Monday, June 22, 2020

Solstice Portal Energy update -20

This solstice bring strong energy of Ascension of heart center (Ethereal light). I feel the energy in the lower levels is dense, and a bit heavy. From my spirit guides I understood that is the so called energy “ripple effect”. The energy now is changing, since February, and creating vortexes and expansions of light in the Higher levels. That happens because we are in an important point of ascension of Earth. Thats why also many events related to humanity healing and cleansing will happen until the end of the year.

We are in a new Cosmic cycle, so we need to really be more sensitive about the energy. That means first your own field, and then of others. You can sense others emotions and make observation of your own feelings much easier. That is one of the progress in the time of challenges.

You can feel tension in head, stomach, headaches, or dizziness during this time. Higher levels have changes in the energy flow, New waves of Ethereal and astral energy are coming into the core of Earth. In the same time the ripple effect is caused by Cosmic spirals of energy in higher planes. There are influxes into the humanity Heart centre, leading to Awakening of emotional body. In this time many people would feel fatigue, tiredness, emotional stress or any disorder in feelings. That will pass away, but it`s necessary now.
Vibrations are increasing that means all living things will be with higher frequency now, after month of June. The way we feel and understand reality” will change totally.
Spiritual exercises:

       Start by connecting with others. Imagine you can sense others emotions and thoughts. Meditations for Heart chakra, breathing exercises, yoga, swimming, eating more vegetables, are all ways to make your passage through this time easier.
Heart is the centre of Understanding, love, compassion, peace, acceptance. Is something missing in your life? You are invited to observe yourself, shift from your present state of “feeling” reality to higher. If you feel sadness, frustration, vulnerability – accept all those feelings, and let the pain pass though you. Then you`ll be able to let go.

The energy of Love is presented this month with the soothing pink light of Arch. Chamuel. It`s wonderful time to set goals and desire love, new relationship or to connect with the heart of your beloved.
The Tarot cards expressing the potential of June are: the Sun XIX. – VI. The Lovers (Gemini), XV. The Devil (Capricorn);

In this configuration, we have Sun in Cancer (Chariot), indicating time for approval, personal victory and achievements, things wont come to you easily, but with persistence, willpower and strategy to the goal. First –know what you want. Desire to travel, or move forward from a complicated situation. Moon (High Priestess) in Cancer (Chariot) – need for meditation, Astral travel and advancement in spiritual way. Be sure to practice whatever you want to achieve. Things will not come from sky, as you expect. Higher sensitivity to energies, subjects and environment.

Venus (Empress) in Gemini (Lovers) – very special configuration, be sure that you make right choices in love. Think first about who you are and your values and ambitions, before you offer love and pleasure.

Jupiter (Wheel of Fortune), indicating changes, luck, destiny, karma comes in the land of Capricorn (Devil XV.) for a long time. Meaning, Karma will be presented specially in choices to be made for your health, sexuality and being trapped in illusion about someone. It also indicates changes in values, perspectives through past mistakes and triggers of addictions, anger, resentment, or past abuses.
Pluto (Judgement) is also in Capricorn (Devil) which indicates awakening to the Truth of your life path, where do you need to be, and what inner obstacles, delusions and lies you overcome to reach to thins place. Understanding your dark side, not being equal to it.
It means clearing the energy of the past.

The energy colour of June is Pink and sparkling white of Arch. Chamuel and Gabriel.
They teach you how to cleanse and open your heart chakra, to forgive and stay firm in your Self love.
The arising conflict may be between Yourself and others, Body –and mind, your physical self, appearance and your spiritual self, ideas.
Who others think you are, and how do you relate to yourself.
Differences and harmony.

Thank you for tuning in, children of Light! Stay on the path of love, balance and justice. 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki Master 
Tarot intuitive 

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