Friday, June 2, 2017

Aura patterns -I

   In this article I`ll observe the pattern in aura. It is continuing from my article “aura colors”. Each persons aura field has unique amazing vibrations, brightness, light, color (warm or cool), and moreover a special “pattern”. Patterns of the aura can be so multiple and various, as many different souls are on physical plane.
Each pattern though has several repeated elements, and spreads normally in the edges of aura (the outer layers), revealing the patterns of each chakra. I want to give here with help of arch. Chamuel, some basic common patterns in human auras and explain their meaning.

   Patterns exists with each special color of the aura. What they are? They look like holographic images of the energy in form of geometric and floral figures, lines, symbols, stars. They are repeated in the area of each chakra. Most common patterns are:

~ Square is quite common geometric figure in the aura. It means person who is grounded, stable in his position, confident, bold and honest. Depending on the chakra where the pattern appear square gives logical thinking, straight-forward person, who is out of hesitation and doubt. This is soul of action, sometimes impulsive action, more than thinking. He will not be attached to any religion or spiritual achievement. He is practical, independent, goes with the flow of nature and affected by all social tendencies and fashions. Could be out-going, helpful and warm in relation to others; in the same time he can be also full of anger, jealousy, envy and negative feelings. All that will come from his quite self-centered and egoistic nature. He don’t think much about others, not very compassionate, but take good care of his close family and gentle with his children. This patterns shows pragmatism and materialistic thinking. He will understand just the visible side of the nature. Often square element appears in Root or Sacral chakra. It may be also inside a circle.

~ triangle – triangle is element of higher consciousness from one side, and from another it shows high self-esteem, willing and unique approach to problems. The person with triangles in chakras will be quite confident, optimistic and will believe strongly in his own abilities. Even so, he will be sometimes lead by illusions of the world and social norms, can be attracted to power and material possession. This element shows also union of action-feelings-thought in the best cases. The person will love to have attention of others, could be good actor, loves public speeches. He wont be devoted to one single person, but will rather prefer to change his partners (depending on his spiritual level). This soul will be many times center of attention, admired and accepted as beautiful. He will need to be more grounded, but his confidence and optimism will bring him fast success. He will have amazing carrier –but not kind of person who loves to be in safe with his relations. Triangle appears usually as many crossed triangles forming a net in the aura color, it indicates soul from the lower levels, who didn’t reach to develop connection with universe and god.

~ spike (sharp figure) Spikes in the aura and chakra are sign of strong imbalances in this particular area, existing illness, very negative approach to something, blocked chakra. It may also show fear from something or phobia, paranoid thinking, defensive attitude, feeling of guilt or suicidal thinking. This person usually will have black clouds around his head, or may be connected to a demon. Spikes in place show unpaid karmic debt from past life, that will appear as illness in the particular chakra. This is the worst of patterns and means disconnection from angelic help.

~ vertical lines – vertical lines of sometimes crossed lines are not very common. They express more condition, emotional state, and appear together with other elements. Lines mean person who is unstable in his emotions, have several swings in mood, he is ungrounded and falls often in trap of depressions and negative thinking. He is not happy and not satisfied from his life. He is also extremely self-crtical, feel misunderstood, dislike others and separated from society. He may have syndrome of self-harm (often appears with people who are weak and not standing for their rights and values). He can be humiliated from a partner, not escape from hard situation, or develop masochistic character. Such people need strong help from others who love them, or angelic guidance. Generally vertical lines mean doubt in ones own abilities.

~ waves of river – this pattern looks like hieroglyph “nun” in Egyptian alphabet. It presence water and shows person who is connected with water element, have special abilities to work with this element. He will benefit from often walks near the sea or any water source in nature, as well as from swimming.

~ dashed lines – these lines appear mostly in patterns of “thought energy”, usually connected with thoughts about others, thought about someone close, or need to meet social expectations. They appear in lower level souls, who like to live in boxes of social norms. I may show intolerance, narrow mind and timidity. Such people are afraid to express themselves and show their real face. Often they will be two faced and hypocritical. Pattern means generally “fears” and combination of fears in a particular sphere. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0510 -1- 
image ~ crystal cluster

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