Saturday, December 4, 2021

New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius - ♐ Releasing the negative patterns from your Life (Journey to Your True Self)


This New moon energy and Solar Eclipse are high vibrational Portal to Authenticity, to coming back to yourself, to understanding what you really want and what is your true mission. 

Sagittarius is a sign of traveller, of pure and open heart, connected with Inner child. Sagittarius energy is fire that expands. This is the fire of our heart calling, the fire of our passions and talents that can`t be ignored. Our fire needs to be cherished and understood.

We went through the mystical tunnel of darkness, all heavy energies, that came to surface to be released now. We are arriving at this moment in December, of total release of all old baggage of the Soul-Mind and Body, of all old patterns and programs that made us stuck in life. Of patterns that seem to be us, but they are only obstacles to our True self. These patterns now are released. You can feel freedom and calmness at the end. Breath deeply and feel the magic of the NOW moment of divine presence. You don’t need to do something, or being in rush all the time. You are truly beautiful as you are.

Sagittarius ask us also to travel inwards, to find our inner wisdom, to connect with beauty of nature. 

The great teacher Lao Tzu says: “At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you are, and you know what you want.”

This is the timeless pearl of wisdom that is in synchrony with the Portal of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Be sure to take time with yourself, still and quiet and listen. The core of your being is your Heart.

It is also amazing time for grounding your energy with the Crystalline core of the Earth, and with your Earth Star chakra.

Focus on questions to Self that related to this expanding Fire within you: 

-        What is it that I really want to achieve?

-        What I need to release that is not part of my Self anymore?

-        What things I need to focus my attention, to be the best version of myself now?

-        What more things I need to add to my Self-love practice to support my Soul growth?

-        What is my life mission here?

The qualities of Sagittarius that you need to work on are: strength, resilience, clear thinking, focus and balance of mind, being Authentic, not wearing masks, removing all prejudices and being open to the world, determination, motivation, inner power.

This New moon and Solar Eclipse activate the Fire in you, which is doorway of Transformation, Change, Transition and breakthrough. As this is a Solar eclipse, this energy is amplified, so we talk about Deep Transformation and Major breakthrough 

That transformation could be painful for the Soul, but is necessary, as you don’t need to resist it.

                        fantasy photo anime: © Google 

At this time, focus on your desire, of standing your ground and create boundaries with world around you. You need to stand up for yourself, regardless of opinion of others. You don’t need to be approved by others, in order to know how wonderful you are, how shining and wise you are. You need only to be yourself and be inspired.

This Fire activation is connected with your willpower, dreams and desires for your future. But also being present in here and now.

Magical tools to activate Fire  

To use and amplify the energy of this amazing Solar Portal you can add some magical tools: light up red candles on the South of your home, make a ritual and prayer for the change and transition you want to achieve in your life, write down 4 qualities you want to achieve in this cycle. You can write down also your progress and feel how far you have come through this year and what was your transition.

You can work with crystals and meditate on your Solar Plexus chakra for moving your inner fire. The Archangel you can work is Uriel, angel of wisdom with yellow-purple light. You can work with all yellow crystals: yellow jade, aventurine, amber, calcite, play a soothing music and Tibetan Bowls for the Solar Plexus chakra, connect with your inner wisdom, with your inner Power and inner child. Release any fears, blocks and traumas from your childhood, fear from power and control, fear from someone taking away your Freedom, fear from being powerless and neglected by others. You can use essential oils from lemon, yilang-yilang, grapefruit.

Affirmation to be in your authentic Power 

You can use the affirmation, after lighting the candles on South, and invoke any spirit guide, angel of Ascended master say: “I`m in my Power here and now. I activate now the inner power within me to guide me through all times, to give me strength, motivation and intuition to move forward with confidence. I`m true to myself, I`m Powerful. And so it is.”

Thank you for tuning in! Sending you love and blessings. 

Read more here: 

 * Sagittarius season 

* Meditation for New Moon and Solar Eclipse with arch. Uriel 

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Energy intuitive 
Faeries healer 

© Nina Nour, Dec. 2021

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