Sunday, January 24, 2016

X Obligations : X. Creative self

10. Obligation to your Creative self. 

This is the energy of Vishudhi (or throat chakra). Any human being  has value of unique talent and importance. Something we can describe as a real life calling. This is a particular talent in any field he possesses and can be introduced to help development of humanity. This talent appears with our feelings and attractions to something since early age. If your child want too much to play piano for example, or to go to ballet lessons, don’t underestimate his desire, never mind if it would be “false alarm” and your child  would give up shortly after the start. Every experience is helpful and significant on the way! The child is growing and discovering the world around him. 

We look the same way in the eyes of God - like children who try to find the best way. He sometimes point the real path to us in inevitable way, but sometimes we feel left alone to choose what we want. Normally as in all aspects of life, here "karma" is also involved. We are mostly attracted by things, talents, professions and occupations, that we had in our past lives. (here i`ll say one clue: as time doesn’t exist in the universe, and we give it special meaning, also this attractions may involve our “future lives” too.) 

If I want to play ballet for example, that means 1. I was playing ballet or made performances even if not famous, and had pleasure in doing this in my past life, or i`ll have in my future life. Remember- all our attractions in life, which cant be logically explain – from where and how I feel this, are explained with our past lives and karma. So if you suddenly see your girl to play so well ballet, or to play flute without anyone thought her, be sure she was involved in this before. The same for all other talents: painting, drawing, writing (reading), sports, and all kind of arts and activities. Open your eyes to see where your children go, and what they like doing, instead of forcing them to do something they don’t want. 

    One of the implementations of life`s meaning is exactly finding your special talent, what you can do to spread between others, and this something always gives you pleasure and satisfaction. Without this two feelings your work is “not real”, regressive, and wont grow, as well as you. If you feel pleasure for an activity specially, do it every day, or as often as you can. Then it will become your profession and “true call”. We wont be able to discuss now how the social “stigma” and education false scheme and how it creates opposite of that – individuals ignorant of what is purpose, spirit, or never want to achieve any Spiritual growth. But its your obligation to realize it now and do not waste your energy and time you have. Make the best of yourself. If you love writing –write, if you love poetry – create poetry, if you love painting –paint…and so on. Don’t underestimate and neglect your inner values and talents! They wont come back and one day you wont have time to devote on them. The most important features of "Creative self" obligation is to not be afraid to express your real self, to reveal your talents and occupations with love and joy. Vishudhi (Throat) chakra is connected with your honor, communication with others and truth. By awakening it (also by using elements), you`ll find your hidden or unveiled talents.

** all these obligations are accomplished with the help of 10. elements 

X Obligations : IX. Spirit

9. Obligation to your Spirit. (spirit and soul are different!) 

The difference between them – spirit is connected with your higher level charkas and your aura means Third eye and Sahasrara (Crown chakra situated on the top of your head) They are like doors to the higher levels of Consciousness,Mindfulness, visions, knowing and intuition. 
Soul is connected with Anahata and astral body. So they are not equal. Your spirit is also sacred, but if Soul is only for yourself and creating pleasure, spirit has other ways, and awaken by different elements. (but also as all things in our body they are totally connected and flowing to each other) That means you cant have emotional problem (of Soul) which to not to affect on your Spirit, and opposite –you cant have spiritual problem, not to affect on your emotions and heart. 

Spirit is the questions: what is meaning of life? why am I here? And why am I now? What is the universe and how the life exists? What is God and where is he? How to connect with God and how with angels? Do I believe in something? / God? What is ultimate reason for existence of universe? What is my mission here? (just when u start to ask these question –not answer –u`ll be much closer and on your spiritual path. Some people do not start asking, but they also have little sparkles of wondering.) By asking these questions you start wondering and researching all that topics, so the ultimate goal of you and all universe should be “ to expand". That means to achieve higher and higher and higher (without end) levels of personal development. This is what we seek. 

Now – what is Spirit and what is Personal growth ? And how can we achieve it? Spirit is the fine substance covering our body in aural field. Spirit is connected with all aural body elements, specially with a soul. The word root comes from Latin “Spiritus” means “breath”. So it refers to the elements of high consciousness, and high awareness of Personality. (while the root of soul is “anima” (meaning “to breath”, “air”, “life”) Because both are integrally connected there are many confusions between then in historical terms. There are many things to be discussed here, but on the whole, spirit is a fine matter, which exists, develops and grows parallel of the existence of Body. Spirit exists like “sparkle” and fire in all living things, as well as all Elements (I ll discuss that in separate writing) That exactly Spirit is the fine ethereal connection between the visible and invisible matter, and the sparkle to God, it opens the gates of Higher Awareness and understanding the deep underlying meaning of universe. Spirit gives you knowledge of another kind, and higher vibration in the field. It has colors –Indigo-Violet- Crystal white. (while soul – as connected with Astral body is more connected with body with fine treat of light, its like your astral twin. 

