Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Process of Soul Transition after Death - (Channeled) I


With the help of my angels and arch. Gabriel I write this channelled information about the process of Soul exit from this lower dimension plane to the other side. This is detailed information. 

As we know from many other sources and articles – our body is the physical viecle we leave behind when we die; we have eternal Divine light (or flame) which is our Soul essence, that continues to live eternally and probably incarnate in many different levels, lives and dimensions.

I wrote many articles about the Souls afterlife and the many experiences of the Soul travel. Here I want to give more details on how exactly the souls enter the other-side and what is the process.

The Astral Angels and Soul transition 

The first thing to know is that when the Soul prepares to cross over at the time of death, we will be surrounded by angels of Astral. All of the souls here have individual angels of Astral –who have the role of keepers of the Gate to the Astral spheres.

These angels are called in when our Soul choose the time for transition. They are with us also when we sleep, dream and astral travel, as they keep our safe silver cord to the earthly plane.

The Astral angels are very different than other angelic beings. They look very beautiful, have luminous calming presence, very hypnotic. Most of them have gentle fairy-like wings of light colours – white, snow sparkling white, sky blue, silver. They come in group of 3 or more angels forming a circle around the person at the time of death. Then they start to sooth the soul and prepare the atmosphere around, as they play angelic music and sing. They have voices like from “other world”, so when the soul listens to these songs, bells, chimes, flute or citer, they became quiet and centred within.

The purpose of the Angelic music of the Astral angels is to release any blocked energy from the Heart and Higher heart, so that the person become soothed and within his heart energy.

This is the first process of cleansing and soothing of the Soul from the Astral angels.

Their presence can be felt very well by psychic, mediums and sensitive people. Then the soul falls into “deep state of hypnosis” or trans, which is the first level of “death”.

               First Silver Gateway 

The Soul that is already soothed and prepared to cross over, becomes like a floating energy (or light) that can linger around the body for a while. The soul needs to gather all the energy from all chakras and from all other places and people –within the Heart and more precisely in the “ethereal light essence” of the heart.

This gathering is very important step and soul needs to prepare. The first chakra that is closing and “dissolving” its energy is the Earth star chakra below the feet. With it the Earth connection portal is closed for this human, and there is almost no chance to return it back – if the soul chooses it, or if she has the final exit point.

This chakra together with the Gaia gateway chakra (under it) will be dissolved into shining bronze light. For some souls they will be gradually dissolved in a black light – that depends on the personal soul evolution. The closing of Earth star chakra happens between 1 month and 6 days before the actual death of the body. The persons energy feels “disconnected”, dull and he may have real hallucinations and see things from other side of the veil at this time. Many people have such stories, when before their crossing, the soul didn’t recognize people presence or see things that we cant see.

That’s because the soul is now disconnected from the physical reality and they don’t have energy cord with the divine earth core.

The next steps in the process is the soul to call in and gather all the dispersed energies from places within one major energy point. This point is Dantien – it is middle point between the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakra –behind the belly. Here is the powerful center of birth, personal traits and soul power. The energy in Dantien is gathering from down chakras up slowly – the root chakra is dissolved and its remaining energy moved up to Dantien within the belly; then Sacral chakra is dissolved and its energetic information (like a disc) moved up, the Solar Plexus is dissolved and its energy material is moved slightly down.

The second process of gathering is of all energy centres into the Higher Heart –as this is the place containing the ethereal (soul) essence. All energy from the heart, throat chakra and Third eye are dissolved and gathered into the Higher heart point –which forms vibrant pink sphere.

At this time now the person may not respond to the outer world and even lost his “logical mind”. He is not able to think or sometimes perceive, but he has increased sensitivity for the surrounding.

This process is called (by my angels) Soul body formation before transition.

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer

angels channeler ©

February 2025 

  2022 - 08

Portal 222 - Divine frequency of Purification -Meditation


          What are the Portals? 

Portals are energetic vortexes of high vibrational light bringing activation, purification and higher consciousness to all humans. Every month different portals are opening on the ethereal levels, so that we can take in the beneficial energy into our body, mind and heart.

