Thursday, March 3, 2022

New Moon in Pisces -Diving deep within 🌙


New Moon in Pisces ♓ Portal opens on 2. March and I feel strong light streaming from Higher planes. This light is green-blue, silver and white and opens spirals within our Subconscious mind.

This is portal of cleansing, healing and releasing trauma from the past Self. Also for stepping into your New Self. 🌙

Image: art by ©Lori Earley

Therefore you may feel emotional, have different moods, dizzy or tired. That is because of the huge energetic waves that are pouring into your body now. In this portal of New moon we are opening the Crown chakra, inviting light and higher connections.

In this special New moon, we are invited to be aligned with our Soul mission and to work on element Water in body. Water is element of healing, cleansing, purification and rejuvenation of emotional body and Heart. New moon in Mystical sign of Pisces brings inner peace and self-reflection, focus inward, asking questions to your higher Self, to your past Self. This is time of deep Soul diving in the cosmic ocean of past-and present.

Water is also element that connects Heart and Spiritual body. We connect with all that is and we are in Oneness.

Anything that disrupts this universal harmony is going back” from the Ascension.

In this time you can journal and meditate on your emotions and true heart. Ask yourself these questions: 🌙


-        Do I understand and accept my emotions? 🌙

-    What suppressed or negative emotions are in need of healing now? 🌙

-        What feelings and emotions I like to express? 🌙

-        What feelings and emotions I suppress in me? 🌙

-       Do I acknowledge my spiritual body through energy practices and meditations? (if not why?) 🌙

-        Do I feel happy and joyful at this moment? If not why? 🌙

-        What do I really love and appreciate in my life? 🌙

-        What I feel unwell/ worried about? 🌙

-        How do I nurture myself?  🌙

-   How do I nurture and take care of my children? My romantic partner?  🌙

-        Do I drink enough water and eat enough green vegetables?🌙

-        Do I have enough time for sleep and relaxation? If not –why?🌙


Take few moments to answer these questions in your journal. Think and feel the answers, be honest with yourself. Only then the work will be successful.

This is time when you can connect with Divine feminine, to make important self-care practices, and rituals for more love, joy and abundance in your life. This is also perfect time to ask for spiritual gifts or psychic gifts you want to enhance, for angel connection. The Pisces new Moon is wonderful for body cleansing and detox from heavy energies. Pisces is sign of mystical traveller (mutable) shape-shifter, dreamer and inner child. It is represented by the Court card in Tarot –Page of cups – curiosity, imagination, multiple directions, clear visions, psychic abilities.

This new moon is wonderful time for cleansing and recharging your crystals –especially green, blue and white crystals.

                                      image: Celestite 

Crystals and minerals that will help you to amplify the energy: green fluorite, blue fluorite, amazonite, blue calcite, celestite, apatite, aquamarine, sapphire, aqua aura. 

This is the affirmation of the card XVIII The Moon in Tarot, you can repeat each morning:

 m in the flow of my life, I swim in tranquillity of deep waters.  I`m guided by psychic dreams, visions and clear knowing. I m in the magical world, where the truth is concealed and other truth is illuminated. I connect with souls from the other side. I m in the power of Moon priestess. I love, accept and nurture my emotions, my dreams and my desires. I remove and let go of my fears, illusions and lies.

Ritual for self-love and cleansing the emotional body

Light up 3 (6) blue candles in the West direction in your home or garden. You can also place blue flowers and crystals around your altar. Then say the following prayer:

“I invoke archangel Haniel, arch. Sandalphon and my guardian angels to be with me and surround me with sphere of light blue protection and light.

I ask my angels, arch. Haniel and arch. Sandalphon to send me deep emotional healing and releasing of all negative or stagnant emotions. I ask to receive love and deep forgiveness in my heart. I ask for cleansing and rejuvenation of all my bodies –physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I ask to receive love from all sources. I ask for my psychic gifts and spiritual gifts to be enhanced and actived. 

Thank you and so it is!”

You can add any other prayer/ invocation of your choice.

When you end this ritual, imagine beautiful green-blue and silver sphere of light above your head, descending down to your crown and opening it like a lotus flower. See the beautiful Crown chakra expanding with light and stream of white light coming down from it`s center into all your body, until the ground. Stay in this light for a while. Then send thanks to all angels and your higher Self.

Nina Lea-Nour © Mar. 2022
Angel`s medium 

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