Another important difference – while the Soul is Individual and has features of you (as your Astral twin), the Spirit is out of Ego and transcendental for everyone, its like high vibration energy and wind for the universe, and its force of moving. (if soul is a lake, spirit is like river, or waves; if the soul is air, Spirit is the wind – the force that is moving). Spirit is out of Ego, and not in “feeling” but in “seeing” and understanding God. It`s like northern lights, and has reflection of your soul (Astral body).
If soul is subjected to time, and rebirth, it is eternal. The Spirit is like shining of energy fields which is presented with Personal Growth. Its eternal ,but not individual (even it has imprint of your soul). Now further relations to understand better the difference between the two – Soul is static and unchanging (means the experiences and surroundings change for it); Spirit is also eternal, but it is always in motion, dynamic, swirling and moving in direction of Expansion. Soul has silver connection with the material body more, Spirit is opened and connected to the eternal source of energy : God. Every human and living creature possess soul, which reflects individual characteristics of the human. Spirit is like a very pure flame of violet and crystal light, and it`s developed more in old souls (means in people who had many past lives behind). Soul is connected with the matter, even its very fine and invisible for eyes, spirit is connected with the universe, its energy dwells in high levels, and metaphysical substances. All spirits are connected as a net to the Source of energy. (which wont discuss now). 

The most important to remember is – Spirit is a Higher Consciousness, knowing and seeing, and feeling on this level. It`s connected both – with the soul (astral body) and with the Divine source of universe. It has stages of growing and development (but cant have transgression), as its not familiar to it. When you once know the power of Spirit and its flame, you are always connected with it. On higher stage and with practice, you ll be able to: listen to angels and fine energy creatures. Communicate with them, see them and feel them. Listen to others people thoughts, feel them and see their “aura”, and their astral bodies. Here the telepathy is developed well. With that abilities you`ll be able to understand many things about the truth in universe, to answer questions and feel the reality from another side. So what is obligation when u reach to this level? 

1. All above obligations should be reached and present in human life, in order to reach to Spiritual growth. 2. The drive for achieving should exist – means desire and passion to grow in spirit. 3. He should have daily practices in meditation and prayers. (normally for such people not less than 2 hours). 
4. He should listen and communicate to his angels guardians or “teachers” or if he cant he could write a diary of his thoughts, his dreams, and write on topic of spirit generally.
5. he should without a doubt avoid connecting with very lower levels of souls, and keep expanding his knowledge by knowing more people who can be Teachers of students for him. The process of study and spiritual growth is endless. Even so some creatures escape and broke the physical cycle of rebirth –death- rebirth, they will continue to develop in higher levels with help of other creatures and angels.
Most important is to know, that everyone who you meet in your life path, can be your teacher of student (no matter in good or in bad way). The high spirit cant be received by just viewing and stagnancy, but only with daring and will to move ahead and motion from inside –to outside. This action is not more than all what we mention above.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

X Obligations : VIII. Soul

8. Obligation to your Soul (emotional, astral body –hearth) 

People who don’t feel or without “feelings” ,also don’t have intuition, or imagination. This obligation includes meditation practices for Heart chakra, experience compassion, love, and passion (read Evolving love), experience self-value and confidence, and feel value of all people, even knowing they are not equal. Soul here is the same as Heart. We cant live without heart, and we cant love without heart – followed by : we cant live without love. This is a basis of our life, and its like water for the plants. Love others, feel them and try to be helpful to everyone. That’s part of purposes in the universe. Even its not so easy to love” as it sounds. But love have different levels, and I spoke about that in details in “Evolving love”. The practice which can “awaken” your soul and Heart is soothing and simple:

1. Listening a nice music 2. walk in the nature and observing trees. 3. Planting and taking care of trees and plants (they refer to earth element). 4. Listen to others stories, sorrows and problems, as well as to their success, happiness and joy. (Be happy for happiness of others) which is also very away from today society, even on the contrary, people feel disturbed and envy for others happiness. (but please also have in mind what is here Happiness mean! Its not equal to wealth)
Another step in direction of "purifying soul" is to take time alone. Being alone is needed in order to restore your energy levels. We are always alone when we sleep (inside sleep), this is a process of cleansing energy and restoring the body from inside and all its organs. Being alone should happen also in state of awareness (in meditation and prayer). (Sleeping is not state of awareness, so its not involved in our intentional spiritual development!) That’s why we need particular meditations and chanting. 