    Each portal has different frequency, and it pours in the energy in different colour, it is amplified by an angel and has special qualities that we need at this time. Portals have the nature of cycles and they are repeated (the same as seasons, full moons, new moons). But in the same time they have unique energy each time, as we change and evolve on a soul level.

              About the portal 222

The Cosmic portal 2-22 happens in February 22 each year, and this time it has stronger vibration. It opens as a vortex of swirling diamond white and golden light, and it brings deep cleansing, purification and releasing of all old energies.

This is Portal of Divine feminine, archangel Gabriel and white flame angels, bringing healing, letting go of any painful experience or relationship in our lives. This portal will connect you with your own aspects of wounded feminine energy and purify all of your aura, cleansing away the negative emotions. This is also a Moon portal connected with cosmic Water element and all water creatures in etheric realms – water fairies, nymphs, mermaids and mairmen.

★ Meditation for purification for the portal 222

Cleanse the energy of your space and light up one (3,6) white candles on your altar.

Sit in a quiet space and breath deeply. You can take deep breaths in to your Heart and then breath out all negative emotions from the day. Breath in your heart 3 times.

 ★ We call on your guardian angels and spirit guides to surround you in protection bubble of light. We call on archangel Gabriel and the white flame angels to stay around you and protect you with love and guidance. See yourself surrounded by angels, they stretch their hands and radiate healing white and golden light to you.

Feel the warmth and joy of this angelic light, it circles around your aura and enters your Crown chakra.

See and feel your Crown filled with white and golden light, it expands and hold the divine light of your Higher Self. See now how this beautiful shining light is flowing down like water into your Third eye (your forehead), then down into your Throat, and into your Heart. The white and golden light cleansing and purifies all of your chakras, releasing anything that is not for your highest good. Releasing past pains, sadness, un-forgiveness, trauma and offence.

Feel how this magical white light is travelling down to your Solar Plexus, washing away any negativity about yourself and your abilities to shine. The light is flowing into your Sacral chakra, healing your mother wound, down to your Root, healing your father wound and then your left leg and your right leg...into the ground.

This white light is washing away all painful memories, childhood trauma, feelings of victimhood, feelings of being alone or abandoned, feeling of unworthiness, any depression, anxiety or anger are flowing down into the ground.

Now see yourself surrounded by ball of brilliant white light, sparkling like a snow. This light is protecting you from any harmful influence, thoughts, feelings or darkness from outside world. Anything is easily dissolved when it touches the white light.

Archangel Gabriel is sending codes of golden light into your heart. See it as an orb of golden light entering into your heart and expanding the vibration of self-love, compassion and forgiveness. Now your angels and arch. Gabriel imprint a code of Divine love, joy and protection into this golden orb. See it as a special symbol to you. (Only you can know it and visualize it in your mind and this is special symbol to you!). (It can be sacred form, a star, butterfly, a key or anything else).

 ★ The angels are singing divine songs and imprint your aura with purity, lightness and ability to let go.

See how they are placing around your aura shining golden sphere, above the white sphere. This golden sphere contains the imprints of Flower of life symbol. You can see how this golden sphere starts to spin slowly, then faster, and emits healing vibrations and protection to your body in the physical world and your energy and spirit.

       Temple of White Diamond 

You can see yourself in the White diamond temple, in the middle of this temple stands a huge cosmic Diamond, its light shines bright like dazzling sun. You feel rejuvenated, healed and uplifted with new energy. Stay here for a while in stillness and feel the radiant light of the Diamond. Listen to any messages and guidance from the angels in this temple. Receive it with your heart and be thankful. Here you can ask any questions or help from your guardian angels, they are listening!

Say the following affirmation:

 I open now the diamond white and golden Flower of life around me and within me. I cross over the portal 222 to higher dimensions and receive the codes of healing (my divine feminine), purity, self-love, self acceptance, balance and letting go. These codes are for my highest good, and so it is!”

Breath deeply and slowly return back to your physical body.

