Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ajna chakra -IV (psychics, crystals, visions)

    Now I`ll say something about sensitive people and kind of psychic auras. There are many types of sensitive people. It’s the same as there are many groups of angels and spirit guides in hierarchy, so there are people with different kind of psychic abilities. Please have in mind that sensitive or psychic people does not mean “fortune tellers”! many may confuse these things and suppose they can have exact information about future events.

    Some events are not easy to be predicted, due to the flow of energies on earth (and around humans), so events almost in all cases can be changed. Be aware of that. In such way even the best fortune teller could make multiple "mistakes” or in other words he sees just “options”, opportunities of some events to happen. What will happen in reality depend on us as separate individuals.
Psychic people have some very strong signs to be recognized:

  1. they have very sensitive energy and sensitive aura
  2. they make easyly connection with their spirit guides, that could be even since they were children
  3. they wont stay long time in crowded places or places with polluted energy; due to this fact they choose people around very carefully;
  4. psychic people don’t “brag” about their abilities and will be gentle to everyone who is interested in the matter. They are not arrogant.

These are the main characteristics of psychic people. Their aura is with different colors and brilliance and they have usually developed Third eye and Crown chakra. People with indigo blue auras have special ability to “see” invisible things and energy, their power is seeing or “clairvoyance”. They have also higher gift for astral travel. People with lavender – or violet shades of aura have the ability to “hear”, smell of taste the invisible energy – they are “clairaudient” and clairalient; Some extra sensitive people have pale pink shades in aura or golden shades – they have ability to feel and to know” clearly. Most psychic people are sensitive on all  energies even they feel them in different way. Even if they have strong protection (as they should have), they will be quite vulnerable and uncomfortable in some crowded places, cafes with smoke, streets or highways; When they experience these things , sensitive people will feel like exhausted or drained, they will need rest.

     Psychic people need frequent rest in the day time and longer sleep than normal people. This is because their energy needs to be restored. Of course if they are balanced they will have exact sleeping time and they need (obligatory) short meditation during the day. These people will be easily attaching” negative energy from around, so they should be very careful and aware with others. They will sense all bad influences. If they have “slight” feeling that something is wrong, then it really is.

Such people could suddenly listen or see a message from their guides, even in middle of event or place. Some psychic people can have more clear channeling or receiving of information when they are alone, in own private space. As I wrote about energy types and colors, most psychic people have complicated beautiful patterns in aura and chakras. People who are healers will have also green shade in aura (from dark green to pale apple green or golden-green). That is sign the person has healing abilities which can be improved.
People with blue and green aura have healing and artistic abilities, or can heal their soul with art, that is one of the most beautiful ways of ascension.

V. Crystals of Ajna
Crystals are the real elements of Third eye. No matter of division of crystals (they can work for activation of all chakras depending on their color), Ajna is the center of real work with crystals energy. Why?

I ll remind here shortly other chakras elements:
- Muladhara – metal, gold, copper, mercury, cactuses
- Sacral – flowers, flower essences, herbs, sea shells,
- solar Plexus – fruits and vegetables, nuts
- heart – essential oils (floral), aromas, honey, Trees (leaves)
- Throat – essential oils (herbal and all), salt and herbs, singing bowls.
- Ajna – crystal, pure water (spring, river, lake)

   As we see Ajna is responsible for all crystals, and water energy. If you look closely all elements given are “alive” they are forms of life. Some people still doubt the crystals as “living” beings. But they are in fact. Even more than what we imagine. The prove is that from all given elements, only crystals (stones) have the ability to be programmed by human thoughts. They also can: 1. aid channeling 2. cleanse the space; 3. remove toxic energy 4. absorb toxic energy; 5. amplify the clean energy by creating energy flow.

All these qualities are not available with other elements. They can remove toxic and negative vibrations (specially oils), but they cant be programmed for specific reasons, nor can do that continuously; That’s why crystals are one of the best cleanser and amplifier of positive energy in space. The matter is that we need to cleanse the crystals (using salt and smudging) before we program them.
What is more, crystals have direct connection to…water element. Are you surprised? You may think they are source of Earth energy. And it is truth. In fact they can save and radiate information just like clean water. For the reason of special formation of their crystalline structure in the bowels of Earth, they are related to water. In fact they contain energy of all basic elements in their formation (earth – basis, air –form, fire –transformation, water – crystalline power) The level that we use crystals for purposes of healing, cleansing and recoding, is connected mostly with power of water.
And here I speak about all crystals, specially about high vibration ones like turquoise, lapis lazuli, clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, rutil quartz.
Have in mind that crystals can be programmed but also they are influenced by your mind patterns – that means are affected by your thoughts and desires. For example if you or someone around you is frequently nervous and angry, this will influence the crystals; they will need to be cleaned soon after. You can recognize your crystal energy by holding your piece of crystal in your left hand (of receiving), and feel its energy for a while. If you feel like tingling or energy (as if crystal is warm from inside) then your piece is well and happy. But if it has dull energy, weak vibrations and color – your crystal needs cleansing.

I ll write later on how to program your crystals for extensive work. That’s all for now, dear children of Light. 

nina Lea-nour *
angel `s medium 

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