Friday, September 1, 2017

Moon diet with the Fairies -I

    What is the perfect regime you can maintain in your daily life? for everyone it` s different surely, according to his working time, tastes about foods and preferences. But here I want to determine, that people who connect regularly (daily, weekly) with angelic and spirit world, have to make special regimes, diets and habits. The body of such people is also more sensitive and prone to negative energies from outside, they can be drawn in some hard situations or have strong emotional affects from events and surrounding. That’s why they need to search for guidance about their diet in order to maintain a clean state of mind.

     I m regularly guided in my angelic communication about the importance of the food and drinks in the daily life. We cant speak about everyone, but here I concentrate specially on sensitive people, or someone who is prone to migraine. We have to follow and observe some rules, in order to feel happy in mind and in order to reach easier to angelic messages. That’s why diet is without a doubt extremely important. I was guided earlier this year on “angelic fast”, which is just a variation of any “religious” fast, but spread in each period of the year. Angelic fast observes the times of equinoxes (or one month before them) and the solstice energies. It continues 10 complete days, and in each of these days different fruits and vegetables are consumed every day. The first 5 days person should eat just fruits, which are different each day. The last 5 days fresh and cooked vegetables are the nutrition (like salads, boiled potatoes and broccoli), and soups. These days people are allowed for all kind of vegetables except “fried and baked in oven”. The days of the angelic fast are in each season. For convenience the fast starts on 10th of the following months: October ( autumn), January (Winter), April (Spring), July (summer). It lasts until 19 th of the month. That’s one of the perfect ways to be prepared for the season by detoxifying your body and mind.

II. Fairies moon diet ~
Here I m observing the fairy diet, which is just a name taken from the fairy realm. The more spiritual growth you acquire, the more you ll feel need to cleanse your body from all negative imprints of the world. This is my suggestion revealed about how to do that easily with the moon cycles.

    Moon has powerful influence in our life – if people realize it or not. Each of us, humans and all living beings – including animals, plants, trees, insects, flowers, minerals – are affected by the moon. Moon moves the waters (feminine energy) and our inner sub conscious connection with Self, affecting strongly our intuition, seeing beyond visible spectrum, communication with spirits, symbolic dreams, psychological enhancement. Moon is a great Ying energy of great Feminine, mother and lover, while the Sun is great Mind (masculine energy) of drive, motivation and action.

   Moon diet is significant for sensitive souls, who are on the way of ascension, or prepare to understand the divine Light and connect with their Higher Self. Nothing is given just so without efforts and achievements. The process follows certain steps, and obligations. One of the obligations we have as humans on Earth is to the nature, another is to our own body and soul. So we all have these obligations – different souls realize them and achieve peace in different ways and stages.
Maintaining the health of the physical body is something everyone agrees as “significant” step for good life. That’s why are written tones of books, articles and recipes of healthy food, diets, regimes, nutrition. People feel this is one of the basic requirement to the spiritual growth and expansion. For people who are already on certain level of spiritual growth and aware of the world “beyond” the veil, I suggest this moon diet.

    There are already some variations of “moon” diets which people like to follow. All diets have surely very good effects for the body –if you just follow the main principle of balance and nutrition on regular intervals. The moon diet with fairies is based on moon cycles – Full and New moon, that occur each month. The plan is following: on the day of Full moon you should eat fruits (one kind only) in the morning (between 10 -12 pm). After 12. and until next day 12.00 you need to drink much liquids as possible – mostly water, green tea, or iced tea or juices. Its recommended to not add any sugar to your drinks, but if you feel little weak or dizzy, you may add spoon of honey in the tea. You have to drink tea (herbal tea) every two hours, and water every one hour. This has immense detoxifying effect on the body –specially in the day of Full moon, as the moon energy helps in cleansing. Next four days after the full moon are part of the regime – you should eat just fruits (one or two kinds) for 3 consecutive days, in the same time drinking quantities of water. The last day you may add vegetables, row or boiled, salads and little grains (except rice). All the servings should be taken in regular intervals (that’s quite important, as if you miss one hour, you may feel over hungry). You can eat as many fruits, as you need. To this there are spiritual rules to follow: 1. the first and the last fruits of the day have to be “blessed”; 2. during the eating you should not watch any device (PC, phone, tv) and not communicate with anyone. Its best to eat in silence while observing the nature or a flower 3. during this time you should be restricted from watching the news on TV and any political programs, or read about it. 4. During this period you can make meditation, walk in nature, watch movies (only if they are connected to spiritual development, or documentaries), write articles, write poems, devote to art (paintings), read books (religious, spiritual, philosophy). 

* I hope you enjoyed reading my article about fairies diet, feel free to share it and add your comment below! thank you. Continue to the second part...

[ nina Lea-nura *
-  0827  -

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