Friday, January 1, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Growth -Sagittarius ♐︎

Angel message: 18. Horn: Enlightenment, Seeing bigger picture from above, forgiveness of the past mistakes, self-love, new cycle in your life, ascension process, hardships are over. Answering the Higher call. Crossroads.

Major arcane: focus:

II. The High Priestess

The beautiful energy of second Major Arcana is here. Two is balance and harmony of Yin and Yang, synchronisation of opposites, cold and hot, feminine and masculine, mind and body, love and fear, dreams and reality, past and future. All they have the balancing point in 2. It`s also unity of Souls, mystical divine feminine, Water element. The key is going with the flow, without resistance. Don’t try to move mountains, but be connected to your Higher Self. So you will receive guidance from spirit, angels, ancestors, Masters, God. You are precious as you are in this form. Believe in your magical union with all that is.

Not everything you do needs to be revealed to others in this point. Be cautious when sharing your sacred dreams and goals. Better for now some things to stay with you only.

Now is the time of deep reflection, cleansing aura, healing, meditations. Observe surroundings and understand the hidden nature of the world.

Maybe you will be drawn to divination practice, time alone, you feel increased intuition, visions and signs in dreams.

In this time you have powerful help from Goddess Isis. Be totally in yourself.

This card reflects High Priestess of the Moon temple, enhances your psychic awareness, dreams, clairvoyance, and connection to Astral realms.

Connect with archangel Haniel and your Divine Feminine self. The Sefira is Chochma (Divine Wisdom) on the Tree of life; quality: receiving signs and intuitive messages. Corresponds to right hemisphere of the brain. Spiritual state: selflessness.

I ching trigram: 2 is dui (Lake), direction West, quality: joyous reflection.

Knight of Swords: (Warrior of Air)

     This knight indicates fast movement forward, self-discipline, willpower, determination and confidence. Now you are in time to take action after period of waiting and analyzing things.

This month is marked by strong determination to succeed, fast action. Making priorities and plans is the key. Be certain of the way how to achieve your goal. Possible communication problem, as your intentions will not be seen in clear way. Make sure that thought – intention –action are aligned, and express your desires clearly and honestly. Let go of hesitation and inner conflicts. A fruitful time for any kind of study, education, training or language courses. A male friend can help you overcome challenges.

If you are woman, you will possibly have encounter with someone from Air sign man, who is shrewd, intellectual and honest.

It`s recommended to take care of Throat, lungs, ears, also nervous system or head. 

Throat chakra exercise:

Visualize glowing light blue sphere of light above your head. Feel it for little time, few seconds. Then imagine this sphere descending down to your throat chakra. Imagine it becomes bigger and the blue light expands. See now a pure blue lotus flower in the middle of the sphere. It`s closed and slowly starts to bloom. While the flower blooms it spins in clockwise direction. Feel the energy of Throat increasing when all petals open up.

10 of Cups: (Overflowing water)

     This month is ending of a cycle that began few months earlier. At the end of January expect some positive news about love, family or work. Feeling uplifted and emotional. Take time to appreciate what you have already and be thankful. 10 in Minor Arcana is related to things that make us feel safe and thankful and uplifted. Work on your 1st chakra - Root and connect with your family, parents and ancestors, who support you. 

(Exercise: write a list with things that you are grateful for in your life from the past year). 

Tarot of Nicoletta Ceccoli 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Reiki master I

© Jan. 2021

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