Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How to attract Abundance? -II

     After you finished all of the above you are ready to continue to next level of attracting abundance. It is called Gratitude. So many times we listen and read about gratitude everywhere, and still we don’t realize what super power it is. Make a gratitude journal, if you don’t feel like writing, say a prayer to thank for anything that you have now. Consider, feel and see how blessed you are already, what do you have? How many desires are already accomplished? Where you are on your way? What dreams already came true? Then you will feel really blessed and protected.

     The gratitude prayer is amazing tool for attracting abundance. You can say any words from heart to thank to angels, God, universe for all what you have. You can thank also people, soul mates, family for all that they give you. Its so simple and so powerful. You can say: I`m grateful today for all beautiful things I have, that all my needs are provided, I have fresh air, clean water, beautiful home, lovely family…” and count all things you are really grateful – material objects and qualities too. If you do that for just 20 days it will start changing the way you feel, and then many things will transform in your life. Say that for 20 days every night before you sleep, or if you prefer write down gratitude journal. You will feel amazing just after few days.

Ask yourself the question – are all my needs provided? What I m grateful for? Here please don’t slip into viewing your situation, or judging it, or comparing yourself to others! That’s totally wrong, don’t focus on what you don’t have, but on what you have as positive power in life.

Do you have physical health? Do you have good family relations? Do you have good heart, good qualities? What do you have?

Then make a gratitude list, and then make a list with objects you desire. But give yourself time to do that – don’t rush. The universe is not in a hurry. Write between 3 and 5 things (objects, qualities or activities) you want to manifest. Remember – what your intention (attention) is, its already in process of manifestation!

      The way you focus on your intention and inner desire is most important. Focus in a positive way on one exact thing you wish. How to do that? The key for positive focus is 1. to not have any self-doubt or fear, regret or negative emotions about what you want. 2. To be totally in alignment with your desire, wish!
How to be in alignment? You need to develop very strong and positive attitude that all provided to you throughout your life from Universe is a true blessing and gift to you. Use all tools and resources for development, not for self-restrictions, doubt or fear. Acknowledge and use your lessons from past.
Then before asking for material objects (which is totally ok), you need to ask for spiritual things. (or first comes metaphysical abundance, thought form, intention –before material manifestation). So ask for qualities you need to develop –like courage, inner strength, love, inner peace, self-trust, patience, self-love…All the qualities you need to master are tools in your spiritual ascension.
Now the next step is – in order to be in alignment write a list with positive qualities you already have, then write another list with qualities that you want to improve, master. Put these two lists next to each other in a special place or altar. In some meditations contemplate and think about these qualities. Imagine how you will look if you have for ex. more inner trust, more confidence, more strength.
When just you see the lists, you will start to realize many things and you will be already on the way to achieve and master these qualities. (remember how king Solomon asked God for wisdom and good qualities, before wealth!).

I.                   Be open to self-love

The next step in the process is to focus on developing self-love. You are amazing and unique individual, and you come just once in the planet in this form. You are deserving of all good things and all blessings. Love your self and accept who you are. Don’t be critical or judgmental to yourself. Be like child – that’s how you become open to love and self-love. Realize how loved you are – even if you don’t see it – you are loved from angels and god unconditionally. You are full of abundance and good opportunities. Anything you desire can be manifested in the right moment, when you are aligned with your desire.

IV. Cleansing your aura from old programs

This point will take time and daily meditations, in order to achieve cleansing. We are all consciously or subconsciously connected with old programs from our childhood, that are hindering much our spiritual development. They are like shelves covered with dust, that are creating clutter, stagnation and hard feelings, coming from mind. Mind and brain structure is the one of many levels library. Each floor has labyrinth like structure and many different shelves, cupboards and special storage. This is the storage, which we use to create our reality, and different aspects of it. There is a special “floor” and shelves for childhood memories. In this place you need to enter and clean the “dust” that covers your childhood scrolls” memories. The thing you need to do is change the perspective you view your memories. See things from another perspective, clean and appreciate some things, throw some emotional clutter, feel free to interact with your inner child, and with your past self throughout different ages. That’s how you can really achieve cleansing on mind level, and you can control this process.

