Monday, July 20, 2020

Tarot Lessons -I - Easy steps for beginners

In this section I present how to learn tarot in easy steps. Of course I would like to determine, that Tarot, as anything else you study, requires devotion, determination and time. Be patient and take this steps.
2. I never believed in the principle of “fast study” or learn Tarot in 1 day, 10 hours or something like that.
Tarot requires patience, practice, imagination and journaling skills.

Here I present my personal system for Tarot study, that you can follow, or you can make changes so match your personal taste.

I.                   Tarot for Absolute Beginners
The first thing you need to do is following: 1. To choose the Tarot deck that you like mostly 2. To be acquainted with the Major Arcana cards (22) 3. To become familiar with the Minor Arcana cards (suits from 1-10). 4. To be acquainted with the Court cards (King, Queen, Page, Knight) in each suit. 

The beginning in this method is based on emotional memory, which is important to be incorporated in your practice.
Rule: Don’t be overwhelmed to read extended meanings of all the cards at once! Don’t start by reading books. That will take a lot of time, and you may be quite confused from all the different interpretations.
Lesson I. Exercise on Major Arcana (awakening your imagination and creating emotional connection to the deck.)

Step 1: Observation
       Start by simple observation of the cards, step by step from the deck. Let your imagination fly and feel the cards only by looking to the images of each card. If you like you can go through the whole deck, just observing the images, in order to be familiar with them. That exercise makes your subtle mind influenced by the images on the cards, and let your Subconscious memory connect with them. (for this exercise I recommend using a simple deck as the Universal Rider Waite deck, as it has very clear colours and symbols). 

Step 2. Choosing cards
      Take all the Major Arcana cards. Go through them one by one, feel each card. What it speaks to you? Now take out all the cards, that you really feel attracted to. Just by the images, you will feel something is pulling you to these cards, as if you see yourself in them. Or as if they have message to tell you.

 * For me my special cards, which are most important for me in Major Arcana are: 0. The Fool; II. The High Priestess; III. The Empress; IX. The Hermit; XI. Justice; XIV. The Temperance; XVII. The Star; XVIII. The Moon;  XX. Judgement 
These are totally 10 cards I draw from my personal choice. Some of them are reflection of me, and how I feel about myself (The Fool, The High Priestess, The Hermit). You will notice the same about your cards.

Step 3. Journaling
Now take the time to observe the cards and write down in your journal what you feel about each card. What emotions arise when you look to the image? What are the minor details in the card you notice?
What are important and major symbols of the card? Note: this step should be done only without reading any card meanings. That’s why it`s preferable to choose a deck that does not have meanings on cards. This is your personal connection with cards, on a very deep, emotional and sub-conscious level. Do that only for the cards you feel attracted from the 22 Major Arcana. They can be 3, 4 or more.

Step 4. Meditation on cards
      From all the cards you selected now, and which you described in your journal, shuffle them and choose one card. Now look to it and feel what kind of message does this card bring to you? What do you see? What is the first impression you have about this card? Do you have a key word or feeling about this card? If you want take time to see all the elements on the image, close your eyes, imagine yourself step inside the scene of the card. What is the message you receive? This is important exercise to awaken your imagination and to be familiar with the energies of this particular deck.
In this way you` ll have strong bond with the deck in the future readings. I suggest that even for people, who are advanced in Tarot, when they have a new deck, and after cleansing it.

When you receive the message from the card, you may write it down in a journal.
With that step the first lesson is finished. You now have the inner feeling and subtle connection. Don’t hurry to know more, or to know all the meanings at once.
I made this mistake, and I discovered the meanings don’t work for me in this way. First you need to have the deeper, connection of your Subconscious mind. 

Thank you for tuning in my Tarot lessons! 

Nina Lea-Nour * 
Angel`s medium 
Tarot intuitive 

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