Sunday, September 25, 2022

New Moon in Libra - Striving for balance & Harmony♎ (+Journaling)


The new Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light in our Third eye, Earth Star chakra. ๐ŸŒ™

The Moon is related to the Third eye in esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination.

    This New moon in sign of Libra comes right after the Autumn equinox –which means we have double energy portal. In this New moon we align and synchronise the Yin (feminine) aspects with the Yang (masculine) aspects within ourselves. That alignment happens first on a subtle spiritual level, then we can feel it as reflection in our emotional and physical body. The New Moon energy is the synchronization of the two with the SUN (Yang) and Moon (Yin) aspects. They represent our inner flow and need of balance between thought-intention-action (Sun) and feeling-dreams-psychic connection (Moon). SO in every New moon our energy is striving for balance – but this is especially valid for the Equinox energy.

New Moon activation Portal ★

In the beautiful Air sign of Libra this new moon we activate qualities of self-love, truth, justice, inner balance and peace, harmonious relationship, partnership, friendship and community. This is perfect moon for working with:

-        your inner child, feeling of joy and happiness

-        appreciating your loved ones 

-        expressing your true self without holding back

-        finding your true soul mission

-        creating inner peace 

Alchemical element –Air ๐ŸŒ’

In this special equinox and New moon in Libra we enhance the element AIR in the body and surrounding. Here are some interesting things about Air you need to know:

  “Air is strong element with Yang power, it has control in the higher planes. This is element of transition, change, movement, speed, travel, Ascension. Air alchemical qualities are: cool, changeable, shape shifter, floating, light, connective, swift. The spheres that Air/ Wind element is establishing power are: study, education, mindfulness, clearing, removing negative energy, Higher consciousness, purity, clarity of Mind..”

 from “Alchemical elements and Symbols” 

Air element in the cardinal sign Libra rules over sharing, self-love, loyalty, partnership, truthfulness, honesty, healthy boundaries. You need to understand that the first person who deserve love is yourself. The way we connect with others is a reflection of our connection with ourselves.

Some interesting question that I suggest to journal at this time are ๐ŸŒ™

        how much do I nurture my inner child?

       How do I feel joy, love and appreciation in my relationships?

        Do I have healthy boundaries?

        Do I speak my truth at all times?

        How much I m open and free in my communication?

       Is my romantic relationship based on love and mutual respect?

        Are my friendships based on love and respect? (how many?)

        Do I nurture the love and positive emotions in my family?

        How do I practise self-love?

       How much time I spend doing things that I love?

                          image: art by Lorie Early 

Libra season & Air connection ♎

In this season you will be taught how to feel connected with all around you, while remaining self-centred; how to create and immerse in inner peace and balance, regardless of the outer environment; how to understand and appreciate love in your life in its many forms, how to balance your Divine feminine and your divine masculine energy; how to feel loved without holding back; how to feel your own self-worth and have confidence. How to show up your best qualities and shine in the world. This kind of perfect balance within is not easy to achieve. But we all are learning it.

In this season we receive lightness of being and angelic codes of Love and joy from arch Chamuel and pink flame angels.

Now is the time to work, meditate and make crystal grid from the beautiful crystals of Libra ๐Ÿ’Ž





We cleanse and open all our chakras with the Pink flame of love and joy and we activate our Heart, and chakras of left and right palm, making balance between giving and receiving Love.

Affirmation of Justice ๐Ÿ’œ

Tarot Major arcana of Libra is 11. Justice. Here is an affirmation of Justice you can repeat each morning to achieve more balance:

I am powerful creator of my destiny; I make choices from my heart, and I accept the consequences. I observe things with clear mind and open heart. My mind is clear and I know what is right for me. I have strong values. I always see the situation from all sides and measure positive and negative. I m in balance. I value honesty, love, tolerance and understanding. I m mindful.

Interested for more? See the following articles:  

๐Ÿฆ”  New Moon in Libra- Striving for balance and harmony. 

๐Ÿ September energy -Angels, Kabbalah, Crystal healing. 

๐Ÿฆ” Channelled message from AA Chamuel (Sept) 

๐Ÿ  Heart chakra - center of Healing (overview)

Thank you for tuning in! You can like, share and subscribe or buy me a coffee. ๐Ÿจ

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s Medium 
Sep. -2022-24 ©

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