Sunday, July 11, 2021

Patterns of Connection and Reflection between 3 chakras -I part


In this article I will concentrate on the important patterns of connection between all chakras, and specially between the Heart-Third eye and Sacarl, and how they reflect energy of emotional level.

I wrote so much about chakras, energy and body centres. Even so there are so many things we still don’t know about chakras – their specific way of functioning and how to cleanse them properly.

Chakras are the main energy centrals, the radiant light spheres within the physical (and spiritual) body, and they contain the essence to our daily energy hygiene. We cant feel well, full of vitality and health, if our chakras are blocked, or damaged by negative influence.

Cleansing of chakras can happen in many possible ways. (Some of them are through meditation, sleep, or spending quality time in nature, between trees or high in the mountain).

We know what chakras are (if you still don’t know, please read articles in the section “chakras” in this blog), but do we know how they function, and how they are interconnected?

Chakras are complex and complicated energy centres within our inner energy. It`s important to understand, that they are not separated, but interlaced in the amazing chakra-system work of the whole body. The same as separate parts of the physical body cant function totally alone, chakras also need the help of each other, to support the good energy flow in the body.

How chakra looks like? 

 Each chakra looks like wonderful sphere of light, it has specific and unique light colour –for each individual – and it has special intricate patterns (for example geometric figures, forms, butterflies). Each chakra connects and reflects the energy of certain other chakras.

 Exactly this connection and constant reflection (or flow) of energy from one energy ball to another, is process of exchange I call “spiritual osmosis” (which is term given by arch. Haniel).

I will describe now how this process looks like with more details. 

Usually each chakra receives energy from the core of the chakra immediately above it, but it reflects energy only to chakras that are in position through one. Chakra energy and essence will be affected in positive or negative way only from chakras, that are not immediately next to it.

That means, for example the Heart chakra is connected with energy flow to both Throat chakra (above) and Solar plexus (below it), but they don’t have direct affect on the state and wellbeing of heart!

Connections between 3 chakras 

With the process of spiritual osmosis we see that each chakra reflects the energy to 2 other chakras, that are situated through 1 above and through 1 below. So the Heart chakra energy will reflect (like a mirror) and connect with the energy of Sacral chakra (below) and of Third eye cjakra (above it). Thus when we imagine these 3 powerful chakras, their energy flow looks like number 8 – or vertical infinity symbol. The middle point of it is the Heart centre, the upper point of the 8 is Third eye and the Lower point is core of Sacral chakra. The light flows from the centre of the Heart, down to the left (as it is 8) and into Sacral core, then from it flows up to the right back to the heart chakra. From here the green light flows again up to the left side to the Third eye centre (Pineal gland), makes a circle and returns back from the right side of the body to heart centre.

This process will repeat multiple times, but only if these chakras are in state of wellbeing (which means are cleansed from blocks).

The aim of spiritual osmosis is to update and refresh the system of these chakras, as they reflect each other, and to improve the energy flow of Yin-Yang in all body.

* Note: the term "spiritual osmosis" is given by my angels. 

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium 
Fairie`s guide 
Health coach 

© July 2021

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