Saturday, August 26, 2017

What is meaning of Life? -I

   This article is dedicated to explain the simple points of where we can search and find the meaning of human life. I` ll reach to the answer of this significant question by asking more questions related to it. In all human history this question was basis for contemplation of philosophers, psychoanalysts and researchers. I want to make short observation on that topic and stop my attention on the most wide spread ideas and theories about humans life. Writing pages -10 for the article.

I. Is the meaning of Life in “happiness”?
    Majority of people in all social classes and generations have one rooted believe – that the meaning of Life lies in what we call “happiness”. Is that truth? The concept of happiness is strong in human minds, that’s why it is spread in almost all psychology doctrines and well being seminars, all “spiritual teachers” and lecturers claim that the ultimate meaning is Happiness. Here we should signify what is meaning of “happiness” itself in order to develop further the topic of Life. Happiness has many different aspects and its unique for each individual on the planet – as it is unique combination of understandings. Majority of people and societies believe that happiness includes: peace, freedom, human rights, well being, success, achievements, professional development, abundance, material security, giving and receiving love, social connections, family, children. All of these aspects can be part of the pattern of Happiness. From point of view of the earth plane, happiness is so simple and in the same time so hard to achieve. It is feeling of contentment, joy and peace. (Why we cant achieve happiness will be topic of another discussion.).

    Even so well defined, people find happiness not easy to be reached. The truth is simple – if the happiness means “peace” – we search for the peace outside, in the world (country, society, surroundings, family, love relationships). We can not find complete peace in all these spheres of life outside – so we assume we are Not peaceful as individuals. What we see and what happens on outside reality we allow to affect and change our DNA structure. In such way we cant achieve peace (Buddha: “Peace comes from within, don’t seek it outside”.) The same is valid for all other elements of the Happiness – freedom, success, human rights, wellbeing, carrier, family…We are not able to find peace in all of these aspects. Assuming that peace and perfection is the ultimate goal, we go from the wrong direction. Human beings until now –in age of speed, net and technologies – is blinded and affected by what he “sees”.  Our easy pattern of thinking and understanding reality is from outside – to inside. We see an event and assume – this is bad, or good. We make a mistake and assume – we are bad. This is the wrong pattern. We need to think just the opposite way – from inside to outside. Then the focus will be on achieving our goals and peace inside – before spread it in world of reality. In such way many conflicts of the soul, struggle, wars, misunderstanding will be prevented.

Since long time people are disconnected with their inner voice. They had the ability for clairvoyance and clear hearing, but they lost it on the way of technical discoveries. The accent is strongly put on what is “existing” as visible matter. All else is claimed to be “not existing” or nothing. In such way people were disconnected from themselves. They are not open not just as separate individuals, but as societies, countries.

   Returning to the main question “Is the meaning of life Happiness?” The simple answer is No. The meaning of life has hidden and symbolic aspects, which are far from our visible field to perceive. If the meaning of life was happiness, by default it would be not only possible, but sure, that each individual will achieve happiness. Is that so? At least he would have such option for achieving this happiness. In the same time, we ask the question, why the so called “happiness” is so hard to be found on outside reality, and inside? Would that be sophisticated plan from universe and divine creator, that we struggle in illusion to find happiness? How many people can honestly and easily claim they “achieved happiness” in this moment? Are you one of them?

    If the key of Life meaning was in Happiness, humans would have the formula to be happy and not go down in darkness. If most of the “gurus” and teachers in famous movements know where is happiness and can “practice” it, why this is not happening for all humans, like orphans, children, who are abused, cases of slavery and rape, cases of childhood and grown illnesses, psychological deformations… All of these are not part of the world before, now and after? If you as healthy person can achieve all of aspects of happiness, why not this to be possible for all humans – like suffering from the syndrome of Down, cancer, slow mind development. There are millions cases of such people. Can they achieve happiness if not realize it? These questions I leave for you open to contemplate.

   For me the answer has one direction – the meaning of Life is not in what we call “Happiness”. The happiness and feeling of completeness, joy, success are really part of the “puzzle” and earths game. But they cant be the only part. They are the one side of the visible spectrum, the visible Moon side. Another hidden side holds the actual keys to the “happiness” and meaning of Life. It’s the answer to the question Why we are here? Why we live in earth plane? 

* I hope you enjoyed my article, feel free to add your comment and share it! Thank you. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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