Monday, January 13, 2025

Full moon in Cancer - Emotional cleansing and Purging 🌔(+Journaling, Meditation)


      Full moon in Cancer – What is it about? 

    This full moon Portal opens in Cancer on 13-1 and it is here for deep cleansing, releasing and letting go of all stuck emotions in your energy and body. It`s time for purging your stuck, negative emotions, and connect with your inner child with this first full moon of January.

Full moons act as a magnifying glass to see the truth, something that becomes illuminated, and something you realize and become aware of. That`s why you can feel your emotions and reactions are amplified during a full moon, many fears and negative thoughts can arise in this brilliant moon.

Full moon in sign of Cancer

The most powerful full moons are in Water sign as the moon has three times more amplified energy in signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. This is a deep, mystical moon connecting its crystalline core with the core of earth and creating strong energy bond between the two.

The Cancer full moon sends cleansing waves to our emotional body for healing and transmutation of all emotions. We just need to be in state of FLOW and accept that divine moon energy.

Our emotional and spiritual bodies will be rejuvenated under this special sensitive moon, we are able to release heart wounds, past pain and childhood trauma.

Relationship with your mother or older sisters and siblings are on focus at this time (and 2 weeks after the full moon).

What this full moon is perfect about?

Full moon in Cancer is so good for journaling and paying attention to your emotions, how do you feel and what triggers your feelings?

★ for realizing your negative patterns in love relationships, to deeply understand what you desire in relationship.

★  perfect for nurturing, self-care and self-love practices (whatever you prefer, like taking care of your physical body, connect with water element, taking salt baths, relaxation, sleep and time alone).

 For meditations, divinations, Tarot cards, rituals and spiritual practices (all full moons are good for these).

 Your dreams can become vivid and enhance your past lives, you can have emotional purge, grief or sadness in dreams.

Who will be more affected by this full moon?

Most people who have their moon in Cancer, Capricorn or water signs (Scorpio, Pisces) will feel more sensitive to this special lunation. They can be more emotional, or have desire to connect to spiritual realms. Depending on other aspects and houses, you can feel anxiety, sadness or depression or even anger with this moon.

What angels and goddesses are present?

With this full moon we are invited to connect to Divine feminine energy (of you are man or woman). You can feel strong presence of Selena, goddess of the moon, archangel Haniel (also for the whole year 2025), and the aquamarine fairies.

        Planets and aspects 🌔

   The full moon in Cancer conjunct Mars (planet of war, conflict, passion, action), which is very rare energy. Together moon and Mars open a Portal on ethereal levels to higher spiritual realms, tapping into your spiritual power and feeling as warrior of light. It can have effect of amplifying your emotions - both negative and positive.

Another very spiritual aspect of ascension is the trine between the Moon and Neptune (spirit guides, higher consciousness, music, channeling), so that creates a great cosmic flow.

      What elements we are working on?

   We are working on our water element and qualities of water – which are highly feminine: going with the flow, nurturing, nourishment, self-care, connection to your sub-conscious mind, psychic awareness, intuition, love of the spiritual realms, ability to let and release, clairvoyance, clear knowing, opening of the Heart and Third eye, tapping into the collective unconscious, dreams and visions.

As we are in Capricorn season, we also work with the element EARTH which is connected to water. We need to stay stable, secure, to feel protected, grounded in the present moment and pay attention to your physical body, your feelings matter, your nutrition and regime.

       Some great questions for journaling 

1. Do I feel connected to my emotions? Do I have suppressed emotions and what are they?

2. How do I connect with my divine feminine energy? Do I make meditations? How do I nurture my soul daily?

3. Do I feel happy and satisfied in my love life and relationship? What do I need to change , so I can be happy in my relationships?

4. What are my dreams and visions, what do I wish to create?

5. What is my relationship with my mother? Do I have painful childhood memories which I need to look at and release?

   MEDITATION & Ritual for the Full Moon 

   You can light up one white or light blue candle on your altar and focus on 3 negative emotions, or painful memories that you want to release. You can write them down on a note, or just in your journal. Imagine how you burn these 3 emotions or memories one by one in the flame of candle. (You can do that in physical plane or in your mind, it will work in both ways!).