Make sure to journal or write about your experience and the guidance you have received from the angels.

Drink plenty of water and ground yourself.

Happy Portal 222!

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer ©

angels channeler ©

February 2025

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Channeled message from AA Gariel for the Ascension (Feb 2025) ⭐


               Greetings children of the Light! 

We are here to send you light codes of healing, purification and deep transformation! Most souls who are awaken or choose their path in this time will feel the energy shift in February. There are multiple cosmic and energy portals opening in this month – one of them is with the Full moon in Leo (12.February), and the Portal of White light – 222. There is strong opening of your Heart and Higher Heart chakra, Crown and Soul star chakra expansion.

Many souls and light workers will feel the shift. You are receiving energy upgrades for your physical and spiritual bodies, cleansing of your Throat and Thyroid gland. Pay attention to any feeling or sign your body gives you. This is time of deep emotional cleansing, purification, letting go of the old energy, detoxication of your body.

You are on the verge to connect with hidden aspects of yourself. Some souls will go through soul retrieval process, they will travel (in real or in dream state) to many places from past lives on earth, and collect different scattered aspects of their soul. Be aware that this process can take time and it can be subconscious, but you may experience painful memories or past traumas which you wont be fully aware.

Your brain is reprogramming and “de-composing” with higher frequencies, as you are receiving new crystalline codes of Ascension for the new stage of your Planet.

Many things in your external reality can either change and transform, or you will no longer perceive them in the same way. You are different” person and your body was re-structured, so your perception of the world, yourself and people around you will be different.

We advice you to stay grounded in your body and pay attention to your daily food regime and schedule. This month is great for re-calibration of your digestive system and detox of your body-mind.

Do not use your logical” mind to explain some events in your life, or to understand your feelings or reactions of others.

In order the shift to occur you will need to free up space, to let go of something you were attached, and to free your mind.

Know that now you are coming into your power as Divine being of light and that no one can take away from you this power. You are in a process of awakening to your inner truth and to the false Matrix that was created/ imposed for you.

Observe, feel and understand all traps and illusions you were living and your reality will no longer be the same.

Don`t resist the waves of change and cosmic initiation as they bring deep soul purification and cleansing.

This is the time to let go and trust the Universe, you are on the right path, exactly where you need to be. This message is confirmation for you that you are doing the work of light.

Sending you waves of blessings of white, lavender and golden light!

AA Gabriel

and White flame angels

channeled by...

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal reiki healer 

February 2025  ©

Friday, January 31, 2025

Sun and Karma in the Houses of the Natal chart (6 to 12 house) -II

 Please read part I of the article here...★

       Sun in the 6 house

    In your life this position is sign of self-discipline and organization, healing and wellbeing. Whatever your profession is, you need to master the qualities of Virgo here – to be critical, self-disciplined, to understand value of personal time and to pay attention to the details. You need to work hard to achieve success, but you can be very organized and passionate.

You need to master your eating habits and to try eating healthy foods, also habits of cleaning and cleansing of your space. Your physical body, health, strength and nutrition will be quite important. You can be minimalist, and strive for simple life, to be connected with nature or animals. You can have mission related to plants, gardens, animals rights or rescue of animals. You are here to be master of your physical body and health by creating daily habits and perfect nutrition. (Depending on the sun aspects and other planets, that can be difficult or easy). You can be a doctor, nurse, healer, crystal healer, physio therapist, working with massages, relaxation or resorts.

You can be very good in home design or garden design.

If the moon is here too, this will indicate your past life was also related to the same ideas, mission and values, so you need to continue.

        Sun in the 7th house

This is house of Libra and relationships – love, partnerships and children relations. In this life you have mission to work on your relationships, especially romantic . You may have karmic knot with your spouse or partner. You need to work on the qualities of Libra along with qualities of your sun sign: to achieve inner balance, harmony, make peace with others, overcome conflicts, understand others, to have strategy, good communication skills, diplomacy and kindness. You need to be cheerful and loving, also to learn self-love most of all. You can try sharing ideas and thoughts with your partner, and have equality in your home life.

