Friday, July 16, 2021

New Moon in Cancer - Tarot, Diet, Meditation


In this New moon on 10. You are invited to work on your Merkaba & Soul star chakra activation (above your Crown, 2 feet above your head). Make special meditation with archangel Haniel and light blue Merkaba activation.

In Tarot Water element corresponds to suit of Cups, and Cancer zodiac is represented by major Arcana VII. The Chariot; and from the court card Knight of Cups.

Knight of cups – or the warrior of Water element” brings gentle energy of love, spirituality, going in deeper emotions. Now is good time to meet important friends, who will influence your life in positive way and help you to move forward. Knight is oriented to future goals and visions. Possible romantic relationship or strengthen existing friendship. The challenge for you: express your feelings clearly with don’t hide yourself in a shell. Focus on healing the Throat chakra. Being overly sensitive to feelings and reactions of others, can drain your own energy.

Take good care of sleeping and resting habits, as well as drinking good amount of water. All knight hold keys to energy of overcoming obstacle, going forward, strong self-expression, defending your values and truth, sometimes arguments, provocations and challenges from outside world. They can be related to standing up for yourself, balancing your emotions and the way you communicate with others.


Water Element and health 

Water element in the human plane is represented by the Emotional body and Astral body (subconscious mind, dreams, fears). On energy level water resides in chakras Sacral (second), and is responsible for the reproductive organs, ovaries, kidneys, bladder; and another chakra is Ajna (sixth) or Third eye, in touch with intuition, emotions, Psychic abilities and visions. During this New moon both of these chakras will be activated; if they are blocked or in state of imbalance, it`s up to you to bring them back to state of health.

Water in nature has healing, nurturing and rejuvenating properties. In order to activate the water, you need to spend more time in natural places near water, but also you should rest, relax and sleep more.

The date of new Moon portal is 10 [1] which refers to energy of archangel Zadkiel and Violet flame angels. This is also a new beginning for your emotional pains need to be released in the past;

This number indicates lungs and breathing in the Sacred geometry of physical body; That` s why you should be aware of your breathing, allergies and substances.

Numerology of New Moon

Number [1] indicates new cycle and beginning, oneness and higher purpose, alignment with Divine plan. You should feel how you are connected to all in universe, in the same way each part of your body is related and functions as a whole organism. 1 also is number of rebirth, after a long period of hardship or sadness. We have sense of new waves, so it`s number of Phoenix rising up from ashes

Always when the New moon is in water sign, you need to pay attention to your emotional health, as you will be more sensitive and pick up emotions of others easily. In your diet, it` s nice to observe light diet, plenty of vegetables and Yin foods (please check the energy of Yin foods here --) mixed with small portions of rice, lentils.

Detoxifying your body from heavy energies is essential in this time. For sacral chakra balance consider drinking orange juice, mango, peaches, cantaloupe, watermelon; also carrots.

Avoid eating heavy or oily foods and meat. You may eat fish instead.

You can activate the energy of health, emotions and attracting perfect romantic relationship in this time. Use the potential of the New moon with magical ritual.

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium
Fairie`s guide

© July 21

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