Thursday, August 1, 2024

August - Energy, Angels, Ascension, Portals, Crystals (7)


    August is one of the months with strong flow of golden light codes streaming into the earth. Every human being is now receiving these golden codes of Ascension into his Heart and Crown chakra; they also come into our system with the sun rays and water and make balance of Yin and Yang energy in the body. This month we have special vibration, I see intremingling of three colours – yellow, golden and shining indigo blue. These colours will cleanse and upgrade the whole body, mostly focusing on Solar Plexus chakra and Third eye. You will be able to let go of the past events and turmoil and ascend to higher levels (depending on your current state of consciousness).

                        Cosmic vibration – 7

August has cosmic vibration 7 (2024 + 8 = 8+ 8), which is the number of Divine abundance and inner transformation. Now is perfect time to understand where are you on your spiritual journey and to gain more wisdom. This is not easy number, but it can come with challenges. The element we are working as a collective is Light , that`s why streams of higher light are coming into the earth at this time; They will be felt more strongly in the time of the Lion`s gate portal opening 8-88. This is a special time of preparation and transition on the planet, which will unfold gradually in the next months.

In this time we are activating our Solar Plexus chakra and connection with our sun, and connection with all beings of light – angels, elementals, dragons. Some souls may feel the presence of golden dragons. This month we activate the seven pointed star of Faeries, opening the portal to personal power, abundance and feeling of our authentic self. The angels who support us in August are Metatron, Uriel and Jophiel.

                     Health and wellbeing

In this time of transformation we are in need of more balanced masculine energy, as we collect light into our Solar Plexus chakra. This chakra has connection to the Sun and energy of our father, as well as energy of siblings. We need to work on this chakra and purify its energy, as well as our self-confidence, motivation, willpower and feeling of abundance.

Spiritual exercise: write a list with what can increase your self-confidence and motivation. Then write daily journal of things you are grateful this month. You will feel your energy rising as you do that.

This month you are invited to take care of your blood vessels, heart, arteries, and blood pressure. Make light exercises in the morning for good blood flow.

        Esoteric Astrology (Portals) for August

The planets of power this month are Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury.

(Pay attention where are these planets in your personal chart?) They are expanding your creative energy and give you inspiration and positive vibrations. Sun is in the fire sign Leo from 22 July.

On 4 August we have the New moon in Leo – portal to manifesting your goals and passions. What are you passionate about? What are your intentions for the next cycle? This new Moon will be very powerful for manifestation of any desires you have, as it amplifies the fire element.

On 5 August Mercury stations retrograde – as planet of communication, study, business projects, and integration. This retrograde reminds us to slow down and reflect on areas in our life which need our attention – are we happy in our connection with others? What we need to improve in our life style, work, business and daily schedule? What we need to release and let go in our work, business and relationships? This is special time for self-reflection and journaling. Think about your past self and how far you have come.

    On 19 August the Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo – this is portal of very nice flowing energy, light of understanding, seeing the details of your life, realizing important things about yourself and the world. This is portal of knowledge, connection with close people, and feeling in your power. At this time you are invited to open and connect your energy bridge between Solar Plexus and Throat chakra.

    On 19. we have the powerful Full moon in Aquarius – now is the time to release all karmic knots, to ascend to higher spiritual levels, and to go into the world with passion, without being afraid of the spotlight. What are your desires, passions and goals? Follow them with your unique approach and appreciate your soul talents.

On 15 August Sun trines Chiron (wounded healer) in fire sign Aries. We need to think of our childhood wounds, traumas and events that we couldn’t control, that impacted our life. This trine is positive energy flowing into your deep blocks and traps of the mind. What in your life makes you feel trapped? Where do you feel imprisoned and that you don’t have way out? Now is the time to think of journal about that. What things, emotions and memories are coming up to surface from your childhood?

On 19 August we have more powerful energies with the planet Venus (love, self-love, romance, abundance) square Jupiter in Gemini. This is square of mutable signs, which means you need to acknowledge where do you need change? What is holding you back, what was too slow and stagnant in your relationships, intimacy, home, abundance.

Another aspect that can seem provoking our peace of mind is Venus opposite of Saturn (self-discipline, boundaries, rules, goals) – that make us more vulnerable to be self-critical, to be aware and try to fix our problem with boundaries, with giving too much of our time, or lacking commitment, balance of life-work and self-discipline.

On 8 august we have major energy portal known as Lion`s Gate -and this year is 8 in numerology, so the portal has strong potential – 888.

It opens an energy vortex of eight pointed star in the Ethereal levels, which contains indigo blue and golden light. This portal is healing, cleansing and uplifting our Third eye, so we can start to merge with our higher crystalline body. Many souls may experience opening of psychic senses, vivid dreams, astral travels; in the same time we can have physical symptoms like dizziness, nauesa, dygestive problems, insomnia, or being unable to match your Astral and physical body, tiredness and fatigue.

This is month of major transformation and releasing, and you will benefit from any kind of spiritual practice, meditation, nature connection and staying grounded. The energy can feel quite overwhelming and strong for sensitives.

                      Crystals for healing 🔮

In August we need to work and meditate with crystals of Golden flame angels and AA Uriel and Jophiel – citrine, yellow calcite, amber, clear quartz;

They will amplify the energy and connect the light codes from the sun to our Solar Plexus and Crown chakra.

Other wonderful crystals for Leo season are: Carnelian; Amber, rutile quartz.

Happy August! 🌹

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

August 2024