In another side, you may be doubtful, indesiesive, or appear weak to some people. You need to have strong boundaries. Your perfect partner will be in the sign of your 7th house or sign trining your 7 house. You will feel sometimes need to sacrifice your needs for the needs of others.

      Sun in the 8th house

This is one of the more intense positions of the sun, in house of Scorpio. You are here to master deep intimate relationships, bond, sharing with your partner. Also, you may have hidden truths, or deception from past life; You need to master also letting go and deep transformation in this life, especially you can have challenges with your partner, lover or spouse. (it is related to the sign you have here). You can have some painful intimate relationships, or betrayal; you can be vulnerable, attached or obsessed with a person in your life – weather your spouse or another. You need to be careful for any obsession or addiction in this life – that can be sexual, food addiction or any substance -like alcohol. It`s important for you to have sacred space, and to make regular cleansing and meditation for your nervous system. You can be good in spiritual knowledge, astrology, numerology or crystal healing.

       Sun in the 9th house

In this life you need to master relationships with foreign people and foreign lands, cultures. You are here to acquire qualities and talents of Sagittarius – be open minded, honest, understanding, wise and feeling the differences of all people; You will have strong values and principles, and you can benefit from studying or teaching in university, or belonging to a religion or spiritual practice. Your guru or spiritual teacher will have big influence on you. In this house, you have need to travel, explore different places, cultures and travel far away, you need to go out of your comfort zone. If your sun doesn’t show marriage with a foreigner, you will travel together with your partner (but that depends on other aspects and Venus in your chart).

Your mission is related to travelling, business in foreign land, institutions, embassies, or you could be person from religious system, a teacher or writer. (See also your planets of power).

      Sun in the 10th house

You are here to bring order, structure and law to others. You will be very good leader (or political leader, minister, president), you can have position of big responsibility and dignity. You will be someone with much power, but this power can bring you freedom, as well as restriction. You need to be careful how you use it, because it will create karma. This position can be little detrimental to your 4 house – family and home. You will be person with strong willpower and persistence; You need to master the qualities of Capricorn here, along with your Sun sign – discipline, hard work, strategic, organizing, good management. You will achieve things with much efforts and you will enjoy the result. You can have special aura of leader and teacher. Person who works with the law and government.

     Sun in the 11 house

This is the Natal sun of Aquarius, and house of truth, justice, original ideas, speech and communities. This is also house of expressing your creative ideas in the world. You are a way shower in the world, and this can be position that reveals soul with many talents and ambition to teach others, to reveal something to the world. You can be very creative and have Karma with different people, who will be unique and think out of the box” as you.

Your ideas will be very different from usual people, and your thoughts will fly to many directions. You can have amazing abilities that need to be revealed to the world. You will have talent for communication through writing, speaking platforms, media or online platforms. You will be ahead of your time and see the things around you as “primitive” in many ways. In this house you can have skills for teacher, writer, artist of any kind, director or actor. You need to connect with the public so they can benefit from your shining Star.

In your childhood you could suffer from injustice or felt hurt by others, felt abandoned or neglected. With this position of the Sun you can feel alone or misunderstood. In this life you need to find you soul tribe, to surround yourself with trusted friends and to work in community.

       Sun in the 12 ★House

Sun in 12 house shows that this is your last life from this Karmic cycle. If your sun is in the sign of Aquarius and your rising sign is Pisces, this will be your final life of the final cycle! Then you are about to have multiple spiritual gifts and talents. Often people who are strong psychic, mediums or have clairvoyance, clearcognisance, and other psychic gifts have this Sun. (The moon also can indicates such gifts). You had multiple life times, and much soul experience. In this life you can decide to be a healer and to use your spiritual gifts to help other people. It will be wonderful if you work with any energy, crystal healing practice, or use natural medicine and remedies for health of the body and soul. You can work also as psychiatrist and anything related to metaphysics. You can master the qualities of Pisces in this house, pay attention to your feelings and make sure to have boundaries and energy protection. You may be very sensitive to any energies from outside world. (If you don’t have such spiritual gifts, then you ll have karma of letting go of something painful, or living in isolated far way place, living away from your family).

