Tuesday, February 2, 2016

X elements : Fire

I start my texts about 10 elements, which will answer to question: how to work with the power I have, and how to implement the 10 obligations I talked about previously. 

Since ancient times humans mind is always connected with the nature from one hand and with God from another. Realizing that they both are one and the same force is step foreword for us, that`s how all religions developed from the basis of mythology, observing the nature, fearing and realizing we dont have control on the natural forces. The first religions were actually Pagan, and worship many Gods to determine that all they are connected with concrete issues, forces and control over specific field in human life. There is God for fertility and good harvest, for children and family, for the fire and storms. Gods are familiar to all world mythologies, including Greek and Roman, Aztecs and Mayan, Slavic and Nordic societies. They all have common gods and goddesses with relevant functions. Here I wont go in details about that, as the main focus is on elements and specially Fire element. 

I. Fire – the most pure and strong element, one of the basic element Of the universe. 

It has symbolic form – triangle, it is primal, and many forms can be seen in the galaxies – suns, stars, meteors, formations. On earth it exists as “fire” and used in both forms –primal and secondary. Equivalents – Fire has the color – red and all shades/ other colors are –orange and yellow/. It connects with the symbol – sword and “action”, moving, tension, desire, free will. It is used in many rituals, religions and ceremonies as a basic part of a Divine diety for humans. Fire has active form – and for his meaning Is “progression”.
Its negative aspects if transformed are - burning, pain, loss. Fire in magic and rituals has 5 sub-elements (accepted in symbolic way) Fire has the ability (as all elements!) to make “imprint” and save of your energy (aura field), as well as is strongly connected with your thoughts. Thoughts in a prayer are very powerful mechanism for moving in “mysterious” way the universal power, so our prayers can be answered. With fire you can make ritual practices, which are very good and advisable, and they are not equal to magic! Magic practices influence life of another, or group of people, in a negative way, or in a way to move him not in direction of his “free will”. As this practices exists, but they are away from the laws of universe, so they are subjected to punishment and draw a bad karma. 
So your fire rituals should be related only with you, with a positive energy for change and connected with your free will. They can be about non-material things and feelings, like health, love, meeting soul mate. As well as material things – money, possessions, children. (While the non material things – also qualities like being brave, fearless, determined, full of love… are always given to person, when he asks, the material things are not always given. The reason is they are more closely connected with karma law, or that things are determined for you!) Fire is used in most places for prayer –in Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, almost all religions have practices with fire and candles rituals. That’s not by chance. Fire has high qualities to absorb the negative energy from the place and to “make imprint” of the soul. This element is used in alchemy for making other elements, also it has special power to “clean” the space. With candles you can oversee the place for ghosts and lost souls, clean the energy field of your home, clean the aura in some cases, or clean bad and negative thoughts. Its energy is very active and fast moving! 

1. wax – melting 

2. wick 
3. flame 
4. light 
5. ashes 

The quality of fire is – hot. The plan of fire is “transformation” 

“moving”, ecstatic, dominant, determined, progressive, sublime,
Masculine energy. His energy form is pyramid, cone. 
His force is “purification through transformation” – extinction, death and rebirth. This element is intense and unlimited. 
In human body – fire is represented by blood and blood circulation, veins, and Blood pressure. 

In energy level Fire is represented by Root charka (muladhara) as well as 3. Chakra –Manipura, responsible for the grounding and self- control. 

Tastes – fire is chilly, sour; In fruits – all red fruits: specially pomegranate, cherries, strawberries, tomatoes, rosehips.

Fire in human body is represented with the moving force of heart – and his functions of blood circulation and veins. This is the moving mechanism of the body. All illnesses, related with blood circulation and Blood pressure are healed with related treatments from the nature –or "sources". That are : minerals (red precious stones….) flowers (red color flowers and herbs…), fruits (red fruits), essential oils treatment and aroma therapy (for Root chakra and Solar plexus), fire (lighting up candles, lamps). Fire energy is in 2 places – we can call lower and higher fire. Higher is in the place of Solar plexus, and is related to willpower, personality expression, (meditation is on :I`m strong and powerful, I do). While the Root chakra fire is related to possessions, the Manipura fire is related to actions and deeds. Confident people have the power and will to act, change, transform things around. 

Astrological signs of fire are such confident bright souls like: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. 

Low fire energy is in Root chakra, which is connected mainly with Earth (that doesn’t mean it cant have both elements mixed in proportions). It corresponds to principle: “I have”, and physical identity. 
You can awaken and heal root chakra energy in many ways. I`ll write them below: 
1. with essential oils: Sandalwood, Myrrh, Cedar Atlas, Cinnamon, Cypress, Vetiver, Juniper. 
2. Minerals, gemstones: usually all red color stones, specially: Jasper, Ruby, Garnet, Obsidian (black), Bloodstone, Black onyx. Red Agate, red aventurine, Tigers eye, Shungite, Shiva Lingam, Crocoite, Black moonstone. 
3. Yoga assanas: head to -knee foreword bend (Janu sirsasana), standing foreword bend (Uttanasana).
4. Fruits and vegetables: all fruits and vegetables have special qualities to connect with centers of fire energy inside body. They help to cleanse the blood cells, and move effectively the blood system, with balance. Such are: Red apples, Red grapes, blood oranges, Pink grapefruit, watermelon, Pomegranate, red pears, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, acerola, sweet briar, peaches ; V: red peppers, red cabbage, radishes, red onions, radicchio, red potatoes, Tomatoes. 
Eat red every day this kind of fruits to stabilize function of your heart. 
All activities connected with the earth can help you activate this energy, and you can put red color, or simply red mineral on you. Walk in the nature, meditation on the ground, dancing, poses like head to knee foreword bend “Janu Sirsasana”, “Uttanasana” (standing foreword bend).
Sound therapy is very helpful for people, who cant move easily, or for some particular reasons. This is a prefect way to activate your Root chakra, as well as Fire element. Keynote: C; Frequency: 256 Hz; mantra sound: Lam; elemental sound: thunder; 
The sense factor of root chakra is smell. Emotion: confidence; Spirit: survival. Root chakra meditation will have very positive effect for stability, grounding, connection with earth. 

