Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ajna chakra -relationships, aspects -I

In this article series about chakras I want to explain in details and clarify what are deep reasons and relations of chakra illnesses, why we suffer from some problems on physical level, that we cant explain.
For every illness there is a deep reason or meaning. Without a doubt. You need to understand that illness is related usually to past karma (from past incarnation) or simply negative imprints, karma and habits in your life now. Think deeply what are the things in your life you need to change? What are your weak points and why? Then you will start to notice some repeating pattern for all. Illnesses are not by “chance” with you and they need to be acknowledged, explained.

    As we start to “think” more on this topic, its time for me to introduce aspects of Ajna chakra known as Third eye. A powerful place in human body. This energy sphere is spinning with radiant indigo blue color, or with some may appear as dark violet; this chakra looks like beautiful night sky; it has white-golden core and with people who are mediums or psychic, or extra sensitive, they will have much bigger Ajna covered in the outer sphere with golden or silver “sparkle”. This is the picture of how Ajna looks in energy level. It`s really beautiful and powerful.

Now to be sure you know the place of Ajna, I ll say this chakra is situated in reality not in the center of your forehead (as most people assume and show), but in the deep place, middle of your brain where is the area of Pituitary gland. Because Ajna spreads as a sphere of light, we see it works on the surface of our body, exactly in the place of Third eye (slightly above and between the eyebrows). This is the place where the chakra energy can be felt and stimulated.

Many people connect Ajna chakra mostly with intuition, insight, vision of world. Specially intuition and knowing what is in the future (gift of connecting other worlds) are well known qualities of Third eye. But here I ll observe some less known aspects of Ajna, connected with relationships.
The relations of Ajna is the highest possible human relation, that appears in connection with our Higher Self and astral body.
With Ajna we can sharpen and improve our intuition, psychic abilities, but also we can improve our simple thinking and mindset. We can ask question to our Self and receive answers without to wait.

Ajna is the hidden look to the universe, the relation between visible and invisible, what we can see and what we can perceive with mind, relation between logical thinking and analysis and irrational thinking and generalization. We can see things around us in their true light with help of Third eye. We can understand much from the pattern of the universe and its functions, levels and spirals. Our mind in reality has energy of a spiral, that presents complicated patterns. Function of human mind and the brain is still a mystery to most scientists. That’s why it deserves deeper look.
Some of the aspects I ll observe about the lovely indigo blue chakra are:

-         Travel (in the physical world) trips to places, continents
-         Trips to mountains and sacred sights
-         Astral travel and dreams process
-         Meeting and accepting foreign cultures
-         Science and scientific approach, researches
-         Sensitivity for the invisible sight – psychic phenomena
-         Sensitivity for the energies and influences
-         Indigo blue auras
-         Seeing and understanding your Higher Self
-         Realizing the existence of God source and angels
-         Connecting with Higher Self and spirit guides
-         Reading and knowledge about Spirit and soul;
-         Reading and knowledge about history of religion and mythology

You can see the list long. Many of these aspects you didn’t think about.

    The first component important for this chakra is Travel. The symbol of travel has so many sides and often appears in fictional books; travel means: discovery, self-knowledge, understanding the reality, openness, seeing something that was hidden before, revealing mystery about self and universe. These are aspects of Travel; that’s why all our travels around the world - in physical reality – are not by chance. It may seem to you as if they are just “occasions” or opportunities; its not so. Every travel you make in this life is related with the complicated net of your 1. Karma, 2. desires 3. personal transformation. That means you accomplish travel always in period of transition! When your soul needs to have lessons, or when your soul needs to “release” past karma. Specially the long travels and stays in a foreign countries (up to 3 months), are not by chance. If this period is longer than 3 months, that means your energy is rooted in this change; You are different personality, even if you don’t realize it. Travel, no matter the period of time, has always the keys of transformation of Self. This transformation may lead –in most cases –to life transformation and change of life pattern. But the first transformation is inside…area of brain and mind. Travel opens the light of mind, so you see things you didn’t notice before.
No matter the reason of your travel –specially to a foreign land – there is always connection with transformation inside of your mind. Now many people travel to so many places. Yes, and it`s not by chance, as this era requires awakening and opening of Mind.

    * note: I had two big travels in my life and they were strongly transforming and life changing. The first was to land of Egypt, the second was to Iran. With both places I have connection in past lives (even not one time), and both awaken in me very familiar feeling – as if I “belong” to these places, is if I was living there, and I was born there, and some strange nostalgia I felt there. Always notice such strong feelings. When I was in capital of Cairo, regardless of how it was noisy, dusty and polluted air from cars, I felt sense of unexplained happiness and joy. I smiled and felt exactly like pieces of puzzle of my soul came together. This is the best sign that you have karmic relationship with this place. I lived there before, many times.
The soul has memory, if I don’t have in my human brain. But my aura has imprint of this place. Is it by chance that exactly in this area of Egypt I found my “karmic relationship”? or that I started the Wheel of Karma by activating some process and releasing after. The time I spend in this country was significant for my life. But when I was Inside of the experience, I was not aware. I didn’t realize the process. All came to me After that, when I returned to my country. Then all things started to appear to me very clearly and I could answer “why” this happened.

    The second place I traveled was to Iran, again Muslim country, but very different from Egypt. This experience was also “magical” and amazing –that I cant even believe it was possible to happen. I keep in memory the city of Isfahan, that was most familiar to me. When I was just traveling with bus through city of Isfahan, in my mind appeared strong message: “ I lived here before. This is my city, I know it!”. It was together with the strong feeling of joy, happiness and connection with this territory. Strange? Not at all, when I think now, I see how much aware I was about my travel in this moment. Not by chance also I met person there, who also was in my Karmic relationships from past. How so many things to be just “chance” or opportunity? This was strong lesson for me. Something more – I was there for educational reason! So you can see, all aspects of Ajna are active in this travel. If you have all these active energies, be sure that you have Karmic relation to this place. I know I wont feel so to all places, and there is special reason why I went there in exact time of my life, and why I met certain people. 

nina Lea-nour *
angel` s medium 

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