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer 

January 2025  

Sun and Karma in the Houses in the Natal chart (House 1-5)

 In this part I of the article we explore the Sun and karmic lessons you need to learn in each house -from 1 to 5 

   The Sun in your natal chart can protect you or in some cases hinder your development, but it always shows your Soul contract in this life; it shows your talents, abilities, mission, what do you strive for, where is your personal power, from what you need to be proud, what you need to master here. The sun is planet with the strongest soul contract and calling from all planets. In someone`s chart it can represent also what is visible to the world (while the Moon is the invisible, hidden, obscure); what people see in you, how you feel about the world.

   Sun position by house is very important, as it shows which is your current life focus in this cycle, where you will need to be motivated and determined. Sun energy is connected to your Solar Plexus chakra – your willpower and self-esteem. If the sun is afflicted you can have problems with your self-confidence, or to create boundaries, or to show who you are without mask. Sun is also related to energy of your father, and your surroundings. It shows the sphere of your creative energy and inspiration. What you feel the urge to do; the sun sign will reveal how you do things and why, your deep believes, ideas and conviction. 

The natal Sun by house shows which is your life time in one karmic cycle (of 12 lives). For example, if your sun is in the 3 -rd house, this will be your third life time from this cycle. The next life will be determined by the next sign and house -when you use whole house system.

Here I focus only on the Sun in different houses and what does it reveal for you in this life.

       Sun in the 1 house  🌞

This is position of leadership if your sun is on your ascendant. You are here to be needed by other people, to be seen, and receive admiration. In this life you need to work on your personal qualities and to improve them, as well as on your self-esteem – but you will be very self-oriented and outspoken. You will naturally feel need to socialize and show your real face to the world. This is also good position for self-employment and development. But it can be hard for partnership.

            Sun in the 2 house  

You are here to practice self-acceptance and going with the flow; also to let go of some material obsessions, fear about money, home, objects or prejudices about them. In this life you will be successful in providing support and comfort with money to your family; this position can show good fortune and abundance (if the sun is well aspected to Jupiter or Mercury). Sometimes you will feel like stuck” in the mud and not able to move forward. (because this is house of Taurus -slow and fixed sign). Money, food, clothes, luxuries and comfort will be very important. You need more grounding in this position. You need to work on your Taurus qualities – being motivated, persistent, to move slowly, to be stubborn and grounded. (You need to work also to improve your positive sun sign qualities – like if you have Sun in Libra in 2 house – then you need to implement the qualities of Libra, in the sphere of Taurus in 2).

              Sun in 3 house

you are here to work on skills of communication, open mind and exchange of ideas. For you study of any kind will be essential, also learning new skills constantly. It may indicate short business travels, or work related to travel and exchange. You are person who can have karma with your siblings, or younger brother; also with your close friends. You need to pay attention to relationships with them. You need to work on your Gemini qualities (regardless of your sign in natal chart) – to be smart, observant, flexible; be aware of how changes in your life affect you and work on your Air element.

    Sun in the 4 house

In this life you are called to support and take care of your family (parents and home), or any property from your ancestors. If you have here Cancer or Capricorn this energy is amplified. You will have karmic relationship with your parents (both mother and father). Everyone has such relationship, but you will need to work on karmic knot or pattern in this parent-child relationship. Also, you need to work on personal qualities of Cancer (regardless of what sign you have in 4 house) – sensitivity, compassion, nurturing, caring, but also to create boundaries with others. You will have special inclination to children or working with children (school, kindergarden). You could also have mission related to home design, architecture, home décor.

Your roots will be strong, you can have past life karma related to the country of birth. Also, for you its not advisable to move and live abroad, as your mission will be in your home country. You need to release a lot of ancestral karmic knots and let go of self-doubts and negativity.

