Arch. Uriel [ Yurie-el, Auri-el ]~
angel of Sparkling Light and wisdom, of inner reflection, knowledge, study and enlightenment. She has look near to arch. Gabriel but very different feeling. Her energy is feminine but very strong and determined. She can be visualized with radiant orange-yellow aura wings, with golden rays of light. Her eyes are also orange-yellow with color of amber. She holds a closed book with special blue cover, always send you messages of wisdom, guidance and support you. She holds sometimes scrolls, and also a small sward from light blue crystal. She is always ready to help you, but will require from you strong self –discipline and devotion to your spiritual work. Her presence is felt like warm and cool in the same time, as she is being sending you much energy, requiring much involvement in work.
Uriel can be seen with diadem of amber, with symbol of golden spiral on her forehead, or holding large ball of golden topaz. Her crystals are: yellow aventurine, yellow jade, fire opal, yellow, orange calcite, golden topaz, amber, heliodor, yellow selenite, carnelian, sardonyx. She works for universal principles of: awaken mind –seeing, clarity, wisdom; 2. awaken light of spirit –cosmic harmony. (her flowers are yellow and orange – poppies, daffodils, marigold, yellow rose, daisies, tulips, orchid.) She has scent of amber and orange. Her fruit origin is Orange, Mango, Papaya, Banana; Her Sephira is -Hokma (Wisdom); for a magical ritual with her you need to have - yellow or golden candle, golden paper, musk, one of her stones.
Invoke the power of archangel Uriel in the following cases:
~ when you are afraid and insecure before exam
~ when you feel uncreative and depressed
~ when you need courage for an event
~ when you want to discover your inner path
~ when you feel losing the right life direction
~ when you want to start new project, carrier, study
~ if you are devoted to a cause helping people
~ if you struggle to teach people with disabilities
~ if you want to choose your future mission-work
~ when you want to give encouraging energy to someone
~ if you have any talent - in fine arts, sculpture, architecture.
~ if you need to boost your confidence and faith in joy and good
Invoke the power of archangel Uriel in the following cases:
~ when you are afraid and insecure before exam
~ when you feel uncreative and depressed
~ when you need courage for an event
~ when you want to discover your inner path
~ when you feel losing the right life direction
~ when you want to start new project, carrier, study
~ if you are devoted to a cause helping people
~ if you struggle to teach people with disabilities
~ if you want to choose your future mission-work
~ when you want to give encouraging energy to someone
~ if you have any talent - in fine arts, sculpture, architecture.
~ if you need to boost your confidence and faith in joy and good
Prayer ~
~ Dear Uriel ~
I ask you to encircle me with radiant sphere of divine shining golden yellow Light from your angelic realm. Make my aura expanded, pure and sparkling. Make all my chakras and energy field clean, brilliant and flowing with energy. Make my physical body strong and infused with health.
I ask you – make me peaceful, full of divine wisdom, searching the truth, learning every day, reading and awakening my mind; listening and receiving important information; Protect my mind and will in the physical realm. (help me to choose only clean and energy foods and elements –fruits, seeds and grains – good for me; make me to feel joy from reading and study.
I ask you – make my ethereal, soul and spiritual body pure, strong and shining in golden-yellow ray.
Please send to me the cosmic shining Golden-yellow ray to activate and energize my Solar Plexus & Star Peace of Sun chakra; make it clean and shining with angelic golden-yellow color.
I ask you – (I pray) awaken my inner wisdom, my ability to understand and remember, to write and organize activities, to follow the Light of knowledge, so I can achieve all things I need. Assist me to fulfill my daily duties with pleasure, to be safe, loving and wise. Make my spiritual body and aura enlightened.
I ask you – help me overcome all situations of hardship in study, emotional and spiritual pains, all conflicts and misunderstanding on my way, all negative thoughts and impurity and be entirely in the Light of your crystal Yellow ray.
Help me to understand and follow your Cosmic principles of: awaken inner balance –Peace; awaken Light of spirit – cosmic Harmony. Make me grounded, loving, caring, peaceful, free and open to the Golden yellow Light.
~ Thank you for your love, support and guidance in my life –now and always. Amen
nina Lea-Nour ©
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