Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Meditation with Violet light and Amethyst

Sit or lay down in quiet place. You can use piece of amethyst, placed on your Third eye, heart centre or on your Solar plexus area. These are most powerful energy centers. Start to breath slowly and deeply. Imagine a glowing violet light entering your Crown chakra and spreading gently through your body. First see this light as a radiant violet sphere in your Third eye. The sphere is filled with light with each breath, and expands out with each exhale. Breath deeply in and out a few times, feeling the energy of the violet sphere.

Now see the violet light travelling down and filling your heart chakra, then all your organs down, your stomach, liver, intestine, reproductive organs. Then see this light filling gently your legs, your arms, hands, fingers, feet, and back. The violet light entangles all your body now. See now your nervous cells and bones also filled with the High vibrational light. See your DNA structure bathe in violet light. Stay here for a while, letting the body to assimilate your energy. Breath deeply.

When you wake up, drink water and place your palms over your eyes. Try to repeat this energy practice at least 3 times.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
tarot intuitive

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