Sunday, January 16, 2022

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance - Happy Birthday Aquarius! ♒


Happy Birthday Aquarius! 🎂  

As we go into the season of beautiful Aquarius, we have many things to think about. Aquarius is amazing Air sign, that teaches us how to practice qualities like: resilience, mindfulness, being analytical, having open perception about the world and others, tolerance, being innovative and inspired by new ideas, being in the flow of all existing.

With the energy of Air element in Aquarius we need to be focused on cosmic principles of Truth, justice and purity of mind. How much we live in truth of who we are? How much in our life we use social masks and afraid of judgement? Do we have clear and focused mind, that can quickly analyse and make priorities? All these are important questions to ask, if you are Aquarius or not in this time. As air sign, you may focus on social connections, meet with a friend you didn’t see for a long time, share, laugh, enjoy, support. Community, study, education or travel can be priorities at this time!

Angel of Aquarius: Zadkiel

Crystals: Amethyst, purple fluorite, chariot

Colours: violet

Healing flower: Orange blossom

This reading is 2 months guidance for people who have Sun and Moon in Aquarius (Moon is especially important for women).

Tarot cards  1. The Lovers, 2. The Fool 3. The Magician  🔮


With this amazing combination, you are on the verge of something totally new in life. It`s possible to be manifested as a new relationship, falling in love, or meeting your soul mate or twin flame for some.

The Fool – Inspiration, risk

This card represents that you are creating something new, or there is new beginning in your life, which brings you on the wave of inspiration, creativity and open heart. You don’t mind to risk a bit, when you are connected with your inner guidance. The fool is supported by the Universe, so this card shows that you don’t need to be afraid for what is coming for you. You will have sense of love, optimism and believe in your bright star, as you follow what you want. You may benefit to work on your Heart chakra, or use the crystal green aventurine for more inspiration and be open.

Card 1. The Lovers: To be loved, to fall in love  

This card indicates you can meet a potential romantic partner, or a soul mate who will be a good match to your ideas and will be connected more spiritually and emotionally. Some people need to understand important aspects of their relationships, so they may go through time of test. You may be acting possessively, or beings jealous about your partner, but that won`t give you benefits. You need to realize and understand what provokes your feelings and actions. Some self-analysis of situation and what you feel is important. Lovers can signify also that you need to make good harmony in your relationship, pay attention to the needs of your partner, and be compassionate. You want to be loved, but do you give enough love and support to people around you?

Card 3. The Magician:  to manifest your desires

This is one of the very positive and strong Major arcana, revealing your inner strength and ability to manifest what you desire. You need to put more focus and intention to your goal, but the things in next 2 months are going to unfold in very good way. You are in alignment with your personal power, and you need to be more confident and believe in your talents, regardless of outer circumstances. (or what others think about that). This period is marked by creativity and you will be inspired to go on a new journey and discover fields that were unknown to you. In order to make that you should focus on your priorities and leave all else behind.

All in all: very positive changes are waiting for you, a soul mate or a close friend, sharing, love, open heart and creative energy for Aquarius!


Oracle card 🔮

Gently flow through the turbulence. Life has the ability to shape you. Bend, don’t break.

“Today when the storms of life come blowing, I`ll bend with them, but not break. I will be brave and let go of the shore with courage. I will not be caught up with the tings I cant change, but focus on what I can and flow. I will swim in the great sea of life and not be afraid because the winds of positive change are on my side”.

[ used: “Magical times empowerment cards” by Jody Bergsma ]

Angels revelation:

Owl: receiving inner wisdom, guidance from your Higher self, messages for your past life experience, Karmic cycle ending. Messages, news. Premonition.

nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan. 2022
Angel`s medium
Psychic healer

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