   Then breath deeply and imagine a beautiful aquamarine orb of light in your heart. It becomes bigger and expands, until it encompasses your whole body and the space you are in. You feel the presence of your angels around you, archangel Haniel is here too, sending you waves of aquamarine light. 

You are in a bubble of protection, love and safety. This shining aquamarine light has high vibration and washes away all your stuck negative emotions, past painful memories, sadness and anxiety...You see how they are removed and totally dissolved from you like dark clouds or gray smoke. They have been transmuted into divine light. Now you see how the sphere of aquamarine light starts to grow again in your heart, becoming brighter and stronger, and you see inside forming a symbol of sacred Flower of Life in silver colour. This symbol is receiving codes of divine protection, healing and cleansing your energy bodies, your aura, cells and DNA.

Now your whole aura and body are cleansed and rejuvenated.

Give thanks to the angels and say the following affirmation:

“I now cleanse, release and heal all negative emotions, pain and sadness from my past, and past lives. I am in state of flow and letting go.” (say 3 times)

“I now release and cleanse my memories from childhood trauma and cut out any negative cords with my mother (and female siblings), and send her energy of Love and forgiveness. And so it is!”

Thank you for tuning in!

Happy Full moon!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ★

medium, crystal healer 🔮

psychic Tarot reader 

January 2025 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Tarot & Oracle - Spiritual guidance for the Full Moon in Cancer (from 13 to 29 Jan) 🔮


This is Tarot reading for the period from the Full moon in Cancer 13. January until the New moon in Aquarius (29). 

         VII. The Chariot, XXI The World

You have overcome many challenges in the past months (and years). That means you are now emerging more powerful and stronger than any time before. You have left your past Self and let go of the things that no longer serve you. You are now on a spiritual journey and quest to find your true mission. You are motivated and encouraged by the universe and here you are going with the flow, having more confidence, conviction and motivation than before. Trust that you are divinely guided and supported with the Chariot, even if you are afraid, you are about to move to higher realms, your consciousness is rising.

This is time of acceleration and ascension for you. Be willing and persistent, and have the patience when you go forward.

This is also card connected to your Higher Self, activation and energy of Cancer zodiac. You have some deep emotional release during this full moon.

XXI. The World

You are at the end of a big cycle in your life, which brought transformation and many blessings. Be grateful for all things that you have received, acknowledge all of your accomplishments in the past and present. Then you can look forward and think what do you need to create. Ask yourself the question who have you become, how did you change, what obstacles you have overcome during the past year?

You are ready for the next adventure, but before that – take time to be proud of yourself and do not judge your progress. Be happy with how far you have come, regardless of all surrounding mountains. You are magnificent being of light. Now is time also to rest and meditate on your accomplishments, power and success.

              Oracle card:

29. The Queen of Elphame.

Vibration: Underworld

Key words: Potential, magic, beauty

Deep within the caverns of our mother the earth lives the Elfen Queen, leader of fairy and the little people. The doorways to her world are many. Known also as Morrigan, the Queen of Elphame embodies all three aspects of the triple Goddess. She is recorded in the myths and legends in the characters of Morgan Le Fay and Lady of the lake.

You have the ability to see through illusions when this card appears, tapping into other realities and bringing magic and beauty to all that you touch. Let your spirit fly and take you to the land where dreams can come true.

Seek the magic in all situations and call upon the Elfen queen to guide your journey. You are a powerful mirror of others at this moment.

The Queen of Elphame can indicate that you are focusing too much upon outer beauty. Let go and enter your magic. Know that you are beautiful.

Tarot cards used: Tarot of Nicoletta Ceccoli

Oracle cards: “The Witches Oracle” by Sally Morningstar

You can read more 📚

.... Full moon in Cancer - emotional cleansing and Purging ...

... Meditation -Activation for the portal 111 with archangel Zadkiel, archangel Michael & Violet dragons 

... Channeled message from AA Zadkiel for the ascension -January 

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer ðŸ”®

Psychic Tarot reader ðŸ”®

January 2025