Friday, July 10, 2020

What is Liminal Space - (II Part)

      Liminal space - part II ...

       Be aware that in the time of such liminal spaces you need to focus more on your Self-care and connect with your physical, emotional body in any possible way. Eating mindfully, cleansing your body by water and fasting, making exercises, cleansing your emotions through meditations, observing and writing down your emotions in a journal are some of the good ways for self-care.

       Another Liminal space (when we talk about space, always include time), is the deep sleep, Dreams and dreaming. The night is a liminal space, and what we do is to sleep and to go beyond the physical reality. This world exists, but in another layers of dimension. This world is also the space in our sub-conscious mind, that we travel and return. We can meet there with our Higher self and unlock hidden emotions and release fears in dream state. We can connect with past or future Lives, to see deceased people or to receive messages. That’s the perfect liminal space for our angels to connect us, and they do so in need. Liminal space we can create through meditation easily, as we go within and beyond here and now. In this state we transcend time. We can achieve it also when we create art or write or read book, which is also kind of liminal space, but different. All elements will help us to build and maintain the liminal space – crystals, candles, minerals, water, plants.

Because they are also coming from the higher levels, and are projecting themselves in the physical form.

I.                   Can we feel trapped in the liminal space?

        We cant be trapped or remain in liminal space, as this is transition zone. So it`s meant for the purpose to come in and out of it. It` is not place to stay. But also some souls can feel trapped in such space by their own fears and illusions. That’s how they don’t allow the transition to happen. When you travel already you should go to another side (or planes above ethereal). When you sleep, you should wake up. It’s a state of transition. Logically too, when you die you should go to another side, or what we call “afterlife”, and go through the liminal space of the mind-soul spinning tunnel (which is high vibration Soul spiral). So we cant feel trapped in that space. We are free to move always and to change. That’s because one of the main purpose of human life/ existence is Expansion. In any way and form.

        People who are mediums or psychics or use forms of divination daily, they are multiple times in the liminal space. They take information from it and work with source from their angels, spirit guides or other spirits from ethereal world. But that is quite risky, as not all souls have the high frequency and ability to be very protected in the space beyond. That’s why we have to be aware when we talk to other “spirits”, that we don’t know. Or when we talk to people, who can predict something for the future for us. Be mindful and don’t be fool.
Good example for going to a liminal space is “lucid dreaming”, flying dreams, which are really special soul travels. I will observe them separately.

That’s all for the liminal spaces, with help of my spirit gudes; Thank you for tuning it and being here. Sending you light, love and blessings. Stay on the path of divine light.

Thank you for tuning in my article about Liminal spaces! Stay on the path of Divine Light, love and Abundance! 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Spiritual intiutive 
Reiki master 

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