The Soul obligation is very connected with emotional obligations and cleansing – shower, massage, walk and music can awaken it. Also we can say the same as for obligations to "Sisters and Brothers in spirit": be truth to yourself, realize and listen to your emotions, do not hide emotions from yourself, learn how to control and overcome “negative” emotions, which will have big advantage for your personal growth. Speak to yourself and write your inner desires. Feel joy of the moment (here and now). Keep archive of good memories in mind (bad are already archived in your energy field.)
I will point out most important advises: Music, nature sounds, Colors and Mandala Therapy, (here also the popular books for coloring for adults can do good work), acting and theater, cinema, watching art and exhibitions, planting trees and looking to plants and flowers (taking photos of them too) – all these are activities to awaken your Soul. Your emotions wont be locked inside and closed in the cave of your heart cover. Make regular trips, or walk in the nature, (lake, sea, forest) this will also awaken your heart chakra –Anahata. If you have any talent in music –use it! Play instrument, sing, chant or just listen! 

X Obligations : VII. Mind

7. Obligation to your Mind : 

that includes very specific obligation: if you are on the path of Light and Spirituality, all things will start to be more visible and clear for your eyes. Don’t expect that to be for everyone! People are in very different stages of development and are not equal from birth, as we said (means the have different number of past lives, diff. karmic lessons, and unique energies.) But now you are responsible for your Mind (not for mind of others). So take steps in that direction in: 1. study (any object you feel attracted to investigate and study should be in the daily program! If you don’t have time” because of any other obligation, try to find at least little time to just “think”. 

2. Self-study – self observation and self-study are highly important for the work of brain. As we know we use only 12-14% from our brain capacity. And that has a reason. We are not ready also by nature to accept more, and moreover our way of life prevent us from that high level education. In my opinion one of the things which will save the world and awaken new generations is “Education” but not in the clumsy and degrading way as it is now! Education needs absolute transformation on 180 degrees. And before this to happen, we cant expect any good basis for society, nor consciousness or values. So study yourself –ask yourself questions and write a notes (or diary) about every day thoughts and events. Ask questions and try to answer about your emotions, features, what u like and dislike. 3. Read and think : reading books of any kind provoke your thinking in many directions, and that is very important as your Mind start to work. By reading any books, fictions, novels ,historical, self-development, love, religious…you provoke the most important questions in your mind on higher level: Why? How? 

X Obligations - VI. Body

6. Obligation to your Body. 

Body is the Sacred Box of yourself. It also has unique structure and stamp of your spirit, even its different much from your astral body. You should respect your physical body (** see my writing about "The Sacred Body" and "About Purity") in all possible ways: 
1. Keep it clean from inside – healthy food, fruits, water, liquids. That is highly important.
2. Keep in form and active : make training, which u enjoy (any sport), make little exercises. That will unlock your energy in many levels.
3. Keep it clean from outside – make procedures for your cleanness. Realize its important! We are not in middle ages, so taking shower, massage and self-massage, cleansing masks from natural ingredients for face and body; brushing hair, cut hair. All that is important and also has effect of uplifting your energy, as it influences emotional levels of satisfaction, and you feel beautiful. 
4. Not last place – we should determine in this era what to avoid as Unhealthy for the body! Any kind of toxic, destructive elements, heavy chemicals taken inside or applied on skin should be avoid. And that rule is strict, means there is no chance to say : just once or twice I can brake it. To stop any cause or addiction, or to respect your body you should simply: don’t smoke or take drugs, or any kind of chemicals with “good” or bad effect (means good effect do not exists ofc), don’t drink any kind of hard alcoholic drink, or any kind of chemicals, (that includes here also the so called “pharmacy” which is to large extend fake and created to control the masses). Also do not engage in “destructive activities” which have strong imprint not only on body, but also on mind, and create u amazingly long “karma”: like “prostitution”, “promiscuous sex relations”, satisfying lower desires of flesh, engaging in activity like “beating, steal, killing, violence” and so on…Engaging in watching “porn movies” which are also the same as above mentioned and highly drown u down. All that seems very obvious, but looking to today society…its sadly not. So avoid all that, and also don’t forget that You are responsible for yourself only! (Yes, you have obligations for others as we see, but u cant and never will carry the burden to be responsible for all their actions, as well as their thoughts and feelings!).

