Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Meditation for the Portal 11.11 -1 (Violet and Golden light)🧘


           What is portal 11-11? 

The cosmic portal 11-11 is one of the most intense portals each year. When open it pours high vibrational codes of golden light from the central Sun of the galaxy and our local sun into the earths energy grid.

These light codes are intense and can create shifts and changes on earth grid and in our consciousness.

This year portal 11.11 -1 is creating big shift, awakening, ascension and transformation on many levels. The angels who participate to anchor the golden codes on earth are AA Metatron, gold flame angels and angels of the Sun, Archangel Zadkiel and violet flame angels, as well as your guardian angels and guides.

This meditation is designed to open and activate the portal 11.11 -1 in your energy system and receive the golden codes of ascension in your cells and DNA.

This is possible, when you are open, receptive and aware of the energy of this portal.

            Meditation for the portal 11.11 

I. Space cleansing

Prepare your space for the meditation with cleansing all unwanted or negative energies from it – using whatever you prefer: Paulo Santo, Sage, lavender, pine essential oil, black obsidian crystals in the four corners of the room, or Tibetan bowl. Use any method of space cleansing you like and feel comfortable.

II.   Preparation with breathing 

You can light up a white, golden or violet candle by your choice. Sit of lie down in a comfortable position and breath deeply a few times. Hold the breath on the top counting to 5 and then exhale slowly. When you breath in imagine golden sphere of light expanding in your Solar Plexus chakra. This light is your inner fire and you are connected with it. Beath in deeply again and imagine expanding white light in your Throat. This is your Air element, you are connected with it. Breath in again and see beautiful expanding violet sphere in your Third eye chakra and above your head. This is your high Water element. Finally imagine emerald green sphere growing bigger in your Heart centre. This is your earth element. Be quiet and observe the energies of the four elements within you. Feel your body present and prepared for the activation.

III. Activation with violet flame and AA Zadkiel

See and feel how the violet light in your Third eye expands slowly until encompassing all your body and aura. Now you are in a bubble of violet light, of your higher consciousness.

We call on your guardian angels, and elementals who work with you to surround your aura and space with light. We call on Archangel Zadkiel and violet flame angels to form a circle around you. See how they stretch their hands sending you angelic violet fire of transmutation reaching all your body and aura. See the violet light spreading to all parts of your body, flowing from the top of your head, down to your face, back, neck, the chest, into your heart. Your heart expands with violet light and it is cleansed in the same time.

The violet light flows down to your both arms, hands and fingers, opening up the palm chakras with glowing violet light.

Then the violet light travels down to your stomach area, pelvis, your hips, and both of your legs, knees and feet, opening and cleansing your feet chakras.

Now the angels pour more violet light into your aura, see them cleansing and removing any negative vibrations, entities, cords and attachments from your aura. Breath in deeply and feel your body and space cleansed and shifted to higher vibration.

You can see the symbols of the violet light and codes of oneness, empowerment, self awareness from the violet angels. These codes are coming from the Sun in our system and they are helping you to transform and let go of all things in the past.

IV. Activation with golden light and AA Metatron

We call on archangel Metatron and golden flame angels to surround you with golden sphere of light. See the angels around you stretching their hands with streams of golden light, cleansing your aura and filling it with new higher energies.

See yourself in a sphere of golden liquid light. Your aura is shining and has reflective surface. Now see yourself and your light body in the middle of a huge golden star. This is eleven pointed golden star of the portal 11.11. Each of the points of the star is filling with shining golden light and moving in a counter clockwise direction. This is the opening of the portal, you are entering it by receiving the golden codes from the eleven pointed star.

You see how your whole body is bathed in a golden light, all your cells, organs, tissues and DNA are cleansed with intense golden light of the Central Sun.

This is light of expansion, activating your inner power, resilience and strength, for manifestation in the 3 D world. This light also awakens all your energy centres, and all energy bodies.

Say to yourself:

I now open the golden star of 11 rays around me and within me. I cross over the portal to higher realms, for my highest good. And so it is.”

We thank the angels, your guardian angels, AA Zadkiel, AA Metatron, golden flame angels, violet flame angels, angels of the sun, for their help!