            Sun in the 5 house

    This sun is one of the lucky positions for the sun – as 5 house is the natural home of the Sun and house of Leo. That means, whatever you need to overcome, you will be strong and successful. (of course you need to see also the aspects and positions of the sun in the chart). Sun here is visible, magnetic, charming, and even proud to show of his achievements. You need to be in the spotlight (if you realize it or not), you will pull others to you, will be like magnet for friends and you will be loved and inspiration for many people. Regardless of your sign, you will need attention here. (You need to check also where is Leo in your chart). In this life you are here to create, to be open to the world, you can be artist, actor, or person of any kind of art and music. You gain fame easily; also in this position can indicate person who works with social media, and is well known, self-employment is possible. On another side, you can have karmic knot with your children, you can also have many love affairs, or fall in love easily. 

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer ©

January 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tarot & Oracle -Spiritual guidance for the New moon in Aquarius (29.Jan - 11 Feb)

   This new moon in Aquarius is radiating portal of Violet and white light, which are upgrading your whole energy, mental and spiritual bodies.

(* for more information on the energy, astrology and ritual for the New moon, see the article here…)


      XI. The Strength

    You will need to collect your inner strength, resilience and patience to overcome a difficult situation. You need to feel in your inner power, be confident that all things are for good in your life. In need to conquer your fears and work with your shadow at this time. Ask yourself – where do my fears come from? Was that a painful memory from your childhood? Or fear of losing someone or something? Fear of feeling heartbreak or being alone? Fear of being financially insecure or unsafe? Think about what fears you need to work with. Even realization of the fear or shadow within you, is one step closer to your goals. You need to be compassionate and understanding.

          2. King of Pentacles

At this time you are feeling in your power, and need to be in control of the situation. You need to collect your determination, self-discipline and organization skills. Focus your attention on finances, savings, home organization, and work schedule. This is an active time for you, where you will be requested to do many things and to help others. You can use your masculine energy and determination to think of a long term project, focus on practical matters. This King also requires you to be grounded to the earth, be present and calm.

Oracle card 🔮

(“The Witches Oracle” Sally Morningstar)

31. Raven – The Keeper of Secrets

Vibration: Soul

Key words: occult knowledge, magic, mastery

The raven, as the crow and the magpie, is a magical bird, the keeper of occult secrets that inspire the soul. Associated with the dark goddess, the raven is also the bird of the Celtic king Bran the Blessed.

Meaning: Raven arrives at those times when the veils are thin between your worlds, giving you the ability to shape your reality through the integration of spirit and matter. As you let go into the void and really trust the process, you will be led to understandings of your current situation, based upon knowledge of the greater picture.

Trust any visions at this time and know that the nature of light is to penetrate darkness, in order for integration to take place. You are in the process of shedding light upon situations in your life and you are being initiated into the mysteries. Keep secrets and hold your tongue.

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer ©

January, 2025  🔮

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

New Moon in Aquarius (Violet flame activation) -Energy, Journaling & Ritual 🌙


 ðŸŒ’The energy of this new moon is related to deep transformation, awakening and activation of the Violet flame in the human consciousness. The new moon portal opens on 29. January when the core of the Sun is in alignment to the crystalline core of the Moon.

This violet moon portal speaks to our mind and also has strong spiritual connection, opening our Third eye and Crown chakras. 

It is time for full reset and re -alignement of our energy bodies.

♒ Aquarius is sign of freedom, innovation, authenticity, speaking your truth, synchronizing with like minded people, sudden break-through, creative imagination, flying above the illusions, seeing the truth about other people and situations….

In this energy of Air all false masks fall away, you are seeing the illuminated path in front of you.

    🌙The ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus which is currently in Taurus (earth). As both are fixed signs we can feel tension, delusion, exhaustion, pulling away from people, feeling the need to understand more deeply, to visualize the potentials. Earth and Air are not harmonious elements, so it may feel for many is challenging to break free from certain patterns, to reveal the truth of something hidden, to feel free in many aspects of life.

At this time you need to ground your energy to the core of earth (Taurus) with simple daily habits, exercises, cooking, connecting with nature, trees and animals.

