Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Smokey Quartz - Crystal of Divine Cleansing 💎


Smokey quartz is crystal with amazing healing properties, connecting and aligning all charas with the crystalline core of the Earth.

   As all crystals are spiritual conduits of Light, but they are made of elemental consciousness, held in the crystal lattice. Each crystal has one, two or more predominant elements. That means through crystal we can connect and activate this element within us, or use it for our benefits.

   Smokey quartz connects us with the element Earth, opens and cleanses all our lower chakras, activates our Earth star chakra and feet chakra. This beautiful brown variety of quartz cleanses all of our energy on ethereal level and acts like vacuum cleaner for the energy.

It brings our lower chakras in alignment with our higher chakras, has the ability to absorb and remove all dark energy and cleanse your mind. This brown shining crystal has he ability to detox the body and mind. 

Smokey quartz is perfect for releasing old negative energy from space, room or even trapped entities (spirits), which don’t belong to this realm. Smokey quartz is stone of grounding, clarity and calmness, bringing you back to your original Self, making you feel and be present.

  On emotional level this translucent brownish stone will help to remove your feeling of depression, stress, anxiety and bring you peace and calmness. This is perfect stone to have in your bedroom or in time of grief, when your energy is scattered.

This is high vibrational stone that is perfect for crystal grids in home, room or property, it is wonderful for personal protection and cleansing all EMF pollutions from the surrounding.

The ethereal wave of smokey Quartz is warm, grounding, pulling down and centering.

Protection guardian of Smokey Quartz ★

You can call on the crystal elemental of the Smokey quartz and Arch. Azrael and Jehudiel –which will help you to release any negative emotions, thoughts and let your space free from dark entities.

Crystal Grid ★

You can make simple grid with smokey quartz in form of triangle. Use tumbled stones for each of the corners and connect them with clear quartz point. Place in the middle of triangle one large sphere or hexagon of Smokey quartz. Then activate the grid saying the following (example) invocation:

I call upon now the energy of Smokey quartz spirit, arch. Azrael and Arch. Jehudiel to activate this crystal grid with power and love, and I intend this grid for…. (protection and shielding of …) Thank you, and so it is! 

A crystal grid can stay working for at least one moon cycle (14 days from full moon to the new moon, or from the day of New moon). Then you can cleanse the stones of the grid again and feel the effect.

Crystal magic sigil ✶

You need one small hexagon wand or point crystal and then draw with its point the sigil in the air. That can be done in any place for protection – for example corners, mirror, front door, window, computer screen.

2 triangles within each other and spiral in the middle.

Happy crystal combinations

photo: Crystal visions shop -grid for protection

Every crystal has something we can call "family and friends" -that means it has positive resonance with some crystals, while with others it can have more repulsing relation. That`s why we need to be mindul what kind of crystals we place together in space or in crystal grid. 

For Smokey quartz positive crystal combinations are from its own "family" of quartz -so all kind of quartz it feels "happy". Especially good are clear quartz, milkey quartz, rose quartz and citrine. Amethyst has more individual energy, so it `s better to be used with other more gentle crystals. Perfect combination for grid are these stones together with smokey quartz: clear quartz, rose quartz, black tourmaline, black shungite. Or some translucent crystals like honey calcite, yellow and green aventurine, prehnite, green jade, chrisoprase, bloodstone. Smokey quartz is perfect with most green and pink gemstones. 

Nina Nour Bluebell *
medium, crystal healer 
  April_2023 ©
all rights reserved 

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