I am here to reveal the beautiful, magical and
magnificent world of Tarot cards. Tarot are much more than a divination tool
(even all divinations are not simple). It`s tool for self-transformation,
discovery of the Universal principles, spiritual growth and Occult knowledge.
It holds many keys, which are studied through history since the beginning of
times, and it has one of the richest and complex symbology. I wont talk about
the structure of Tarot cards. But for anyone who has doubt I want to point out –
Tarot is not instrument of witches and wizards, or fortune tellers, and
certainly not demonic tool for evil forces. Even so anyone can make it
according to his own views, desires, interests and primal energy. As people
living on Earth are totally different, Tarot became with multiples facets,
millions ways of reading the symbology and variations. The contemporary Tarot
is a challenge to any beginner in the Occult tarot science, as it is
multi-layered and various. That’s why the first thing to do is following, when
you start reading cards: 1. Make it simple 2. Study it through your own memory
and ways to understand. 3. Practice daily.
In order to study the esoteric puzzle of Tarot I
dedicated much time, but also I have to admit – I received special help from my
spirit guides and angels and Higher self, in order to look deeper and
understand the cards meanings. To look behind the veil, you need not only
desire and energy, but persistence and efforts.
I decided to divide all things into groups, so to
study it better in depth. I cant recommend you that, as everyone has different
approach. Find what is suitable for you and continue on your way.
First of all, in order to understand the principle
of esoteric keys in tarot, it will be very nice to know basic things about
numerology and angelic codes numbers. You can go without that, but for me it
was related to my strong interest to revealing angelic world and messages. Here
I dedicate time to general numerology of Tarot Minor Arcana. This principle as
you will see later in your study, is related to Major Arcana too.
number and each Arcana is related to deep symbols, Spiritual messages, and
holds patterns of Cosmic geometry and universal principles, that rule in Earth
plane. Here is list with basic principles and qualities of all Minor Arcana
Aces ~ represent the energy of Receiving from the
Spirit, (angels, spirit guides), and this is receiving of Personal Power. Aces
hold the divine essence of Spirit (God, Higher Self…) and they are also Cosmic
portals to personal power, related to spiritual growth of Self. (As you can see
in all aces in standard Tarot version is shown a hand stretched from a cloud or
place, which gives a spiritual tool) Aces are related closely to the power of
I. Magician, who works with all elements. They in fact represent different
aspects of Magician, what kind of spiritual tool he is using in order to be
advanced or to help others in need. Magician is a higher Master, who is already
familiar with the elements and he can control his personal power. With the Aces
you have the opportunity to be in control of your power in different
with the Ace of Cups you are opening the
great Portal of Divine Love, Abundance, spiritual wisdom, fertility, joy of
life, psychic gifts, clairvoyance. It`s portal to pure Spiritual essence of
Water element (feminine energy, innocence, nourishing, soothing). It hold the
keys to cleansing, inner purity, love, fulfilment. That is related to all
aspects, but in itself means Purity of heart. Ace of cups is gift to feminine
energy, nurturing inner child, pure love, and deep spiritual connection. That’s
the Gate to what you are Given as a tool. Magician has mastered the element of
Water in ace of cups, he has control over his emotions, psychic gift to see
beyond visible, and purity of heart. Each card Portal is invitation for
awakening and higher consciousness. Imagine arch. Gabriel giving you the cup
with pure angelic water, that cleanse all negative energy from you; it also
gives you magical and psychic abilities, Love and abundance.
of Wands – represent the essence of Fire element. This is the Primal fire of
Universe, holding the keys to motivation, willpower, strength, polishing
personal qualities, endurance, flexibility, passion, dedication to a goal,
being devoted to what you want, persistency, Inspiration. All of these are amazing
qualities of the suit of Wands. They are here the Gift to you from the spirit in
Ace of Wands. As all portals, it`s up to you if you will go through it or stay
in your zone. All Aces also hold energy of New beginning, inspiration, bliss,
enlightenment, Ideas. Imagine Arch. Zadkiel and Arch. Metatron giving you gift
of brilliant wand, which is your Personal power. You can overcome any obstacle
with it.
of Swards – this is the gate to Higher consciousness, mindfulness, clarity,
Truth, Justice and Wisdom in all aspects. In Ace of Swards Magician holds the
keys to mindfulness and wisdom, he sees clearly and distinguish the truth from
falsehood. Ace of Swards is also the gift from Spirit to release and let go of
old negative patterns (habits, believes) that no longer serve your highest
potential. Swards are magical tool representing the essence letting go and
cutting away all attachments and addictions, or old wounds of mind-heart in
relationships. You have this gift now. They also will have meaning of
education, knowledge, study, creativity of mind -writing, reading) Imagine
archangel Michael giving you a lightning blue sward with power of Wisdom,
knowledge and Justice.
of Pentacles } its is Gift of Abundance, manifesting desires, fruitful project,
healing, Health, stability, grounding, integrity, connection with nature,
natural sources, material success and fertility. All possible desires came
truth, but with your constant efforts. It`s gift of Coin – pentacle, which
means balanced act of giving, and receiving, stability, grounding. Here
Magician can earn his independence and controls element Earth in the essence of
Ace of Pentacles. He knows how to use healing techniques with the nature, he is
abundant, because he has all what he wants. You have the same power to manifest
all things in real plane. But it requires patience, slow growing of the seeds,
care and dedication. Nothing comes easily from one day to another. Meditate
with ace of Pentacles, and see arch. Sandalphon giving you gift of Golden talisman
in circle. This is your power now.
Short description of meanings in reading.
the spiritual aspects and symbols of Tarot, most people like to have simple”
reading and have very clear messages from cards. Which could be a bit hard ,if
you are beginner. Here are some variations and meanings of the Aces I suggest.
Ace of Wands - Motion, creativity, spark of passion
for new venture, willpower and persistency to the goal. Also inspiration,
beginning of project, taking back your power, confidence, gaining strength.
Motivation, passion, persistency, flexibility, strength.
Ace of Cups ~ Power of emotions, feelings, love.
Psychic abilities, clairvoyance, dreams come true. Emotional and spiritual
fulfilment. Pure love. Opportunities for new relationship or close friendship.
Filled with joy, spiritual enlightenment, opening psychic senses, finding your
love mate. (feminine)
Ace of Swords ~ Power of mind, thinking, finding
truth, defending the truth, fighting for justice, victory, breakthrough.
Opportunities of mind expansion (study, research, teaching, knowledge).
Ace of Pentacles ~ Power of material resources,
nature, connecting with nature, grounding, physical health, satisfaction.
Growth and prosperity can be in your hands, if you wish. Opportunity of
abundance, new career. That card indicate you are ready for new start of life (like
renovation, or new home, abundance and prosperity).
Aces represent also new pathways (beginning of
journey), opening of new horizons. These cards show the inner force, qualities
and attitudes that the person keeps. We have to understand that aces are a potential
(or inactive power) that can be activated with our Free will, and
self-discipline. It`s like the hand (of god) giving to the viewer from clouds
the opportunity, but it`s in his hands if he will accept the gift or not.
These are my observations of Aces in Tarot, I hope
you enjoyed. Feel free to share my article, ask question or post a comment.
Thank you for tuning in children of Light!
Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master
Tarot intuitive