Monday, February 26, 2018

Psychological patterns of Transgression -I

This article is dedicated to explain the psychological motives, attitudes and models in mind of people who transgress (commit any kind of crime or behave out of norms). I hope my view to bring different perspective to the known process of psychological motives and throw more light to the process of transgression and its deeper reasons.

     First of all I want to answer the question what is “transgression” and what we think is action to “transgress”. Transgression as it shows the word, is act of crossing the red line, going in the territory of something forbidden and prohibited. Transgressor is crossing the line of taboo, social or ethical norm, his action has usually moral outlines, and it`s viewed as a crime or inappropriate for society. Transgression is always connected with something “over”, above the accepted social and human lows (norms, ethics). The topic of crimes and followed punishments is very sensitive in all eras in societies since the beginning of human lows and social organizations. Here I want to through light on some deeper psychological patterns, that may answer the question “why” ( why Transgressors perform this behavior of crossing the “line” or normality) Is actually this behavior “malice” and what motive stay behind the scene?

     Part of transgression are all ten and more commandments of God (existing in any religion). They are put to organize and validate the moral values and basic lows of society. They are simple, yet powerful rules, that aim to bring peace to all social groups. These are commandments: do not kill, to not commit adultery, steal, lie (in witnessing); while some of them are related obviously to “actions”, others are related to moral values and types of behavior (for example egoistic, rude, aggressive behavior).

What we can say about these transgressions is that mostly they are connected with “sin”, or are result of negative/ imbalanced attitude in some spheres of life. Part of the psychological pattern of person who makes transgression is the point of “braking” the taboo. We have to realize clearly, that the transgressor is actually Aware of his action of malice (evil or unacceptable behavior). He is aware, but he is for some reasons not able to stop himself from doing this action. In pattern of any transgression we notice:

1.      Need to brake the taboo (this is like striving to have something forbidden, the more it is forbidden, the more person is attracted to it)
2.     Transgressions (sins) are ways of Running away from reality (or Self-reality that surrounds the person.
3.      Person who commits such action feels lost or fears to lose something;
4.   Transgressor has need of something. This need or desire is in sub-conscious level, so it`s likely he cant realize it.

      First we need to have in mind, that no person is born with his “transgression” or sin directly. Even if to commit any crime can be part of his karmic experience, anyone has choices and different paths to go. If he will use or not these choices will be up to him. Anyone, no matter how hard his karma could be, is given free choice about the direction he wants to go. So transgressor is not always “aware” of his crime before it happens. That is because of many deeper reasons, and because this patterns works on sub-conscious level longer time than we can expect.

    In order someone to become “criminal” he needs time to develop some experiences (negative) and to develop some ethics, values and behaviors from his own life and from life of surrounding people. That’s how the process of such psychological pattern is not one or two days, but many years. Any transgression needs “pre-history”, reason and consequences.
For example, person who commits murder or suicide, he is not aware since early age of what he is able to do. He has some social, family and friends experience, he has karmic relations and builds some values and principles in his mind. These factors and his childhood reflect directly on his future “negative” actions of transgression.

There is one special element here which is always positive – it’s Need or desire for something. As I ll show that with more details when I explain about each case of transgression. 

© nina Lea-nour *
   angel`S medium
   spiritual writer

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