Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Channelled message from AA Chamuel for the Ascension (August, 2023) 🌟


Greetings, children of Earth! 

I archangel Chamuel and the angels of the Pink flame are here to send you blessings and light codes for your ascension at this time.  🌟

We are with you as the planet Earth is going higher through the tick clouds of darkness and past trauma. Now the whole humanity is in process of releasing, cleansing and letting go. Some souls are yet to be awaken in other life times. Time as you know it, is just construct of your specific reality (and space) and your consciousness. But in angelic universes Time does not exist.

   * You are in continues ever unfolding evolution of the soul, as you go higher on the spiral of Ascension and awaken more. Your inner light is shining brighter now. Some of you may feel strange opening of the Third eye, have visions, dreams and intuitive messages. 

Understand that you are here to evolve and develop – as souls, but also you are in this plane to find real Joy and Love.

Without them your existence will be empty as a shell. You need to send Love to the outer world and others, send love to yourself, then open your arms and receive all blessings that Universe is giving you.

Human consciousness has increased in vibration and is now able to exist in higher dimensions. You are ready to start using your power, start shining into the world. Let go of your old ego and programs of the Mind. They are no longer needed (and even available) to you in the 6 th dimension.

As you are evolving gradually, your planet spirit is too moving through transition.

Embrace all changes that happen now on the spiritual and soul level. You may feel at times exhausted or out of energy. Know that this is the way you receive light codes and upgrades, that’s why your body system and energy needs time for rest, speep, recuperation, self-love.

Here I want to remind you of the importnatce of your spiritual practices and “spiritual hygiene”. 

This is the practice of releasing all toxic energies from your body – similarly to how you take your daily shower. Your energy is connected in intricet spheres of light. Your spiritual bodies affect your mind and emotions. Your mind and emotional body affect your sub-conscious mind. Your spiritual hygiene is the way to deeply connect to your inner self, to speak to your inner child, to awaken your Divine feminine.

In this month the main theme to look for is opening to Love and Self love. That means very different things for each of you, depending on your personal level. For some souls opening to Divine love may be to finally realize the toxic pattern in their relationships. They will not be able to hide anymore –from the darkness or from Light. Both will become so easily distinguished and easily available.

So, it is always up to you to make the choice and make changes in your life and people who you decide to connect and live with. 

For some Divine love will be found in peaceful moment of solitude and looking inwards. They will be in need of higher guidance and self-reflection about how life can unfold. Know that you have always opportunities, multiple ways to go (in the labyrinth), many different ways to create into the world. 

   Another way divine Love expresses itself is through your close relationships –family and children. Ask yourself – do you feel supported and loved? Do you give also love and support? What are the emotional wounds or painful childhood memories that you still cant let go?

For many of the light workers and star seeds, this month will be to connect with their own divine feminine wisdom, to reach to higher guidance from Light beings, angels and guides from other planets, who are here to assist you.

Most of you now know how to discern the right from the wrong guide.

There are beings who actually act” as guides, but they are so obviously false in their attitude. As they act not from love, but from ego impulses and benefits.

Now, embrace all your wisdom, embrace your Heart, your passions and desires, your visions for the future. That’s how you will create the new Ascended reality on Earth.


Sending you pink light codes and blessings! 💗


AA Chamuel

Channelled by

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

Medium, crystal healer

Spiritual guide 

August 2023 ★

More about my services read here

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