Flowers: Hibiscus, Red rose, red pansies, poppy flower, carnation, dahlia, red lilies, tulips, amaryllis, bleeding heart (dicentra), Gloxinia, red gladiola, Anemone, Peony, Ranunculus, Poinsetia. Plumeria. 

** II. Fire element or “Sun fire”/ higher fire is represented by Solar plexus chakra. (Manipura) The color of it is soft yellow. The mantra is : Ram; Mind: Personal power; emotion: expansiveness; spirit: growth. This is one of the strongest chakras, which will improve your personal manifestations and willingness, strong sense of self, self-esteem and talents for all creativities lie here. 

-- Essential oils: lemon, juniper, fennel, vetiver, lemongrass, rosemary, oregano, thyme, myrrh, mandarin, grapefruit, spearmint, ylang ylang, Coriander, sandalwood, Geranium, clove, cypress, cedarwood, frankincense, balsam fir needle. 

- - Stones: the first place is Amber; then all yellow or between yellow-green and golden stones: titanite, Citrine, Yellow apatite, Golden Quartz, Heliodor, Kauri Gum, Brazilianite, Sunstone, Golden Topaz, Prehinite, yellow calcite, aragonite, yellow sapphire.

-- Yoga asanas: Half lord of the fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana), mountain pose (Tadasana), upward bow pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), boat pose (Navasana) 

- - Fruits and vegetables: lemons, yellow apples, yellow pears, bananas, Pineapples, melons, peaches, apricots, papaya, pumpkins, yellow grapes; v: yellow beats, yellow peppers, potatoes, corn, squash, yellow tomatoes, avocado, Celery, Onions; Cantaloupe, Grapefruit. These fruits and vegetables will bring harmony with the sun energy, and will activate processes for good function of stomach area. (specially fruits), as they ll clean your digesting system. 

Keynote : E; Frequency: 320 hz; mantra: Ram; elemental sound: fire;

It will activate your: security, Personal power and confidence, as well as boost creativity.
Archangels: Sandalphon, Uriel; Cassiel, Samael 
Flowers: yellow rose, yellow tulips, yellow narcissus, yellow crocus, dendrobium, yellow Dahlia, primula, Yellow hibiscus, yellow ranunculus, Sunflower, Gerber daisy, y. Snapdragons, dendrobium orchid –yellow, daffodils, freesia, Asiatic lily, iris, mimosa, primrose, yarrow, Calla lilies, Plumeria, yellow Geranium, Lantana, begonia, y. chrysanthemum, y. lotus flower, acacia, Sandersonia, y. pansies, y. peonies, 

About flowers one very easy truth to know is, they are made by God (nature) to be admired, and to help the meditations. Flowers contain very high positive energy, which is equal to touch to nature. (about that we`ll say more details with earth elements). Flowers are attract all our senses, not just eyes, and this is not by chance. They are made in order to cleanse our energy field and bring us happiness and harmony. By just watching and observing flowers, your aura will be cleaned of negative emotions and will become more bright. Include purposely watching real flowers (if you have at home or in garden is the best), in your daily routine. Stay just 10 -15 min with flowers, listen nice music and just watch them, you ll feel much more uplifted and happy. This is a visual meditation –and colors of flowers will attract exact energy, that you need. If you don’t have enough fire energy in your life –or lack activities, sports and more, is very recommended for you to watch red and yellow flowers daily! That therapy also can increase your confidence and will purify all chakras of fire in amazing way. So start from now!

People, who lack the Fire energy in body, usually have dominant Water or earth energy. They are slow in actions, and deep in thinking, moving gracefully, not fast, they have good intuition, even extreme, but less active force to implement, usually they are warm hearted and loving, but they would have problems in this particular charkas. Also they hands may be colder most of the time, as well as legs. They will be calm in nature, and peaceful. On the contrary, people who have too much fire in their “nature” and structure, they are choleric many times, overactive, or even over thinking, very passionate, obsessive, may go to extremes, dominant and with strong masculine energy. They like to control the situation, can be seen as leaders, they have sharp mind and memory, but less or no intuition. They will have overactive Root chakra, or balances, also they will have warm hands and high blood pressure. In cause of that they may suffer from sleeplessness, and moments of anxiety. Have in mind that when you lack an element, you should make it part of your body by these ways I wrote above (eating red fruits and vegetables, making procedures for yoga practices for fire element and Root chakra, holding and meditating with red stones…) But when the element is more than normally in your body, you should just add to other elements, (like water, earth) which then will be missing. So there will be balance. 

Obviously very good practices for anyone with lack of Fire or disbalanced root and solar plexus chakra are : Sun gazing – in time of sun rise and sun set. This is a great exercise also with much more power for all body. 
Fire energy is activated by all kind of sport activities, so advice to all people with slow moving “blood” and problems in blood is simply to move! Play sport, dance, make yoga, run. This is the way.

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