Sunday, January 1, 2023

Channelled message from AA Metatron (for January) 2023 🌟

Greetings children of New earth!

We are sending you special blessings and light codes for this time of ascension on Earth. I want to send you short message and to greet all light beings, starseeds and souls on the spiritual path now. You are here, you are aware, you are safe and you carry the Light with you. Together in unity – you are the Light of this reality. 

Maybe it seems to you now that there is no other way, there is no fast way to the higher dimensions, and that things are not going in the way you want. But truly you are on your true Soul`s path, you are ascensiding soul. Therefore you need to take all responsibilities, all places of duality within and outside, all spiritual gifts now. You are being activated for your Higher purpose exactly in this time, in this year, in this moment.

    Time is like compression and expansion. Your time is moving in a spiral, rather than circle. That`s why you don’t repeat one and same experiences, but you can have the same energy going in higher circles, higher realities. That is because an Ascensding soul always experience changes through ascension. That usually seems hard and overwhelming, it seems like being stuck in the mud of reality. But it`s not. The change is essential for you, it`s crucial for your development on earth.

You are in strong density and that can change only by raising the unified vibration of the planet. And that means vibration of all Light beings united.

2023 has the essence of Light element. This is year of changes, it carries meaning of code Light – 7 and code Fire -3 which is transformation, change, letting go and destruction. Be aware that destruction is not something negative in your reality, as it brings freedom from energy attachments, freedom from negative programs and matrix that you are trapped in. Year 2023 brings activation of your Super consciousness, which is spread to all humans – it`s on collective level. It unites the sub-consciousness with Super consciousness.

Matrix is set up to work mainly through your sub-consciousness and partly with your conscious mind. That’s why it is not easy to be erased, as it exists in your DNA and in your root.

 This matrix existed for quite long time. Now is the time during this Planetary cycle until 2029 – you to realize the truth about it, where you are and who you are.

In spiritual truth you are free beings of Light. You incarnate for a special reason always, and it was your choice of the soul.

Also there is one truth you need to understand – there is no “darkness” in this reality, as you invent it within this matrix; what you call darkness is “absence of Light” and that concept has very different connotation than Darkness. The absence of Light is also absence of Love, joy, abundance and knowledge. It is also absence of freedom as your soul right. All these are precious jewels of your soul in this existence. But people of Matrix don’t like you to experience true Love, true abundance and true freedom of soul. Therefore they put around you this programmed cage, that we can call Matrix. Ascension is a way to brake this program and go out of the matrix. But this will take many generations, as it is still deeply rooted in your mind and reality.

Matrix is everywhere – in the way you see the realtiy, in your model of government, country, money, banks, exchange, trade, business, work, healthcare, pharmacology, education. In all aspects, levels and social structures. This matrix cant be re-planted for a day, nor for many years. In order that to happen you need to be prepared for the destruction of the old systems in all levels. Everything that you see needs to be REMOVED and erased from the matrix, so you can create a new world.

Freedom can be very broad and multi sided term, but here I wont give you clues to the deeper meanings of it. Here I speak of freedom as soul first right, by agreement. Freedom to choose, freedom to understand the truth, to be out of the matrix. The first thing you need is 1. Awareness and the second is 2. inner change. The third thing you need, in order to reach to freedom is Unity consciousness. These are not words, but stamps of energy and realities. If you don’t have these 3 things you can`t reach to freedom as humans.

   So be prepared for inner change, for destruction and going to higher level in 2023 – year of Light element. Activate your inner light, be warrior of freedom, and work through awareness and discernment. See the reality, but also see the true grey matrix behind it. See through the evil agenda and intentions behind it – which aims enslavement of humans.

All your experiences are advanced points to your ascension. But your choices now are multi dimensional, that means they are affecting everything around you, and within you. They are energy reverberation.

In 2023 you will go higher through turbulence and destruction of old models and programs. So be prepared, it is year of Activation and stepping forward finally with your own soul mission.

Sending you Love and Light codes.

Archangel Metatron

channelled by

© Nina Nour Bluebell *
    medium, reiki healer
     January- 1, 2023 ©

1 comment:

  1. What is 2029 mentioned? What should happen about then?