🦋check where are Taurus and Aquarius houses in your birth chart!)

 There is a trine (Portal of Harmony) between the New moon and Jupiter in Gemini which opens cosmic doorway of light, abundance, wisdom, knowledge, creativity, expansion of your spirit.

For some people with Aquarius stellium, or Sun (Moon, Uranus) in Aquarius, it may feel ethereal energy, being “out of the time and reality”.

   We have Black moon Lilith in Libra sign which can amplify the shadow work, realization of dark memories, or traumas from the past, your feminine power, connecting with your sub-conscious fears and instincts.

  This new moon is perfect time for: connecting with friends, communities, like minded people, travelling, creative ideas, starting of new job or project, studying, and perfect for change in the direction of your life.

At this time pay attention to your nervous system, thoughts and mind, and your throat and Thyroid gland, as they can be affected.

Angels of the violet flame recommend meditations with deep breathing, violet flame cleansing, Tibetan bowls, singing, chanting, affirmations.

These are some questions to Journal in this New moon

1. What do I need to change in my life/ and relationships?

2. Am I aligned with my highest timeline? Do I feel happy and fulfilled?

3. What are my 3 negative qualities that prevent me from being my best Self?

4. Do I speak my truth without fear of judgement?

5. What creative idea do I need to focus on? What makes me passionate?

6. How often do I meditate and connect with my spirit guides and angels? Can I listen their guidance?

          New Moon in Aquarius Ritual & meditation

 This new moon resonates with the Violet flame and all violet crystals. So you can use violet candles and crystals like amethyst, purple fluorite, charoite, Lepidolite, kunzite. You can place these crystals on your altar or hold one of them in hands while you make the meditation.

Cleanse the space you are in and light up 1 (3, 6) violet candles on your altar. (You can use white candles too).

Release all your thoughts and breath deeply a few times. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position. Now we call on archangel Zadkiel and violet flame angels to surround you with high vibrational violet flame and to remove any negative energies, entities, cords or hexes that are in your field. Breath deeply and just imagine how the violet light surrounds your body and aura removing all darkness from you.

Then visualize you are taken to a magnificent garden, filled with trees, river and waterfall. The place is surrounded by beautiful white and violet flowers of all kinds. See and smell the fragrance of all the flowers.

Now you can see in the palm of your hand you are holding 3 shining violet seeds. These are seeds of your intentions and desires for the next 3 months or next lunar cycle. Think about the first wish or intention you have and plant one seed in the fresh soil in the Sacred garden. The plant the second and third seeds, while focusing on your intentions. See how your desires are fulfilled little by little, and water the seeds with collected rain water next to you.

Stay in silence and feel grateful for all the things that you can accomplish in the next 3 months. Breath the fresh air of this space and see how the seeds start to grow slowly, unfurling into amazing flowers.

Come in the next 3 days to water the flowers of your desires and look after them. This energy will be amplified with energy passing day.

We thank the angels of the Violet flame and AA Zadkiel for their love, help and protection!

Now you can return back and feel so much uplifted and cleansed.

Happy new moon! 

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer ©

Psychic Tarot reader ©

January 2025 

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Perfect meditation for Grounding with AA Sandalphon 🧘


   Grounding is a very important practice to connect with the earth`s energy and have a healthy flow between you and mother earth. We need make grounding a daily practice, as it helps us to stay more focused, to be present, to enjoy every moment, to feel into your body, removes emotional stress and anxiety.

 Here I offer you this beautiful grounding meditation with archangel Sandalphon, angel who connects the most to the crystalline core of Gaia, she /he has silver and turquoise light around.

    Preparation of the space

As usually before every meditation make sure to cleanse the space with incense of your choice. I find very good to work with Paolo Santo or Sage, or sandalwood. Pay attention to the corners of the room as well as the doors where the most negative energy can be stuck.

      Breathing and relaxation

Now sit in a quite place, you can dim the lights, and make your room comfortable by lighting up candles. You can also work with the following crystals for grounding: black obsidian, bloodstone, red jasper, kambaba jasper.

