Saturday, December 25, 2021

Releasing cords and attchemnets from the Throat chakra -I

 [ this is message channelled with help of Arch. Gabriel and white light angels ]

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In this short message I`ll give information what are cords attachments and why we need to release them from our body. Why specially the Throat chakra is vulnerable and can have more negative cords, how to remove them –some easy and useful practices.

Throat chakra is related to our expression of Truth and Purity of the Higher self, or what we call our values, rules of purity and how we incorporate them in the outer world. Throat chakra has pure light blue colour with white or silver outshine. This is one of the vulnerable chakras in the body, because it is first expression of the Higher self Truth in the physical body. That means, we need to protect well our Throat. This chakra, together with the Solar Plexus chakra is responsible for creating good boundaries and protection of the energetic Body.

(These chakras are well connected in the spiritual alchemical process). However, you need to know some important points and try to keep your throat chakra balanced, healthy and protected. Some of the most vulnerable for creating cords and energy dust chakras are Throat (related to Thyroid), Solar Plexus (related to Digestive system) and Sacral chakra (related to Adrenal gland and reproductive system).

These are chakras that are more able to create cords with others, because they are responsible for strong connection and communication with others, and to big extend dictate our behaviour. Also, these chakras have light colors that can be polluted by energy dust. While heart and Third eye for example have stronger protection usually, as they are major centres, the Throat as chakra of higher connection is often blocked, affected by cords and energy pollutions.  

So many things in our reality can create energy dust in the Throat chakra. These are some of the main things we can experience, specially if we are sensitive and empathic:

-        energy pollution from excessive chemicals (found in cosmetic products, shampoos, creams, perfumes, cleaning products, gases and more).

-        Energy pollution from certain foods – usually all artificial packed foods, containing sugar or flour can create imbalance in the Throat. That is valid for some meat products too.

-        Being exposed to toxic chemicals and environment (that includes electromagnetic waves from computers and mobile devices, TV).

-        Being exposed to toxic relationships (any relationships that are giving you feeling of being put down, feeling unwell, or bringing your energy down).

-        Creating cords with people who are “toxic” for your energy. If you are empath you will feel such people as negative energy frequency coming your way. If you are for a long time in their presence, and try to connect with them without protection in the Throat or boundaries, that will create cords in your chakra.

-        Creating negative or dark cords with people with who you feel obligated to connect. People who are judgemental about you, put any pressure on you or have repeated negative opinion about you. (Here in this group there can be people from your own family and siblings).

-        Without a doubt polluted energy can be created by using any substances that affect your health – like excessive alcohol, cigarettes and others. These affect directly your Throat and then your Solar Plexus.

This is part I of the article, please continue reading next part here ....

Nina Lea-Nour 🟊
Angel`s medium 
Faeries Guide
© Nina Nour, Dec. 2021

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