Thursday, October 26, 2023

Channeled message from AA Metatron & AA Raziel for humanity (2023-2024)

 Greetings children of Earth`s light!

Many of you are going through your spiritual awakening journeys, so that you are awakening your Mind, Body and Soul at all levels. Awakening on your planet is part of the Souls plan for ascension and reaching to higher consciousness. Your planet is in a new stage of development now. That will not be without inner and outer pain, and realizations of the soul.  

Awakening could shake up your whole system so that you can realize and transform your life and your whole being.  

Your understanding and perception of the world will change dramatically in the next few years. Awakening includes many different processes like self-awareness, self-love, spiritual knowledge, mental and emotional freedom from the past, purging, purification.  

Many of the souls on the planet in years 2023-2024 and next are going through the tunnels of Karma cleansing, purging and awakening. Something that you felt is your truth and belief will be changed completely. Other souls will be forced to change from their environment, people and relationships they are in.  

The deep purging and karmic cleansing of the Soul`s is necessary and part from the bigger plan. Your planet has sunk in deep toxic clouds where dark and negative forces have taken over. There is fear, insecurity, hatred, rage, ignorance, manipulation and abuse of power in all possible social structures and on all levels. You are not aware of the huge consequences and impact this toxic cloud can have on your Earth in the future.  

We are here to let you know and be prepared for the years to come – 2024 is the year of the rise of Violet fire on the planet, where many changes are expected. This is a year related to resistance and manipulation of consciousness, which you are already familiar with. In this year you need to understand, cleanse your karma and heal your emotional and mental body. You need to be transformed into a new human with higher vibrations. There are 5 huge cosmic portals this year, where you will receive streams of violet and golden light codes of Ascension to New humanity and new dimension. This is only for the people who are ready to go on their soul`s path. Remember, oneness exists only in higher planes, but you are in a world of duality (which is your creation too). Until you reach higher awareness and remove partly the lower entities and energies on the planet it will take a long time.  

If your essence is eternal Light of source, you are living in the world of laws of karma and many more universal laws.  

The year 2024 is covering your planet with violet fire of transmutation to help more souls to awaken and see the truth. You are waking up from the false matrix, from the false world and structures you have built for many generations. None of your structures has pure and positive results and none of them are for the service and advantage of all people. Most structures (and government, financial system, education, medical industry), were built initially with “good intentions and views. But after years they deteriorate and become eviler for the majority, they are built on financial gain or gain only for certain groups of people. They also have created toxic clouds around your mental body, making you believe in things that are not truth.  

Many traps were built to keep your mind trapped in the false matrix to make you enslaved for other purposes 

You have lost your original connection to your Higher mental body, your spirit and your energy. You lost your original connection to your psychic senses, that was available to you in time of Lemuria and Atlantis and other ancient civilizations. Now you are left only with what they told you to believe, how they want you to move and be in this earth game.  

That’s why you will see places on the planet in big destruction and turmoil in the next years. You will feel the turbulent times of emotional purging and inner transformation. You are no longer the same humans; you are in a process of big evolution.  

In the next year it is important to protect and rewire your nervous system and brain. All what you see, read, process and think is part of the food you give to your brain. Your brain (and Astral-mental body) is part of you that is related to the false matrix, being doll on a thread, and being unconscious about your life choices. When you wake up, you will see different reality, and you will need to make a choice. Even you will be forced to make the choice, as the universe is unfolding its energy.  

In 2024 many souls will experience a rise of menial and neurological diseases, you can feel many people around you suffer from anxiety, depression and multiple unknown illnesses which your medical care won't be able to understand. Many of the light workers will turn inward, to ask about inner guidance for their lives and purpose. Many of you will start to finally do what is needed to help other humans. Next 3 years are time of darkness and rising of the new Light of the world. You are now in a state to change, going out of the chrysalis slowly. That took many years from your life.  

The year 2025 will have challenging weather and disruptions of energy on the planet. In this year there are expected remarkable events which you never saw before, and humanity will go through strong tornado of chaos. This chaos will clear the path of the new light. When you open your eyes some of you will start to see colors of energies around you. This will happen due to higher energetic and magnetic resonance in your field. These years your body-mind –soul will be rewired to higher frequency of the earth. Not everyone will be able to cope through the changes.  

You need to give yourself the highest priority in your life. Not your material possessions, not your money and not anything around you, but yourself. Angels are always around you and they are supporting your soul's evolution. But you have your part to act and make choices in your physical body and reality.  

These years will be called years of the 3 wars. There will be conflict on a global scale – which will involve many nations. But until then you need to be prepared emotionally and spiritually. And use your assets, use the gifts of God that are given to you. Don’t waste your time in insignificant conflicts, doubts and insecurity about the world and others”. All things that happened to you in the past 10 years were part of a great plan of manipulation and destruction. War zones are part of this plan. Because they create different reality and create HUGE negative portals of energy where low entities, demons and beings from lower astral can come freely. Many souls will be trapped in such portals, mostly the ones living close to these war zones. The wars are planned for opening such portals which then create a vortex of energy swirling over wider perimeter and attracting more negative powers on the planet. They also have the purpose to suck your energy from your higher mental body (through images, media and sounds) and so it creates mental distortions within you. They are not able to be healed in your stage of humanity now.  

Most importantly be present and centered in yourself. Realize the power of the present moment and your inner divine power.  

You are not here to be a slave, to be manipulated and abused in the environment that you have created. (Or have been created from the false Matrix).  

You are here for a purpose and reason to be LIGHT of the earth, which is visible from Cosmos.  

We love you; we acknowledge you and we will guide you on the way.  

Archangel Metatron and Archangel Raziel  

channeled by

Nina Nour Bluebell *

medium, crystal healer

Oct. 2023 ©

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