Be aware in every moment what your body needs. And some rules / advises:
In order to make your metabolism function better and your digestive system to be healthy: 1. make cleansing day every 3 days – eat only fruits (and some vegetables) , every month make one day cleansing with just water or tea (on the full or New moon). 2. Eat less in quantity, but higher quality. This is important rule! 3. Avoid eating any packed or processed food, and try eating more green, nature friendly products, without chemicals and preservative agents. 4. Use natural cosmetics as possible and avoid hard for the skin elements (dyes, parabens, parafins). Make mask from purely natural plants and ingredients (all fruits –banana, strawberry, flour, cream, backing powder, lemons, cucumber). 

X Obligations : V. People in need

5. Obligations to People in need. (anyone who suffer, who is abused, out of society, down, with disabilities, rejected, left, poor, in misery) 

All these people need your help! Just as they exist, means not only you should help them, when you meet them by chance-but also you should search and help by any possible way. And this is high obligation! Here your obligation is even stronger than you may think – not only to help such people, but also to not be passive. Lack of reactions to the evil and passiveness is also an act of crime, as you show yourself as supporting silently the cruelty and so allow it to happen. Such examples are countless in our society. Cruelty and unwilling to help, backed with great dose of Fear, are wide spread in this era. This is time of degrading traditions, disrespect of elder people, lack of moral principles and values, copy of vanity behavior of social paradigm and conformist behavior, lack of systematic education and knowledge….and many more. Passivity in and non reaction is subjected to crimes. You should be aware of that. If you see for example a man, beaten or killed in front of you, and you don’t react, for any reason or fear, then you take the responsibility to have much closer “bad experience by yourself. And opposite, the more you are willing to help others – you can say you receive “points” and advance in your karmic lessons. Help is not “obligation” but feeling, the “need for helping others” is obligation. This is something created. If you don’t feel compassion and such need, even for very small creatures like dogs and cats in danger, then you are missing something from what you should become, and you cant achieve Spiritual growth. Help doesn’t mean always money and charity. Even that’s great and if you have chance, you can do that. But help is involving in someone`s problem and suffer with your heart. Then you`ll feel its like your own suffer and act in order to help him! That means all – participate in organization, sign petitions and causes, feel and understand the problems of society, involve in charitable activity (helping children with disabilities and elder people, donate clothes and things). Sometimes one smile and doing simple things for people by caring for them is more than money u can give.

X Obligations - IV. Parents & Children

4. Obligation to your Parents and Children. 

Did you think once why I have exactly this parents and this family? And why I have exactly this children, not another? So here is the basic clue: some things is in your life and “karmic” lessons and predestined, that means your family (parents and children) are one of them. You can not choose your parents, its fact, as well as u cant choose your children, even their gender or look! So what does it mean? Here there is a higher force, that involves in the process. One of the very special mysteries and Sacraments in life is “birth” (and another is death). Not by chance these two sacraments hold many unanswered questions but also they give little keys to the truth! So we agreed (if you did) that your Parents and children are part of “karmic lesson”, or they are chosen for you specially. Do not forget now the following: Having you in the world and earth life means the karmic lesson is always for 2 sides! Its never only for you, so you give lesson for your Parents- which they need to study, and back they give you a lesson, which you should study. Here is no choice, no matter of the situation. The same is valid for your own children. Don’t think just you should teach them! They have an important lesson to teach you. There are so many and various cases on earth in this relation, that we ll need many volumes of books to describe all. And there is no need! You should remember only, that – if you have unhealthy (disrespectful, violent, based on hatred, hurting, humiliating, disqualifying, evil, putting down) relation with your parents (or one of them) that means something significant you should understand and realize about your karmic lesson (means past life unfinished duty). Now you pay for it, and payment has always a thorny way. 

