April energies will
be signified by arch. Raphael, healing, grounding, nature connection, tree
spirits, realms of fairies, elves; earth energy is felt strongly. You can aid
the energy of emotional and spiritual bodies by wearing Green clothes, jewels
and green crystals like Jade, malachite, amazonite, green aventurine, nephrite,
The Super Full
Moon is opening on 8 of April – with ruling angel Jeremiel [8] – in the
beautiful sign of Libra. This amazing moon will be awakening Third eye chakra,
awakens experiences from past lives, related to this life, has effect of Karma
cleansing, releasing negative emotions and restrictions, also it will reconnect
you with people from your past lives, so be aware of anyone who you meet in this
month. It means strong psychic power, clairvoyance and clairaudience, need for
harmony and balance in all relationships.
[ art by Mab Graves]
The cards to
meditate for the Full moon are: Tarot 8 of Swords – feeling trapped by inner doubts and illusions, confusion and need
to know where you are, what is your values, releasing fears of being
vulnerable, need to escape from a situation, place. The solution of that inner
conflict is opening your Third eye. The woman, that is in trap between 8 swords
on the card has an blindfold, representing she cant see clearly the situation,
there is something beyond sight, something missing. When she opens her psychic
power, she will be able to walk away. 8 of Wands signifies very fast and smooth
achievement, something that will happen in a blink of an eye. Effort and
intuition will be helpful, you will require flexibility, willpower, confidence,
and to make a move. All is in your favour.
8 is related to
numerical value of the Queen in Tarot and in Spring season (Fire) this is represented by
Queen of Wands – magic, achievements, self-love, confidence, passion, artistic
talents, focus outwards, attracting what you desire, sexual energy, feeling
The energy of New
moon Portal is opening on 23 of April, ruled by the angels of the month
April – Raphael and Ariel (as it represents feminine energy). Numerical value
of the New moon is [3] (from 23), and it represents the structure of Triangle
and Conic form, and divine Trinity. It has also Fire energy (3 and 7) and it is
related to Wands, and Knight of Wands in Tarot (masculine sexual energy, desire
to act, projects in motion, going on a journey, cause in artistic sphere,
projects and talents, travelling, new job opportunity, change). He brings also
impatience, passion and confidence that all is within a reach. The Tarot cards
of the New Moon are: 3 of Wands (April is in Spring – related to Fire/ Wands) meaning:
going on a journey, going out of your comfort zone, travels, brave start of
your new projects and goals, planning and focus. You have much energy to
achieve all what you want. Another very strong aspect in the New moon is 3 of
Pentacles (New moon is in sign of Taurus, which is Earth/ Pentacles sign). This
card shows passion and creative projects, working in community, help from other
people, feeling spirit of the community, oneness, building a home or carrier,
manifesting your wishes and goals. You have accomplished much.
Month of April will be filled with healing, connecting with nature and trees energy, creative passions,
focus and confidence, clearing your visions with archangel Ariel and Gaia. That
will bring spirit of unity with all natural world and with all humans. So be
sure you are going out to visit beautiful natural places, mountains, parks and
Also in all times
take steps to heal your physical and emotional body, which is your Heart
chakra, you can do that with letting the flow of Love, self-love, joy,
compassion, purity, and forgiveness to reside in your Heart. Make frequent
meditations on heart chakra, because in this season of Spring 3 months it will
Expand and become connected with the ethereal codes of changes in DNA. Nourish
your body with healthy foods (special green veggies), plenty of water, sleep
and exercises. That is quite essential for your Ascension.
Wishing you to be
filled with Love, Joy and abundance. Stay on the path of Light, dear children!
Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium }
Reiki master }
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