You can slowly come back to your reality and open your eyes.

If you received a message or saw something special in this meditation you can journal about it.

Drink more water after the meditation and make sure to rest.

Happy Portal!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

November 2024

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Channeled message from AA Zadkiel for the Ascension (Nov.2024)


           Greetings children of the Earth and light!

We are in the accelerated energy of this ascension now. You can feel the waves of light of different intensity flowing through your energy system and body. This month is very special, as it marks the second ascension for the year (2024). This month energy supports your inner transformation and freedom from the past.

There are opportunities for deeper realization, connection to your inner Self and Soul, connection to parts of your soul family, realignment, starting your new journey, transforming the reality, letting go and releasing. These are the big themes of November – month of deep violet and indigo energy.

You may feel how the past is rising again like a mountain in front of you, and some may realize the consequences of the choices they have made in the past. What these choices make you feel now? Notice your feelings, because they are like roots of your emotional system. What some events, people and situations or words make you feel? Do you feel joyful, safe, satisfied, loved, cherished, content? Or does some situations or people trigger your negative emotions, wounding from the past, anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, do you feel unsafe, unloved, lonely and mistreated? Please know, that all your feelings are valid. You need to feel and acknowledge them, and don`t suppress any of your emotions. When you understand the root cause of certain emotions, this is the real key from the chest of your soul. Your energy system undergoes major changes and transitions from one state to another, holding more light – which we can call “building your crystalline body”. This is a long process and doesn’t happen overnight. Your crystalline body is expansive energy with many layers. You need to transform and integrate every layer of your energy bodies. And that means every layer of your soul and subconscious mind.

   Feelings can also play a crucial role in the process, they are your true compass as humans, pointing to the true North.

You are in this transition, going through the multiple dark tunnels of the Soul, since last 4 years. Humanity is on a verge of big change, and this change starts from the roots of thinking, believes and understanding your feelings.

  ★ In order to integrate your spiritual energy bodies, you need to practice any form of meditation, chanting, prayer or e connected to musical harmony or nature, trees and plants. In order to expand and integrate your mental body, you need to practice mindfulness, seeing things from higher perspective and understand the deeper meaning of events.

 ★ To fill your emotional body with more light and wash away all negative smoke in it, you need to accept and understand your emotions, not to push them away, not to deny or suppress them, not to cover them up with fake positive coat. You need to understand as humans that you are multidimensional, that you have many layers and sides that sometimes can be contradicting each other. You are amazing creators of Light, you work with light, as you embody your own creative energy.

★ You are made of many fractals of light and now they need to be transformed, so the process of your Ascension will be long and not easy.

Humans start to awaken for their divine eternal blueprint. They start to realize how their daily habits and choices can affect the whole planet. Your habits of consuming, preparing food, recycle and buying products, will affect the environment and the green places you live in.

★ Now is the time to start to awaken before its too late, for what choices you make in all steps of your human journey.

Your soul contracts can be changed (for some of you) and you can be free to write a new story, still in the soul mission that you have.

Angels of the violet flame are here to send you violet light codes of activation and transmutation of your energy. You are building your new blueprint and new crystalline body which will continue for the next decade. You will feel the codes of transmutation flowing down from your Crown chakra in ultra violet rays, and washing away all old programs and negative vibrations in the cells, tissues and bones.

These light violet -purple and golden light codes are coming from your Sun, from Central Sun and from planet Pluto at this time; Be open to receive them, by working on your Crown, Third eye and Soul star chakra in portal days (the new moon, full moon and 11. November portal).

Archangel Zadkiel

violet flame angels

sending you Love, blessings & transformation

* You can read more: 

 * November energy, Ascension, Angels, crystals. ... >

channeled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, reiki crystal healer

November 2024

Friday, November 1, 2024

November energy - Ascension, Angels, Portals, Crystals (1)


  November is month of accelerated cosmic waves of energy in deep violet and purple colour. These waves move as huge spirals and open cosmic portals of time-space and activate the human`s light body with ascension energy and codes. This ascension spiral is the second major shift in year 2024 (the first one was in February) and it`s related to codes from 7 th dimension for many light workers.

