Saturday, May 20, 2023

New Moon in Taurus - Self-care & Soul Rejuvenation (Emerald moon portal) ๐ŸŒ™


  The energy of the New moon portal opening on 19 May brings nourishment, balance and grounding. We are invited to go inward, to allow the body to feel the external environment, to tap into our world of emotions and sensitivity. 

This portal opens very beautiful swirling emerald light of Healing and rejuvenation for the body and mind.


 In_this article you will understand: What is the best to manifest during this new moon? ★What is the alchemical element we work to amplify? What are some questions for journaling? ★What are the best crystals for new moon healing and grounding? 

Now_is the perfect time for:

   -      Manifesting ๐ŸŽ health and balance in your physical body: tuning into wisdom of your body, starting new diet plan, being mindful about your food, supplements, water; starting exercise, dancing, sport or yoga. Understanding what are the addictions that hold you back from perfect health.

-        Manifesting ๐ŸŽ abundance: that comes with being grateful about all blessings that you already have in your life. Acknowledge all beautiful things that you achieved during this month: material, related to money and home, or related to appreciate your healthy body, family and people. Focus on proper money management is the key, knowing how much you spend and how much you save.

        Manifesting ๐ŸŽbeautiful home: in this Taurus energy you can focus on renewal of your home space, making some changes, renovations or just changing the dรฉcor, style and cleaning all your home from clutter. This will bring you to your best energy to spend peaceful time at home.

        Walking in nature ๐ŸŽ mountain or lake, connecting with wisdom of the trees; creating your home garden, growing new plants.  

   All these are quiet important things you can focus your attention to manifest with joy.

   It is recommended at this time to meditate on your Earth star chakra (below your feet) and work on your Sacral chakra – the orange center of Divine feminine and Light of Joy. Imagine beautiful orange sphere of light swirling in your Sacral chakra, see how all your reproductive system, urinary system are cleansed and rejuvenated with orange-amber light. Meditate every day for about 10 minutes, so you will feel changes in your body.

   ♉ Taurus sign is Keeper of Earth – that means he is fixed (stable) sign that doesn’t like many changes or fast movement. He loves material reality and he thrives in beautiful, calm environment, surrounded by nature or luxury items. Taurus appreciates beauty of life – moreover his ruling planet is Venus. Now we need to work on our earth qualities: stability, persistency, motivation, determination, steady progress, acceptance, self-discipline.

You can call on Arch. Raphael and the green flame angels at any time to surround you with healing light and protection.

E_lement *

   At this time we work on our Earth element: grounding, safety, self-care and nurturing. Earth is alchemical element of stability, keeping and building our reality, understanding our connection to mother Earth, all elementals and fairies, all nature. Earth is element connected to Divine feminine and divine child.

   That can bring deep realisation about the place of human in the planet, what we contribute to nature and earth, and what harmful habits we need to stop.

Here are some great questions to ask in your journal in the time of Taurus New moon ✎

-        What are the things that I value in my life now? –material

-        What I m especially grateful for in this month?

-      What in my physical body needs cleansing and healing now?

-        Do I spent enough time in nature- outdoors?

-        Do I have healthy morning routine and exercises?

-        Do I have self-care and self-love practices (like special baths, massage, yoga, dancing, skin care)

-        Do I spend enough time with my family and friends?

-        What in my home environment needs to change?

-        Do I have clean and free of clutter home?

    Do I spend my money mindfully? Do I have money management?

-       What in my diet and food habits need to change?

-       Do I feel the best version of myself?


C_rystal healing *

  You can use these amazing crystals for grounding, balance, emotional healing, inner guidance, heart and past trauma healing, connecting with the nature spirits: green jade, green moss agate, malachite. Lay down with your back straight and place one of these crystals on your chakras. If you have only one crystal, you can hold it in your left (receptive) hand, or place it on your Solar Plexus chakra where it will absorb your energy and send you healing rays. Imagine how all the crystals are connected forming a green healing tube of light in the center of your body. Breath deeply and feel the energy.


Thank you for tuning in! Please like, share, subscribe or buy me a coffee. ๐Ÿง

Nina Nour Bluebell ©
Medium, crystal healer
Spiritual coach 
Tarot intuitive 
May_2023 ★
About my Spiritual services read here!

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