Monday, February 26, 2018

Islam Portions -I

Denominations ~

The first subject in any religion study should be always the time frame of its founding, religious practices and prophets. Here I decided to make first discussion in Islamic portions on Denominations.

      Islam is founded in 622 CE from person, lieder of tribes Muhammad; The word “Islam” comes from Arabic word meaning “submission”, which refers not only to submission and bowing in front of God`s will, but also to will of the leader called [ prophet ]. Islam believes to be part of Abrahamic religions tradition (Christianity and Judaism), that are monotheistic. They dedicate prayers and rituals to only one god, called Allah. There are known many names of Allah (100) that are object of mystical power according to some followers of Islam. 

I.                   Denominations ~
1. Sunni – In order to understand better the Islamic religion we have to observe separately the different denominations and branches. Sunna translated from Arabic means “path” or well trodden path”, Tradition. This path is actually taken as example from life of the leader Muhammad. They are the biggest number of all Muslims worldwide – around 1.1 billion. Sunnis believe that Muhammad did not appointed special successor after him, to lead the Muslim community (ummah). They believe, after short period of confusion the majority elected for first caliph the friend of Muhammad – Abu Bakr. Other caliphs, who followed were known as “Rashidun” – or Rightly guided caliphs. They were: 2. Umar Ibn Al Khattab, 3. Uthman Ibn Affan, 4. Ali Ibn Abu Talib. Unlike them, Shiah Muslims believe that the first successor of Muhammad was Ali ibn Abu Talib – his cousin and son-in-low. They believe descendants of Muhammad, called Imams, who have special spiritual and political power over the country and Muslim world.
Within the Sunni Islam there are four major schools of Sharia (low):
Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii, Hanbali, Zahiri; These are schools (madhab) of jurisprudence, the biggest one is Hanafi, named after the Islamic scholar Abu Hanifa an-Numan. The sources of Islamic low (Sharia) of Hanafi school are: The Quran, Hadiths (words, actions and quotations of prophet Muhammad, ex. Sahih al Bukhari), Sahabah community, Qiyas (analogy); All of these sources are reliable. Abu Hanifa and his students wrote fountational texts for Islamic low as:
-         Al Fiqh al akbar (Theological book of jurisprudence)
-         Al Fiqh al Absat ( General book of jurisprudence)
-         Kitab al Athar (Thousands of hadiths with commentary)
-         Kitab al Kharaj (doctrine of war against unbelievers)
-         Kitab al Siyar  (distribution of spoils of war among Muslims)
These doctrines include the lows for apostasy and taxation (jizia) of non Muslim groups living within the Muslim community (country).
2. Shia Islam
Is the second largest group in Islam, the Shia followers live mainly in: Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, Yemen, Lebanon. Shia Reject the legitimacy of the Rightful caliphs of Sunni (Rashidun). In such way they confront one of the main believes of Sunni Islam. Shia Islam includes many different groups and branches, divided by theological, jurisprudence, philosophical and spiritual concepts. Shia believe in martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali (son of Ali abu Talib and grandson of Muhammad). Sub- groups and denominations from Shia Islam are:
~ Twelvers (believe in twelve Imams)
~ Alawites  (9-10 century group)
~ Ismailism
~ Druze (11 century)
~ Zaidiyah (followers of Zayid ibn Ali)

We have to understand that many divisions within the term Islam” (as considered by the western scholars), have extreme views and consider other denominations (branches, sects) of “Islam” as infidels. For them it is equal to non believers. Regardless of the theological point that Christianity and Judaism are part of the same “religious family”, monotheistic religion, they are largely considered as “infidels” and non believers. The main point here is the teaching of Muhammad, Quran and hadiths. Due to the many controversial and not well understood verses of Quran, there is wide confusion on the topic of Christian and Jews for Islam; Are they considered “brothers” or just non believers? So the concept is changeable.

3. Kharijite Islam – (major sect Ibadi) 

© nina Lea-nour * 
     angel`S medium 
      spiritual writer

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