Breath deeply 4 times in and out and imagine with each breath white light is entering your lungs and circulating around your body. This light is cleansing and removing all negative thoughts, stress or anxiety you may have.

       Connect with AA Sandalphon and the earth

We call upon the light and love of archangel Sandalphon, to be with you now and surround you with shining silver and turquoise light. Feel the presence of AA Sandalphon next to you. (How do you perceive him/ her? What is his appearance or attribute in your mind?). Feel the turqoise and silver light expand around you forming a glowing sphere. This sphere encompasses all of your body and aura, it removes instantly all negative energies from others, all entities and brings rejuvenation into you. Feel how dark energy is cleaving you now. The light of arch. Sandalphon is protecting you and your space and all people or animals that are in your space.

See yourself in a splendid garden, surrounded by tall blossoming trees, plenty of beautiful flowers in different colours and rose bushes. There is a river bubbling nearby and you sit by the river, feeling relaxed and refreshed. Now you focus on the earth below you, feel its magnetic pulling under your feet. You send energetic roots of light growing from your feet, and your Root chakra deep into the earth.

See these roots growing deeper and deeper into the Heart of Gaia. You feel more and more calm, releasing any thoughts about your life….Just rest and be in this space. Your roots now connect to the crystalline core of earth, and you feel how your energy is flowing into it. Similar to the roots of a tree. See the energy from earth moving into your roots back into your body. This energy is glowing in pure golden light. See your body slowly filled with the golden light of Gaia.

Then you focus on your Earth star chakra (20 cm below your feet). See this chakra in dark bronze colour. You send roots from this chakra to the core of earth, while releasing all dark, stagnant energy from this chakra. See how greyish liquid is flowing down to the earth from your Earth Star. Them you drink in” the golden-copper light from the earth core into your Earth star chakra.

While you see this flow, breath deeply four times into your Earth Star. Imagine it expanding bigger and bigger, like a vortex of golden -honey and bronze light. Stay here for a few moments feeling the process.

Then focus on your Root chakra, in the base of your spine. See how you send roots of energy in dark colour from this chakra into the earth. You are releasing all the unclean, stagnant energies from it and the earth has the power to transmute them.

Now you see how you take in the golden and ruby energy from earth into your Root chakra. It becomes bigger and bigger like a vortex of beautiful golden-ruby light mixed together. Stay and feel into this light for a while.

Then you send your roots from your Sacral chakra (in your abdomen, below the belly) into the earth. Feel how you release and remove all negative unclean energy from it into the earth. See in your roots flowing golden and bright orange light into your Sacral chakra. See the increased love and warmth inside you, when you take in this light. Your Sacral chakra is perfectly cleansed and filled with golden-orange light of rejuvenation and creativity.

Finally you focus on your Solar Plexus chakra (in your stomach), where you see yellow sun..Pay attention if the sun is clean and bright or has any dark energy or dullness in it. You send energy roots from this chakra into the earth`s core, to be transmuted. Then feel how the earth is flowing its pure golden-yellow energy into your Solar Plexus, filling it with love, vitality and abundance. You are in your own power now, you are free being and it is safe to shine your light now.

See the radiant golden-yellow vortex of light in your Solar Plexus chakra, spinning and being perfectly cleansed.


Angels are inviting you to say some affirmations and feel the renewed energy in your body: “I am grounded, safe and protected. I m filled with abundance, love and gratitude for all that is. I live in the present moment. And so it is.”

     Coming back into reality

You can slowly return back to your day, feel the energy of arch. Sandalphon around you at all times, helping you and protecting you.

You can ask this angel which are the best crystals for you to work with, as he will send you divine guidance. Be open to receive it when the time comes.

Take a few deep breaths and centre yourself in your Heart. See the glowing green sphere in your heart, opening more and more. You are back and can welcome a joyful day or quiet night.

Thank you for tuning in!

Make sure to make this grounding practice daily ★

For more information you can read: 

  -What is Grounding and why is it important

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal reiki healer

January 2025