(* I`ll write about childhood memories and how to overcome/ deal with childhood trauma or hard emotions in another article).
      The thing you need to do is again focus your attention on the beautiful memories, take them out of “storage” mind, see them in Light, from perspective here and now. View also the hard memories that caused you pain, take the dust out of them and see them in light of new perspective. What lessons they give you? Were you in control of the situation, or feelings? Were you able to forgive and forget? If no, you need to work more with these memories, and take time. Its highly important to forgive yourself (your past self), and forgive willingly all participants in past situations of the drama. One of the ways to do that is to see things as a stage and theatre, and all people, including yourself as actors, that play roles. You will feel how much this comparison is relevant specially in very hard or dramatic situations. Do the following game: first remember the situation from your own point, the way that you felt and what you felt, what caused you pain? See things clearly and sense your emotions. By doing so, please realize and say to your present Self – this memory is related not to me now, but to my past Self, which is no longer available. I just choose to carry the memory of it in my inner storage for memories. Now I choose to release any negative and stagnant feelings from my old self, and give new freedom to my present Self. Say and intend that with willingness, and you will see the big difference. Next game is – see the same situation of any drama or pain from another perspective. That means if there are other people around you, or someone who caused you the pain, imagine you go in his skin, and look through his eye. Now see yourself from his eyes, how do you look like? What feelings provoke this person to behave in the way he does? What is his feeling inside? All the time during this game-visualization, focus on the reality of theatre. First this is past Selves, no longer available, second, this is a theater, you are actor. Then feel, and observe only, without to be attached to any kind of emotion. Then in the third game please imagine and see both of you in the situation of past from higher point. For example you can imagine a stage, you are there and you are someone else or a spirit that is looking from above. Then see and observe without any feeling or judgment the theatre, and see what it tells you? Who are participants and what are their lessons? If you dedicate enough time and efforts to these practices for the most painful memories, you will notice something very interesting – you release, and let go of aspects of your older Self, that you no longer need. This is amazing process and really can work wonders for you!

      On the opposite side, do that game visualization for all beautiful memories, and “paint them” with your colors and feelings. Feel and say to yourself how much you are grateful and happy for these special moments of joy or peace, feel how much all people around are satisfied and smiling. Make that visualization and say “I choose to love and nurture this memory and save it inside my heart for my highest good”. Realize too, that this memory is also part of your past self, which is now not true, as you developed and transformed. But you are consisting of different fragments made of past and future “selves”. You are even multiple realities soul in this life!
So release and let go of old energies and hard memories. Forgive yourself, forgive others, feel how much you are different and grow, how much you ascended compared to your older self. That will be amazing experience for the soul.  

       Every child had some stagnant memories or wounds. Without exception. We need to enter again into the world of childhood, and do some spiritual work – enter carefully, be gentle with yourself. This is your past self, someone who looks so much like you. See the atmosphere and the actors in the different fragments of memories. If someone abused you with words or physically? Maybe someone older than you pour down negative emotions, anger and frustration in your mind? Maybe someone told you you cant be successful, you are failing and failure, that you are lazy, bad or anything that hurts your heart? Take this and feel it, observe it. See how this person, actor is in reality projecting his own qualities to you. See how this person is vulnerable. Maybe he failed to give you love and acceptance? Maybe he don’t accept and love himself? In this way he will project any negative emotions from any sphere of life into you. He is not judging you, he judges himself. He abuses himself, and speak offensive words to himself. So be willing to see how tired, vulnerable he is, his soul is out of alignment, he cant achieve anything in this stage. He is lost soul – in this older version of himself. Maybe now he is different, maybe he had lessons and developed.. but for the particular time – he was a victim of his own fake illusions, he was lost. See that and be willing to forgive him. If you cant do that, you need still to work on your Self in present moment, because you didn’t reach to this stage. Some people never succeed in that, some people do. It totally depends on you. But be aware that if you don’t reach to forgiveness to older self and others, you will face the same and many similar situations in the future (lives or times of present life). That’s why forgiveness is the basis to any self-development, together with Self-love.

Thank you for tuning in! Love, light and blessings ~
Flowers at the sea ~ nina 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

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