Saturday, April 29, 2023

Channelled message from AA Ariel for the Ascension (May) 🌟


Greetings children of Earth,

I, archangel Ariel want to send you message for your planet at this time. You are going through cycles of major transformation in the next years to come. You will be guided by all archangels and guides, but you need to take steps by yourself. Do not wait for a fast rescue from Above, as you are going through planetary Karmic loop.

That means, you need to awaken more and more in order to be able to balance and stabilize the energy of your planet.

Angels and masters are always working with you and for you. But they are not here to live instead of you or take on your Karma.

  In next 3 years (2023-2026) there will be multiple energetic transformations on earth as your planet is going through cycle of purging and releasing. This process is similar for each individual soul and the whole humanity. In this time you will witness unusual changes in climate and weather, also expect increase of the salt water on the planet and some events that may throw humans in state of emergency.

You need to hear the cry of the Earth and to take special action steps to save what can be saved. All nature and forests are the lungs of the earth. By destroying forests you immanently destroy your future on earth. All Ancient civilizations (that you still don’t have clues about – Atlantis and Lemuria) were very much aware of the importance of the Green forests and natural habitat. You are now on the edge of a cliff, and only you can take responsibility for the destruction.

In the next years you will witness how this has reverberations for many generations to come. SO, be very mindful about NATURE. Because this is part of your planetary SOUL.

The world Oceans are like liver and stomach of the planet. They hold the planetary emotional body. You are also part of it, and it affects your aura. The state of seas and oceans has already major impact on your planetary energy body and on your own emotional body.

We angels of Earth, call on you to stop pollution and chaotic hunting in the oceans and seas. The destruction has started already, but you still have time to save it, if you are mindful and aware.

In the last hundred years humanity has slaughtered and destroyed too many animals, while some of it was just for reason of hunting or fast profits. Animals are part of the earth Spirit, they should be your friends, not enemy. Now there are fast disappearing spices on Earth, especially in the oceans. No one can stop this process, as it is consequence of your choice as humans.

   In the upcoming 3 years you will witness more and more rapid climate changes, which can be even catastrophic in some places. Any place of pollution, overload and density will bear the responsibility.

Angels want you to know that you can`t change the collective spirit, as it has its own time of change, but you can change your Individual karma, which will affect the collective one. This is how :

1.       By living in connection and alliance with the Nature, forest, oceans and animals

2.       By mindfully choosing your food and diet and know their source.

3.       By avoiding consumerism and buying too many items, which you don’t need or use. 

4.       By dedicating time to take care of nature elements of any kind or be responsible for them in any way: plants, trees, crystals, animals.

5.       By changing your relationship with the earth and growing your own vegetables if possible.

6.       By taking care of your water cleanness and your physical body.

7.       By living in more clean and natural areas away from the dense population. 

8.       By helping animals and spices that are hopeless or in danger. By connecting with nature elementals and tree spirits, animal spirits. 


   ★ This month you can take some steps to raise your vibration and ground your energy to the magnetic core of Earth. Connect with your spirit guide animal, spirit crystal and spirit guide tree; Visit at least one natural place far from your surrounding. Read or watch something about trees, plants, animals which you are interested in. Think of ways to live more sustainable and use the resources well, recycle and reduce your garbage. 

Connect your heart and mind with the planetary Heart, feel how you are part of this all. Feel that you are one with the trees, forests, animal spirits, rivers, oceans, mountains. You are spark of Eternity here, as you are born with a mission, you are not just thrown into existence in darkness.

Expect changes in water on the planet until the end of this year. Be patient, be calm, grounded and awaken your higher wisdom. Your values are also the values of the Earth.

It is your home, your temple, it depends on your decisions how this home will look like in the future. And how humanity will look like.

Sending you Angelic light of love and Ascension! 💜


AA Ariel

Channelled by

Nina Nour Bluebell *
medium, crystal healer
  May, 2023 ©

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