The opposite is also valid: if you have unhealthy (painful, hard, violent, exhausting in energy, incommunicative, violent) relationship with your children, it means you have to pay for that – and that all is the same again repeated for your children (so the circle continue). There are many schemes about family relations, and who these people were in your previous lives, or they could be completely new, but always is one rule! They serve you to study and teach, In order to achieve higher level of Mind and understanding about yourself and your mission. As I put thinks so, we should think deeply : who then do not pay karmic lessons? (that is the answer and key to all here: everyone pay. There is no person, who is born here in flesh from human parents and don’t pay karmic lessons. This can be viewed in many ways, as a punishment”, or as an “choice for expansion”. But it exists, so you should be aware of it. The same obligations have force here with your family, never mind they can be not “brothers and sisters in Spirit”: namely 1. speak the truth (express your real self, don’t hide behind mask of expectations, love and respect yourself, speak out your feelings, communicate) 2. Help and assist them in what they need. (this is very important, but doesn’t mean u should be “humiliated” or treated in bad way, nor they should exploit you for any profit. Have and realize your self-worth in any possible situation, so speak when u like and when u dislike behavior (no matter of the opposite side or understanding) and calmly try to show why exactly you think so and how you feel. (really problem and burden will lie on them if they don’t accept or understand your views). Your obligation is to express. Hiding will bring you in the swamp of exhausting relations, of hatred and passiveness, the same as lies. 3. Share! Share in positive way with your family – children, imagine they are your soul mates –this could have (or could have not) an immense effect on them, and they ll see you in the real light and appreciate you. But here also the most important is –no matter of the opposite reaction –remember that also they are not given to be your “Brothers and sisters in Spirit” but to clean “karmic lessons”. So be good and kind, as possible, but avoid and dismiss without any doubt relations, which have evil root” for you. The easiest way for knowing that is one: realize how you feel after communication with this person! If you feel down, depressed or feel even :unclean with negative imprint, you do NOT have obligation to stay near to this person, no matter of your “blood” or social relation. Here is one rule, regardless of the what society things, you should always avoid people with such negative and highly emotionally disturbing imprint for you, as they will pull your spiritual path in opposite direction. (Have your protections, make your limits). Many things you can do more : study and ask about the past of your parents, usually if they are not yours “In Spirit” its possible their parents to be- means your grandparents or grand- grant…so there is a clue. Study your past and history, and you ll find something amazing.

X Obligations : III. Brothers & Sisters in Spirit

3. Obligation to your Brothers and Sisters in Spirit. In other words –your friends. The basic obligations you have are: 
1. speak the truth by any kind of communication (take note that here comes : do not put mask on your face in front of them, be yourself, and show your real feelings, do not hide the truth for yourself, feelings, actions and others) 
2. Be helpful and compassionate : That means realize what your friends suffer and try to help them in any way. Advise, action, love, care. Be ready to help first and not to criticize first! 
3. Share: sharing means much, as if you have friends and sisters in Spirit, that means by itself that they are “chosen” and not by chance with you! Spend time with them. That is not equal to calling them on the phone or online chatting, or sending message. Signs of real and life communication are appreciated when this is possible of course. If not dont lose the person, who is valuable to you. 
You are together by purpose to help and study together and achieve higher levels of Consciousness and awareness. They need you, as you need them, and its interactions between equals. Not to mention, you cant be a sister and bother in Spirit with someone on a different level (on a different wave), as that’s impossible for the vibration match. That’s all in all what you should do. Do not hide from them, but opposite – reveal the truth self to them and your knowledge, so they will do the same! 

X Obligations : II. Home

2. Obligation to immediate environment and surrounding atmosphere -home (place where you live, house, flat and around areas). 

The place where you live is in many senses “sacred place”. That means it effects spontaneously and strongly the energy of the human being (one, two people, family). The home energy has / keeps record of direct stamp of the energy of the inhabitants. (past and future). That means you should carefully choose where do you live – and what kind of people lived there before you! (that has immense effect on your energy field, as home preserves all) a. techniques for “cleansing” home energy, and bad energy of ghost, or lost souls. (b. Teaching of Feng Shui ancient wisdom for making flowing “Chi” or creating and positive energy in your home!)
c. Making home clean place in your every day life. d. Simplicity : the less things you have ,the happier you are. Keep very little things in space of your home! Do not buy unnecessary stuff, or things which will make your energy stuck and lumbering (heavy moving). Remember home is exact reflection of your imprint of energy. 
About home space we can write much, but turn special attention to the Chinese Feng shui scheme of Ba Gua. It represents sectors of your home, and how they are connected with the flow of Chi energy, with the world directions and basic elements. Very simple and exact science to implement in your home. 

X Obligations :I. Nature

I`ll divide the whole text in 10 parts, as they have separate meaning, but they are all connected together. 
I want to start discussing one very important topic, which can be highly significant for the spiritual development of humanity. This is about understanding of Freedom (Free will) from one side and understanding of Destiny (Karma, Predestination) from another side. The main topic of my discussion –about 10 basic obligations is inseparably connected with the two. Moses once received on the mount Sinai 10 special and sacred commandments from God. While he came back, on the way he saw that his folk forgot about him and started worshiping a "Golden calf". In this story, as well as many more in the Bible, there is much symbolic. Most important is that Moses finally broke the commandments "out of anger", and later he again wrote the commandments on a new tables. But were these the same commandments? He realized that people are not ready to accept the Divine words and achieve wisdom. They were acting in primitive way, so they couldnt be ready. But if he broke the first commandments and what was on them now is just mystery and suggestions. Some things people are not mature enough to see, feel and understand. But in the threshold of New era of the Light and Consciousness, I think we deserve to know, feel and share the steps for receiving Enlightenment and Mindfulness. So I give my part to that stream with the 10 Obligation, which also can be called "Missions" of every human, who wants to go in higher ways. Here you are. 

