Saturday, December 9, 2023

Oneness and Separation - II (Channeled with AA Jeremiel)

 Part II / Read part I here ...> message channeled with the help of Archangel Jeremiel and my angels

From here important conclusions can be made and truth can be seen:

1. Each individual soul that is incarnated in the physical world needs to feel, experience any kind of separation (illusion of division). (in this way the soul accepts and acknowledges its own uniqueness and difference).

Some types of separation and division are seen in conflicts, war, fight, relationship, inner conflict, misunderstanding, rejection, intolerance, not accepting others as different from you, religious wars, racism, generational differences, love relationships. 

2) each soul is incarnated on Earth, to experience and feel some of the multiple aspects of Oneness in unity with others, compassion, understanding of others, support, divine love, empathy, peace (inner and outer), taking care of other people, animals, earth. Understanding how we impact all the outer world is essential in our spiritual development. That does not mean separation, Division is “bad”, because through them we also experience oneness.  

This is one simple example: person who is living in a constant state of fear, conflict and separation from other people will at some point feel the need for peace, unity, love and understanding. That’s how the state of longing, he can attract and reach his higher consciousness of peace and oneness.  

We are here on earth to learn and expand using contrast: we will experience most things as contrasting – emotionally, energetically and physically. We can be in a state of physical health and illness, we can be in a state of love, gratitude and abundance, and the opposite, in a state of fear, rejection, closeness, doubt and depression. Because Contrast and duality are part of our earthly soul plan for Expansion.  

Oneness on Earth will be reached through the accelerated process of Ascension and unity consciousness, where all beings will realize their spiritual BODIES, and will tap into their higher potential, spiritual mission and connection to Earth. When all beings understand the importance of their soul evolution and the ripple effect their thoughts and emotions have on the outer environment. 

(Think about the beautiful novel of Tolstoy “War and Peace”).  

Also, when people become self-aware and take responsibility of their own choices, feelings and life.  

For now, on earth plane, we are not able to reach Pure Oneness, nor total Union, as we can't overcome and realize our differences and uniqueness on higher level.  

 For this to happen humans have a long way to go.  


Nina Nour Bluebell *

medium, psychic

tarot teacher

December 2023 ©

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