the left diagonal of the square: 7+5+8 = 20 -XX. The Judgement (Awakening) is the the Tarot third Ascension portal. it means the humanity will go through major purification, conscious choices and awakening of Higher self. All things in the past will be cleansed, negative ties will be cut and released; The soul will go through purging, cleansing and releasing anything old. In this process both open Heart and Mind will be required, as well as forgiveness. Ascension cant happen without conscious choices and steps in real life. 

      The Tarot Major Arcane for 2020 are: 4. The Emperor; 2. The High Priestess; XX. The Judgement (Awakening); XIII. Death, rebirth, transformation of reality, other world; V. The Hierophant – lessons, knowledge, religion, belief; Higher Power; Channels of light; Karmic lessons from past; Energy of 5 – Karmic lessons and transformation is spread to all aspects of life.

Thank you for tuning in the numerology and revelation about year 2020!

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

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