First of all, lets start with what is Freedom? What is a Free will? People feel in the continuum of their life time, that they are free, because they can express and implement their Free will" by making choices. In one or another situation we are exposed to make different kind of choices (inner choices connected with our Self, external choices, connected with our relations with others, people with who we interact). Example of inner choice is to make Spiritual practices part of your every day life -like meditation, choosing to be vegetarian and to consume special kind of food, to react in good or conscious way in simple situations, to show act of kindness. All these are inner choices, that have their realization in outside world. Making these choices exactly and acting with them means what we call "expanding of our Mind and Consciousness". They make us improve, or on the contrary, if choices are bad - they make us sink down. In very simple words: all choices connected with the 10 obligations are good (that means connected with all higher self practices, help to others, love and compassion), and all opposite choices (not acting in these directions, manifestation of negative emotions like anger, hatred, harm and self-harm) are considered as bad choices. There is such "division" because of the simple fact Light and Darkness exist, Yin and Yang exist, even they are mixed together in different proportions. In this entry I want to explain about free will, so I wont go into details about Yin and Yang principle. Free will is an active and dynamic force, which expands your high Self and energy, as well as the whole universe. So the free will is like the wind. We have it and this is a very important thing to realize. We have the "power" and control over what to choose in life, we have the abilities to develop in better humans, to develop all around -from inside world and energy, to outside world and life on planet. We are free. But exactly because of that we are extremely responsible. Yes, we make choices every day, but these choices are connected with responsibilities. The freedom comes together always like "package" with obligations, duties, commitments. As it is so, do you realize the picture from above? The freedom we have is a big force for change of all world. But looked from above, from point of timeless universes, its "limited". This is normal to be so, as we are in a physical reality, which is totally limited in all directions, we are inside limited body, and all choices we make are above limited space like a giant chess board. We have choice to move figures in many directions, but there are rules, and we then have to pay the price of every choice we make. If we choose to be on one side or another, all that should have consequences in our life. Exactly the payment of price for any action (feeling and thought too) is linked directly to what we call "karma". This is not a fantasy, but real energy, which exists inside the law of Universe. 

What is karma? If the free will is always in motion and active, discovering new ways in life, karma from another side can be viewed as static, constant force, that is not subjected to change from our side. It`s absolutely logical for everyone to see that in very obvious facts. Ask the question: what we really cant change? .... We can say straight away, we cant change the fact that we are born as humans, on a particular date, hour and minute, we are born from exact parents, who have this and this name, we are born in a particular country, community, society, city and place, and in exact historical time from the evolution of the earth. So is that not enough to make us not exactly "free"? We cant choose basic things like where and when to be born, who is our family, our social status, our genetic structure (face, body), the situation of the stars and planets in this special moment. From this very simple things we can say more: all of the things we cant "change" and that are not subjected to any change by any force, are predestined and are called "karma". Karma has also its laws and ways to act, its like a "stamp" of the soul. From that facts we can conclude, or if we have special abilities we can know by intuition and vision, that karma is in: the place (country, region), the time (date, hour, stars), the family and social status where we are born. By outspreading that thoughts more, we can see -birth is great sacrament, and its directly connected with death (also a great sacrament). The moment our soul is implemented in our physical body, and moment when the soul says farewell to the body, are two very special moments for humanity. They are predestined by higher force, (and any thought of " happening by chance" is illusion). Moreover, the sacred moment of birth is connected with love (no matter of details around this birth), the birth is created by fusion of love in many levels. That means one: love as a feeling to another human being (love has multiple faces and not one color!), which includes love to your spiritual friends, to your family, to the child, to your beloved, to multiple people, feeling of compassion)and it is part of karma too! All events in life, connected with strong and obsessive love, with strong feelings, or hard to overcome, are also part of "karmic lesson". That means if you feel hardship in any field in life that is also "karma", but you are given a chance to improve it and clean it by your own free will and choices you make. I hope that will help you to understand the processes of universe and what lies behind. I`ll speak about karma in love separately, as its very big topic. 

