Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ajna chakra -III (How to connect with your spiritual guides)

 How to connect with your spiritual guides?

    I explained about Higher Self and the mechanism of its work, now I want to give some details about Spiritual guides. Who are they?
Spiritual guides are all creatures in higher realm (of spirit and above ethereal levels) that are always in your service and available to connect. This connection is part of your imprint and program, before you come to this Earth. As with the example with the “phone”, the only way to connect is 1. to believe you can, 2. to desire connection 3. to need this connection from heart (not for material purposes). These are the three principles. The spiritual guides are many groups – mostly they can be:
  1. workers of Light – Angels, archangels
  2. celestial beings from other planets – Pleadians, Arcturians;
  3. celestial beings from far away planets and central Sun (Kryon)
  4. beings with advanced spirit, that had their incarnations on Earth, and became spiritual teachers – Ascended masters

Mostly the guides are from the first type – angelic beings, who are so so many types that you cant imagine. They are special groups of angels, who are send with mission to take care of your spiritual awakening and ascension. I ll give some questions and answers to clarify all information.
-         Do all people have spirit guides and how many?
Yes, all people have spirit guides. They may change in special periods of life transition (special spiritual transformation) for the spiritual advanced people. The usual number of spirit guides (angels) since birth is one or two. Usually the more person is aware of the energy and desires to connect with higher realms, the bigger is the number of his spirit guides. The highest number guides to achieve is three. Usually very special people, who have spiritual mission in this life, have three guides. By that I mean only the guides that are available to person in any time. But there are many more with whom the person can connect, but they are not part of the “main group”. For example, I can have three guides, and 2 ascended masters who teach me, and one archangel appointed to watch over my mission here. That doesn’t mean all of them are my “spirit guides” but they assist me! In addition I may like to connect with elemental beings from ethereal earth plane (like fairies). I can have information and some advices from them. But they cant be my spirit guides. The reason is because the fairies and elementals have Egos – like humans, they can be attached to you easily, or they can change their mood and stop serving you. In such way their guidance is not appropriate.

2. How do you connect with spirit Guides?
This is a special question that everyone should understand. Such connection is in first place – purely intimate! And private. That means I cant connect instead of you (even if I can that will be only with your permission, and with your knowledge and shortly). How that happens?
The way how you connect with spirit guides I described with details in articles about angels here: “….” What you should have is:
-         peaceful mind (without feeling of anger, resentment or sadness)
-         intention and desire to connect (you should announce that by words or in the way of intensive thoughts)
You could say after a short meditation prayer like “Please dear angels, I want your support now, I need you to help me in connecting with you. Help me to hear your messages in best possible time and way! Thank you.” That’s all you need and you will start to receive signs.

3. Questions: I have tried all, and I cant connect my spirit guides! Why?
I want to answer this question – why so many people just try and try, and they don’t have any result? If they seem to believe and follow all instructions? The main reason for that is…stagnant energy inside or around them –or “blockage” of any energy center. Have in mind, that in order to connect with your guides you need to be in state of PURITY. That doesn’t mean to take shower, and doesn’t mean to not eat” or restrain too much. That means you need to have open upper chakras – specially Ajna and Crown, in order to receive messages of light. Without that it`s hard to have any connection.
With example with mobile, if you have mobile phone, but first time you see such device, you start to press all buttons in attempt to “call” but finally you have damaged or blocked phone. That’s why don’t be just trying, but be aware what things you need to change, in order to connect.
Do you live in clean environment? Do you have energy of aggression around you? Do you have peace of mind, or you are disturbed in many ways? Answer these questions and you will understand why.

Finally , for people who already connect their spirit guides, I want to say: go on, continue your journey! You just now begin to uncover amazing world. The more you connect and reach to your angels, the more open and energized will be your Third eye and your Crown chakra will become sparkling with light. Also –the more you ask questions and connect with your guides, the more they will give you feedback – as answers in direct way or signs. These signs are many! Can be in form of numbers, animals, events, strange coincidences, meeting people, repeated events, dreams…Signs are way of non verbal communication.

IV. reading and knowledge about spiritual practices;
When you are already connected with your spirit guides, you will be able to know intuitively what kind of books you have to read, in order to develop your spiritual practice. You will be amazed how the right books and texts will appear in the right time. There is always connection between what you practice and what you read. That’s why your guides will help you gently –when they know what you desire. Spiritual books on different topics is obligatory about your expansion. Remove from your mind labels like “something is wrong” to read. You have wide spectrum of writings now, just close your eyes and feel to which books your energy is attracted? Do you like now to read more about crystals and healing? Do you like to know more about Reiki energy and practice it? Do you feel attracted from knowledge of Kabbalah and sephirot, or from art of mandalas, or from teachings of some special spiritual teacher? All of them is appropriate in the exact this time –choose one to start and this will be the right. Use your Ajna and do the choice by attraction or by intuition. What you desire? This is the only question you should answer.
Another advice given from my angels is: don’t come deeply inside the ocean if you are not good swimmer. That means –the information on spiritual awakening and practices is like “ocean” so vast, and you need to take it step by step – slowly. Have many books, but don’t read all of them at once. Have time for reading and writing, contemplating and analysis; this will be the effective way. Not just reading that don’t leave traces. Spiritual books are meant to make you think and expand your mind. By reading them you use specially your left brain – for understanding and logic – and your right brain –intuitive power and sub consciousness. Ajna is the bridge between them.

More aspects of Third eye sphere are:
Quality: mindfulness, intuition, open view
Feeling: bliss, understanding, awaken
Desire: to receive and give knowledge (including spiritual knowledge), to have spiritual expansion;
Relationship: with your Higher Self and angels
Elements: crystals (all kind, and specially blue and dark blue), water

Animal totem – Owl and white owl (sign of wisdom) 

nina Lea-nour *
angel` s medium 

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