 Major themes in this Scorpio season are:

Letting go, purging and releasing of things, people and past events from your energy and cellular memory

 Cleansing and transmuting childhood trauma on cellular level

 Major inner and outer transformation and transition

 De-cluttering and organising your space, home and life.

     ★ November 2024 has cosmic vibration 1 which signifies the energy of the Sun (also the central Sun), and this code provokes – intensity, initiation, activation, beginnings, realisation, awakening, truth, understanding, fast movement, planning, active steps, manifestation, overcoming obstacles, focus on the important, transmutation. This is vibration of Air element.

This is energy of oneness, activating your highest potential.


We work this month with the violet flame angels of transmutation, archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Jeremiel (indigo blue) and archangel Azrael. They form a very strong spiritual team to support and guide the transition on Earth and the Sun codes.

You need to think at this time more about your self, understanding your own needs, priorities and feelings, taking time for self-reflection and self-care. It is good to create balance and space in your life for the things that matter to you.

Write a list with your goals, priorities and what are the 3 things most important to you this month.

        Health and wellbeing, personal space 

At this time you need to work on your Crown chakra and Third eye to open your violet light codes and receive information on different levels. 1 is energy of lungs and the process of breathing, oxygen in your body, so you need to pay attention to your breath, or consider making breathing exercises or walk in nature. We work with Air element to open your communication, to receive clarity and wisdom.

(Pay attention to negative self-talk, negative believes and habits of connecting with others or the words you use.) This is time to protect your aura and cleanse it regularly.

                         Planets of Power 

The ruling planets of power this month are: the Sun, Pluto and Mars. They are navigating the deep energy waves in November. The sun is in Scorpio, Pluto will move into Aquarius, creating major cosmic portal, and Mars is moving to Leo (fire). If you have in your natal chart more planets or Sun in sign of Scorpio or Aquarius, this month will be very significant for you.

1 signifies cosmic vibration of Air, element of fast movement, change, mindfulness, connection, determination, new projects, personal power, realisation. This is element of shape shifting and flexibility, transcending the limits, and focus on your goal. It is perfect time for being assertive, taking steps in the right direction and using your willpower to create.

                 Esoteric Astrology (Portals) 

This month there are many strong cosmic portals that open with light to activate our energy body with light codes, to receive guidance and energy from spirit guides and angels.

On 1. 11 is the Portal of the New moon in Scorpio in brilliant indigo blue and silver light. This is also the energy of Samhain festival (Hallow eve), when the veil between the physical and astral worlds is very thin. You can feel amplified connection with your ancestors, angels, spirit guides, crystals and elementals. Because of that you can feel ungrounded, or have other symptoms like anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, need for rest. The energy of this new moon is strong and not easy for the body.

- on 15 November Saturn (karmic lessons, self-discipline, learning)- moves direct in Pisces. That creates energy of inspiration, insights, spiritual vision, psychic opening, deep diving into new reality.

- on 15 November opens the portal of full moon in Taurus – beautiful new waves of grounding and healing of the body, emotions and cells.

- on 19 November is major portal of Pluto entering in sign of Aquarius and moving away from Capricorn. This transition can create turbulence in weather (air) energy, storms or floods and unusual solar activity in the planet.

- on 21 November Sun enters Sagittarius – mutable fire – which activates our spiritual and higher dimensional bodies, after the time of transition. Until this time we are in the deep waters of Scorpio, symbolized by the snake shedding its skin (or phoenix rising) to new life. You will feel urge to release, to let go of fears, doubts, of old trauma, grudge and unrofgiveness; it`s time to work with aspects of your Shadow.

(for more information on Shadow work, read the article here….)

                         Crystals for healing

Crystals to support you for cleansing and transmutation of old energy for November are – amethyst, purple fluorite, rainbow fluorite, lepidolite, charoite, lapis lazuli, tanzanite, blue topaz, black tourmaline.

They are wonderful for cleansing the aura, protecting your energy and opening your Crown chakra, helping you to be more mindful and focused in your choices.

Thank you for tuning in!

Happy November! 🍂

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

November 2024