Going to the point now is to answer the question: what we should do and how to achieve better "karma", or higher Consciousness here? I give you the clue with the following 10 Obligations (Missions) of every human being, if he wants to improve his life, mind, feelings and relations. This is answer to the basic question : what? The answer to "how" I`ll give in another topic called "10 elements". I want to point out only, that people, who are directly involved in activities, described as 10 obligations are already awaken or on the path of awakening, and should continue to improve. While people, who are not involved at all, or on the contrary, they stop these activities with force and violence, or participate in activities with negative sign, they are of course not on the path of light, and not aware. We can call them "ignorant" or "blind". And real blindness comes from darkness, not from light. (They also have choices)

   1. Obligation to the Nature, Preserving eco-systems and all life of the planet from all kinds – ocean, sea, river, mountain, forest, taking care and preserving all animals and creatures on earth. Making efforts for living in the eco-friendly way and not destructive for the environment, researching and growing plants, investigating more about trees and the earth element. In this time we don’t realize still so well the importance of preserving natural resources on our planet. And how these is crucial for our life and survival. But gradually, with the coming of Light people generation, all that will change. We have to think first of the nature and help in all possible way to keep it intact, clean and happy. As you`ll know, all living creatures – animals, fishes, insects, plants, trees and stones have soul, and we should be aware of that. By killing them, even in way of cruelty, by consuming animals and their body parts, we are in risk of strongly polluting our physical body and our ethereal body and Spirit. We not only don’t help these animals to grow and have population, but put in them chemicals and involve them into a horrific system of slaughter, which deprives them from right to have soul and personality. If you ever had a domestic animal –like cat or dog –or like cow, donkey, horse, you would be sure 100% and without a doubt that this animal has a soul, which is visible. He loves you and trust you (until you show your love and care to him), he is your friend, feels your emotions. The best way to feel the soul of any creatures is trough the eyes. Look inside the eyes of that lovely being, and say “this is not a soul” and will you not feel sadness if you kill now this animal friend with your hands? Eyes are a quality copy and reflection of universe. They have all elements of Existence of life, Soul and Spirit. So eyes are very important for every human. Then why do you deny souls for creatures, who have eyes and are not “humans”? 

     You can see also they feel, they scream from pain, they cry with tears. That feeling for creatures should be determined with proper feeling and education inside children since young. Nature needs help, but also it can destroy humanity on the other hand. Animals are so vulnerable as children and babies and they need only our support. Do not make the “stupid and pointless” comparison of human as “the biggest Predator and beast of all beings. If we have Spirit its impossible Predator to exist inside of us. We are not animals, nor fish, nor monkey, nor bulls, nor wolfs, nor pigs. (even some people are highly similar to these animals, without I want to offend the animals). Nature is our big home. Place we live together, not separated from religious views, we are part of the nature, its also inside of you. It’s the sky you see, the stars, the continents, the oceans, all living fishes, and creatures, forests, trees, plants, and flowers. I wrote many times about trees and plants. They are intelligent living being, they feel, listen and understand and have way of communication (as scientist are proving in new researches). Trees are also model of universe and showing us model of any kind of “growth”. They are most important for our life on the planet, and we wouldn’t exist without them. They are our lungs. Your obligation is : 

1. to help preserving all trees, forests and plants and implement violation of that to be punishable. Plant more trees, involve in causes for protecting land, make manifests. 
2. Plant your own garden and trees, in your home or balcony or around. 
3. Take care of any kind of vulnerable animal – at home or in another place. 
4. Make a eco-friendly home where things are very simple and you can live by supporting nature, without damaging its system and wholeness. (such kind of homes are not even reality and communities try to spread this kind of life with home-grown products and clean environment). 
5. Help the planet by drinking water from clean resources, reduce the general water consumption, as well as any other consumption. (by simply buying less stuff for home, clothes and endless items without meaning) 

Here is the principle: reduce –reuse –recycle. Try and work with the nature! Don’t go with the flow of tendency and society fashion, but grow your own believes and principles. We need a big change, which will come in hard way. Take care to help against pollution of environment (mountains, reducing landfills areas, pollution of the sea, ocean and rivers, care of dams and underground waters), Care and be involved in human and respectful treatment to all animals- reducing consumption and meat processing industry and slaughter houses, diminishing the exploration of animals of all kind- including horses, bulls for enjoyment” events and festivals. Reducing consumption of “fish” and stop eating meat products. In other words: make animals your friends, not enemies, make nature your friend and your sacred home – not an unclean and unhealthy dump site. The planet earth is the first level of awareness for your purpose and expansion, for being a better human. Be aware! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Christmas and New year through my eyes

I want to share what I feel and see about this major celebrations: Christmas and New year. Obviously its about Christian celebration, which became a wide spread and known world wide, because of the importance put on it from Western societies. 

