Tuesday, April 30, 2024

May energy - Angels, Acsencion, Healing, Crystals, Portals (4)


May energy is coming with a very warm and soothing vibration of healing emerald green light. This light is opening like a portal of divine energy above the planet, sending soothing to all souls. I see the green mixed with gold which indicates higher realms are anchoring on earth now.  

May is month with special vibration 4 in year 2024 – which indicates element Earth and Cosmic tree. This tree is rooted into the earth with sparkling roots, taking energy from the crystalline core. You need to be very mindful of your environment this month and to cleanse all people and situations that no longer serve your soul`s plan.  

Unlike the energy of Fire and activation in April, we are experiencing the new realms of divine love and healing, that's why this month you need to be more grounded and pay attention to your physical body. Your overall health, vitality and rejuvenation is a priority in your list in May.  

Angels and Rays 

In May we work with the magnificent energy of AA Raphael, the green flame angels and golden angels of the Sun. We work also with all earth elementals, fairies, elves, dryads, nymphs who surround us with loving green light. Now the planet is surrounded by healing emerald green light and the green layer in the earth`s core is activated. All souls are on the way to deep healing of old trauma.  

At this time pay attention to any health issues or physical discomfort you may have in your body. It will indicate re-surfacing of an old pattern or trauma from the past or from childhood.  

Major Themes in May are: 

  • Physical and emotional body healing and energizing .

  • Paying attention to your food and nutrition, what do you eat, is it supporting your body and all organs? 

  • Paying attention to your balance of activity and rest – do you do exercises, yoga, or any kind of sport?


  • Paying attention to the patterns of sleep and rest – do you have enough rest?  

  • Ancestral Karma cleansing with your parents – healing of your wounded mother relationship  

  • Connecting to the nature, all natural elements, trees, crystals, tree spirits, feeling grounded  


Cosmic Portals  

★☆The planets of power this month are Mercury (4) and Venus –planet of Taurus sign. They are very beneficial planets that will support your healing process in all ways. Mercury is Master of Communication, business and short travels. At this time, you can start to grow your ideas and make more detailed plans for what you need to create. Plan also about your healing at all levels – what physical aspects need to be taken care of? What are the emotional and mental aspects of you that need healing and cleansing?  

On 7 May Sun sextile Saturn

...you are invited to understand and investigate your life lessons, what were your Karmic lessons for the last 6 months? What did you experience and how was it related to your soul`s evolution? It may require looking into uncomfortable truths for you. Saturn is master of karma, life lessons, responsibilities and life burdens. See which sign is your Saturn.  

On 8 May - powerful New moon in Taurus ♉

which brings healing, rejuvenation and green light codes to all souls. This is also a new moon of peace and reflection of your inner and outer balance. How are you connected with the energy of the world, of nature, of your home and of the environment? How do you feel in your own body? This is the new moon of self-love and acceptance of all your aspects. With sun in Taurus, you need to be grounded and think more about many practical things – like your family, home and finances. Where do you feel lack?  

On 13 May there is a huge portal opening with Sun conjunct Uranus

...planet of rebellion, social justice, unexpected changes and awakening. This can signify big changes in the world, even if we see it. We need to understand why all things are connected with the world stage, what you can do to assist the process of awakening on the planet. Think about your own Uranus - in which sign is in?  

On 18 May Sun conjunct Jupiter

–planet of expansion, development, growth, luck and wisdom. This can indicate bringing of very good luck and fortune to you –depending on where your Jupiter is situated. If you have a personal Jupiter on earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) this is a very good sign. Expect flow of new ideas, knowledge, optimism and abundance.  

On 20 May Sun enters the sign of Gemini ♊

....exploring multiple new possibilities, new creative ideas and knowledge are opening for you. Now we are working with Air element, more social connections and more inner reflection is needed.  

On 31 May Mercury conjuncts Uranus

Mercury - communication, friendship, business – conjunct Uranus (awakening, unexpected changes), you can be prepared for a weird thing to happen, twists, plots or eye-opening events. For some people this can mean reaching to aha moment, a big discovery and wisdom. At this time, you need to be more careful with travelling and transportation, especially in the air.  

On 23 May - Full moon in Sagittarius 🌔

– fire moon of the new doorways, new opportunities and flow of great understanding. This is a new moon that is also purging of the past. On the same day Venus – planet of love, pleasure, divine feminine, luxuries – conjuncts Jupiter (divine wisdom, growth), which indicates play of benefic forces in the life of each human. This can also bring more peace and a feeling of gratitude. On another side, you can work on your divine feminine aspect. Understand where you want to be, if your home (land) is the best place for you.  

On 18 May Mars conjuncts Nord Node ⭐

Mars- (planet of warrior, conflicts, determination and progress), conjunct the Nord Node (karma, destiny and willpower), which can bring energy of escalation of conflict, some inner struggle, and activation of your divine warrior energy. This is surely not an easy portal, and you need to look where your natal Mars is.  

Health and wellbeing 

This month you need to be more careful about your nervous system and skeletal system. You receive healing codes for your backbone, bones, tendons, skull, teeth, arms, shoulders, legs, feet, toes. Because of that it is recommended for you to pay attention to your body movement, exercise, yoga or simple chi gong, breathing, walking in nature, tree connection, gardening and all outdoor activities. It will be beneficial if you take more calcium and zinc at this time.  

You can consider making meditation with healing green light with AA Raphael for heart healing – you can read the article here ....>  

Crystals for the healing


You can connect with the crystalline consciousness of all green crystals, especially Emerald, green Jade, Malachite, Prehnite, green aventurine, green moss Agate.  

Sending you Love and happy May!

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer

April 2024 ★


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