Sunday, December 31, 2023

January Energy - Angels, Cosmic vibration, Portals, Crystals [9 ]

  January 2024 is a month with amazing energy, which is ruled by element ether (9 in numerology). That represents the ending of a cycle, and opening a doorway for new beginning, many possibilities and potentials. This month is guided by Arch. Haniel and Arch. Ariel with the beautiful aquamarine and silver light, flowing on the planet. This light can upgrade your cells and cellular memory, DNA and make a shift to higher levels of consciousness 

It is the time of purification, cleansing and releasing. But also time for finding new ways to activate your potential 

There are multiple Cosmic gateways in January, that are starting to be revealed after Capricorn New moon on 11. January. This is the second month of winter, moving with the energy of element earth (Capricorn).

It`s time to set your goals and visions, to make a list of what do you really want in the next 3 months


Also make a list and review about the last year.  

- What are the things you felt helpless about during 2023?  

  • - What were the most precious and important events in 2023? 

  • - What were the most joyful, pleasant or peaceful events in 2023? 

  • - What have you accomplished? Did you feel proud of where you are on your life path?  

Now make a list with things you need to accomplish for the next 3 months. And focus on more practical, easy or down to earth things, that you desire 

January is month of going higher in our ascension, and it`s month of making balance between action and inaction, state of silence and state of understanding the world. But first you are invited to acknowledge your achievements for the past year and past months




In the Tarot 9 is represented by the Arcana IX. The Hermittime of solitude, spiritual travel, self-reflection, meditation, epiphany, understanding important truth about yourself, seeing the world from different perspective, unlocking spiritual gifts, writing and reading. This is not withdrawal but being focused on self-discovery in silence and solitude. This time can include practices of meditation and self-love 

Sphere 9


We are in sphere 9 (spiritually) which refers to Divine truth, unveiling the truth, purity, higher realms connection, finding solutions, endings and beginnings. Being very open to the differences of others is important now. The spiritual stamp of 9 is nine-pointed star in aquamarine color 

Cosmic Portals


The ruling planets of the month are Uranus and the Nord Node. There will be major cosmic Gateways (or alignments) this month, which you can use to receive light codes and cosmic downloads and to be more aware of your reality 

Here are the major Gateways 🌏

  6 JanuarySun square Chironbe aware of your wounded child, childhood trauma that is reappearing or some shadow aspects from your past. What can`t you let go of 

 - 10 January Sun trine Uranusthis is major aspect of ascension and illumination of your divine light and truth. What is your truth that you are hiding from the world? What do you need to show off and be proud of 

 - 16 JanuarySun Sextile Neptune (planet of dreams, astral world, illusions, addictions) - this is aspect of knowing your dreams, of not letting go of your mystical self, following mystical knowledge and creating art, writing or reading 

  •  20 January – Sun conj. Pluto (planet of underworld, mystery, rebirth, deep power, sub-conscious mind) - this aspect can bring some heavy energy, or things can seem out of control – if you are not aware of your shadow side. This is time for ritual and shadow work.  


  • - 11 January – new moon in Capricorn portal – being in tune with your earth element. Going inward, finding yourself, inner knowledge, making plans, grounding, earth energy, practicality. Divine feminine.  

  • - 25. January – Full moon portal (Leo) this is portal of sacred fire, divine masculine, releasing and transforming the past. This is the moon to connect with your inner divine power, to be persistent and be in your authentic self without shame.  


On 21 January Pluto enters Aquarius which will have a ripple effect of very different energy on earth. We need to understand what is in our favor, what things are working against us, where we find the power and strength 

This is month of many cosmic portals, but you are the one who is making choice in which direction to move 

We are now collectively in the year of Water (8) Aether month, middle of the winter. That refers to reflection more than movement, but January will have some contradiction and conflicts, as water and Aether are not in suitable combination.   

On a physical level you need to be aware of your ears, nose, sinuses, throat, lymphatic system, thyroid gland; on a etheric levelfocus on your mind, mental body, Throat chakra, Third eye 

9 creates imbalances, destabilizing, unexpected events are possible, but also new opportunities and excitement. Be open to receiving offers, a new friendship or a change of environment 

  • Esoteric Astrology

You need to check where is Capricorn in your natal chart? In which house? Maybe this house will be focused for you at this time. Check also where is Saturn (as ruler of Capricorn), what does it show to you 

You can calculate your personal number of the month by adding your date of birth to number of the month 9. for ex. if your date is 18 – add 9 + 9 = 18 = 9. If your date is 20 – add 9 + 2 = 11 = 2. This personal number will reveal what more influences you can have or what you can be focused on, develop in this month 

Remember: each number is cosmic code, revealing energy, element, archangel, movement, and divine qualities 

Crystals for meditation

You can work, meditate or create a grid with the following crystals of Capricorn: black obsidian, Black tourmaline, Shungite, Morion, smoky quartz Crystals that vibrate with energy of Arhcnagel Haniel: aquamarine, Aqua Aura, celestite, blue calcite, amazonite.

Qualities that you need to acquire or think about self-discipline, acknowledgement of success, persistence, envisioning the future 

Happy January! 💜

Nina Nour Bluebell ★

medum, healer

December 2023 ©

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