1. About Christmas. 
Everyone knows what Christmas is about. It`s meant to be one of the most important events and holidays in Christian calendar, since year 300 of Christ death. It was a decision from the official Catholic church (Pope Julius I in 350 a. c.), which was made in order to slowly replace the existing at the time pagan festival in Rome of the "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti", meaning "the birthday of the Unconquered Sun" ( famous at time of Roman emperor Aurelian (270-275) to celebrate the Sun god and winter solstice. The aim of the Church was to attract the people of multiple gods cults in Rom to Christianity. 
Sources from the time show the manuscript of 12 century Syrian bishop Jacob Bar-Salibi., who wrote : "It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the same 25 December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnised on that day." 
(* source Wikipedia on Christmas )

This and more historical documents show clearly why and how the date of Jesus birth was created. It took place in many folklore and nations, as transformed and developed their pagan roots and believes in what now we know as Christmas. According to statement of Church of England, the truth and accepted date for Christ birth was nine months after “Annunciation” – the day when Archangel Gabriel visits Virgin Mary to announce her the glad tidings about her becoming a mother. This date was believed to be 7. April, so the date of Jesus birth in this way should be seen as 7. January. 
Now Christians around the world know, that the New Testament never mentioned any exact date of Christ birth. By collecting all possible biblical sources Church authorities can guess and conclude, and also have power to “create” the facts for their own benefits. 

Truth is simple – the nations with many different believes, cults and religions at the time, were much united in celebrating the festival of Winter solstice , as it has ancient roots. Christians were attracted by others and didn`t want to give up this delightful holiday, so Church had to make things up, including Jesus birth inside the old traditional fest of Yule. More notes on this festival:
“The winter solstice is celebrated by many people around the world as the beginning of the return of the sun, and darkness turning into light. The Talmud recognizes the winter solstice as "Tekufat Tevet." In China, the Dongzhi Festival is celebrated on the Winter Solstice by families getting together and eating special festive food.”

Ancient Romans celebrated this day the famous “Saturnalia” festival, to honor the God Saturn for better fertility of earth and prosperity. This festival lasted one week, it was characterized with many plays, slaves were in equal position to masters, and behaved in free manner and speech, females also were included in the festivals and games, gifts were exchanged. Later many of that traditions were preserved and taken by Christianity. 

Having this in mind we can see how well our society took and develop this ancient pagan holidays. Christmas in some Christian societies is connected particularly with compassion, helping poor people and children, love, giving, and family relations. In our traditions families gather to share the spirit of celebration and to remember the death, to enjoy peace and happiness by giving little presents. But in time of Saturnalia the most prominent presents were with little value (to avoid announcing social status) like little pottery or wax made figures, called Sigillaria, candles, or just jokes. In our time we can sense very much the difference of the celebration of Christmas. Big crowds of people heading to the supermarkets, markets ,streets and restaurants, with printed money in their pockets, bumping, howling, screaming and crawling to achieve the best promotion for food and beverage, uncontrollable herd. Present which these people buy for the fest, are also made of spirit of arrogance and ignorance for any ancient traditions, the most valuable gift is the one with ..the highest price of course! The more money you have and “give” to others ,the more you are honored on this date. Except of the spirit of “buying” “taking” ,”Giving” and “consumption”, there is hardly other spirit left. Yes, we try still to see spirit of love, togetherness and understanding, but we cant do that. The high culture of materialism consumes all. The highest importance for celebrating Christmas become making food, eating (on a Christmas eve should be strictly vegetarian food), but alcohol and some pastry cheese cake (banitsa) are allowed. Children are always the point of attraction in the fast aging nation, so they receive hundreds of toys and gifts, which took their attention until the next day. Supersaturated from food, treats, goods, and things, they are unable to see the real spirit and real meaning of Christmas celebration. The more –the better. 
Christmas “present days people” indulge in all kind of pleasures for their bodies, no matter of the age, the biggest pleasure is eating to the fullest. 
The New Years big noise, fireworks and strife are one very well organized “vanity fair”, on which the best fitting material elements are dressed in sparkling expensive gowns, wear expensive jewelry, high class perfume and make up, and even so eat with their white gentle hands, blood pork filet, lamb and beef steaks. 

So this is called a nice celebration for any kind of festival. Some lucky enough people would try to escape or travel to some remote area, maybe in the mountain, in order to avoid the “vanity fair”. But in vain, it`s every where. Also if you switch on TV ,or any other device you`ll see it, feel it, hear it. 
Giving and charity to poor people in this time of the year is also part of the spectacular and vanity fair. Except if its done from single people for a cause, which also happens. That can show us that the truth spirit of Christmas and human hearts still exist. 
I wish you to enjoy your festival in your way, be happy, but mostly don’t turn celebration into a drinking whiskey competition, not to eating and screaming competition. But stay aware that you are human, and should behave so. Enjoy simple moments from inside, than fake expansive moments of “needed” exaltation you call “happiness”. 

Happy New year. (any of them)